
Heaven's favorite

In the time where the dao dissipate to nothing, breaking the shackles of the world becomes as hard as ascending the heavens. A young man Ye Chen carved out his own path towards the peak of martial art. Follow this young man on his meteoric rise until he surmounted the heavens and stood unrivaled throughout all ages.

SAM1MILLION · Fantasie
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5 Chs

First life's soul awakening.

Heading towards his residence within the sect Ye Chen ignored all the scornful and disdainful looks cast over him.

" the trash is back, he really is a lucky bastard, he got to enjoy the company of miss wenren all by himself all the time, how I wish I was him! ." such words can be heard from the disciples standing around within the sect compound as they cast sideways glances at the couple walking peacefully together, one in the front while the other trailing behind without minding the looks they are getting.

listening to all the whispers, Ye chen just ignored them after all he can't stooped down to their level as someone who is used to been envied by millions of people as been the youngest to ever reached the Supreme monarch stage in less than a hundred years.

Ye Chen paused while he arrived at the door of his courtyard, turning and looking at the little tail following him.

" you should head to your place, I am sure elder wenren will be looking for you by now, I don't want him to reprimand me for taking all your time again." Ye Chen said as he recall the kind old man that has been taking care of him silently on account of the little girl.

"who cares, am sure he won't dare to say anything even if I spend more time here. " the girl said while laughing cheekily

"of course he will not, after all he is your grandfather, but what about me?." Ye Chen said exasperated by the girls lack of consideration

"why are you worrying, did grandpa complained to you about something?".

"nope, but it's right only if I send you back early so that he won't worry about your whereabouts all the time, after all you are only what he have remaining in the world."

"okay, stop pestering me I will get going now, alright!, make sure you look for me before going out of the sect again" says the girl as she start walking backwards while still facing him.

" okay I promise to look for you the next time". Ye Chen said bidding farewell to the girl as he turned and step into his residence while slowly closing the door behind him.

Ye Chen followed the familiar passage towards his room, he sighed softly as he sat down on his bed ready to recultivate himself by abolishing his current cultivation to built a better foundation for his future.

"what a hassle!, I don't know what cultivation technique to pick among the ones that I know. this body has a special constitution exactly like the one I possessed in my previous life".

taking a deep breath he sat down and adjusted his state of mind, he start going over the memories that he retained but unfortunately there seems to be a portion that is lost, it's as if they were locked away by some kind of barrier.

he submerge his consciousness in to his Qi sea he got a huge scare as he saw an exact replica of himself inside.

"you really take your sweet time before arriving here, wasting time on what? " asked the unknown soul.

"who the hell are you?!, why are you in my Qi sea?."Ye Chen asked loudly

he really is afraid because having a foreign being in your Qi sea is very dangerous, so been careful is a necessity for this kind of situation.

if a being that resides within a cultivator's Qi sea bears you a malicious intent he can just use his soul energy to completely obliterate your soul having your dao dissipate.

even though the soul looks exactly like himself he had to be careful, who knows whether these corrupt devil family left behind a contingency plan on him without his knowledge.

" don't you already have an idea?" replied the soul.

"No! I don't, you have to tell me! and don't think you can deceive me because I can't see through you." Ye Chen said

"Ah! I forgot that a part of your memory is currently sealed"

"was it your doing?" Ye Chen shot back furiously as he can't imagine how disastrous it will be if there is someone capable of manipulating his memories and even having access to his Qi sea.

"No! let me start first by introducing myself to you".

"my name is Beitang Ming I came from a higher dimension than the mainlands that you originated from, I was but an ordinary cultivator with a mortal background, if you just look through the masses you can find as many as millions if not billions of people who are countless times stronger than me.

once in one of my adventures within the real that I came from, I stumbled upon an ancient ruins where I had my own fortuitous encounter hence having my lucky chance.

I was reshaped by it, it change my talent by awakening a slumbering physique deep inside me that I don't even know exist.

it was from there that I start my meteoretic rise like a Phoenix that have undergone nirvana.

My cultivation start rising crazily by leaps, after I inherited all the things inside the ruins I was gifted a treasure by the spirit living under the ruins.

that treasure enabled me to accelerate time independent of the time in the outside world.

and I can have access to that ruins from wherever I am regardless of the situation.

spending 10 days inside the treasure is equivalent to only one day outside.

it was later that I found just how lucky I was, the ruins that I found was the abode of the strongest cultivator from the eras long past in that realm." Beitang Ming replied with a dejected yet slightly happy expression on his face.

"well my cultivation skyrocket up-to the world pinnacle in a mere hundred of years, it's just a thousand years in the treasure.

you can imagine how terrifying that spectacle is".

" hahaha but with huge fortune comes insurmountable disaster".

" betrayed by the person I trust the most, I was besieged by the world's experts while I do manage to take most of them down together with me, that person still manage to escape!"

Beitang Ming said his face twisted so much that he became unsightly to look at, that just showed how deep he truly hate the person that betrayed him.

"to think that I the undying heavenly King will be killed like that, I really am not reconcile!. hate! hate! humph how can I not avenge myself after getting another chance.

I must do it even if I had to surmount the heaven. I will accomplish it."

"why are still lingering in the world if you have already been killed?". Ye chen asked insensitively not considering the pain the soul was undergoing, as far as he is concerned this has nothing to do with him.