
Heaven's favorite

In the time where the dao dissipate to nothing, breaking the shackles of the world becomes as hard as ascending the heavens. A young man Ye Chen carved out his own path towards the peak of martial art. Follow this young man on his meteoric rise until he surmounted the heavens and stood unrivaled throughout all ages.

SAM1MILLION · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter one

What era is this?

"chen'er don't worry yourself because you are unable to breakthrough to the spirit stage, your sect fellow disciples are not that far ahead of you, just wait for me to secure a spirit breakthrough for you, am sure with your talent and special constitution you will be able to achieve it. Why did you do this?.

Ye Chen was leaning on a big canopy tree, while the sound of labored breathing can be heard from him.

"cease complaining about this, am not going to die due to a scratch from a mere first order demon beast. my life is way tougher than this." Ye Chen was gasping for air due to the injuries all over his body.

Ye Chen is responding? he has been silent and cold towards everyone one since five years ago during the great heavens ordeal,till a few months before when he got to know the person opposite him.

Ye Chen concentrated as he gaze carefully upon a familiar face looking at him that is full of worries and tiredness, but this couldn't hide the mesmerizing looks starting to show on the young and slightly immature countenance .

"Chen'er you are speaking to me. this is wonderful, I feel so happy. sob...". trickling down her face were tears that make the pretty face looks even more gorgeous and thus gave rise to protective feelings for the fairer sex for every male looking at it.

Massaging the area in between his brows, ye Chen feels a splitting headache came over him nearly driving him crazy.


This time countless fragmented memories started to flood through his head further intensifying the agony he is undergoing.

he is suppose to be in Cang Xuan mainland eradicating the remnants of the devil path and put an ending to their tyranny once and for all. But a heavenly lightning suddenly striked him out of the blue, only to realize that there was a faint sign of breakthrough to the next major realm which he neglected thinking it was his spiritual energy churning in his dantian, before realizing that there was multiple sets of deeply concealed arrays that restrict his divine senses leading him to commit such a low level mistake which cost him his life.

for several years since his reincarnation. his consciousness has been in a state of disorder only becoming normal for some short amount of time, which allowed him to express his lament on not progressing fast on the path of cultivation.

"lass, I fort to ask what year or era is this?". ye Chen asked realizing he is quite ignorant of many things going on his current mainland.

this is my first project, and for all the mistake that I will make as a new author I do hope you can correct me so that I can improve my work.

SAM1MILLIONcreators' thoughts