

Abaddon dissipated in a burst of flames, his body reduced to ashes; blown away by the wind. Leonidas breathed in the air, a feeling of warmth enveloping him into a state of peace.

He had finally done it. Abaddon was finally dead and he had died at Leonidas' hands at that. The thought made him happier than was expected.

Leonidas exhaled deep, his shoulders sagged in relief. His heartbeat was calmed and steady undisturbed by the mere fact that he had killed his brother.

Staring at the horizon, Leonidas realized how beautiful it looked. The white clouds fleeted past at a steadied pace, dragons growling to each other as they raced back to their nests, their different coloured scales highlighted by the dark orange glow of the receding crescent sun. It looked very beautiful and picturesque.

"How could you?" Adriana whispered.