
Heaven's favorite

In the time where the dao dissipate to nothing, breaking the shackles of the world becomes as hard as ascending the heavens. A young man Ye Chen carved out his own path towards the peak of martial art. Follow this young man on his meteoric rise until he surmounted the heavens and stood unrivaled throughout all ages.

SAM1MILLION · Fantasie
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5 Chs

2. what did the world turned into!

"you!...what is wrong with you?, is your head alright?...". Wenren yue was stunned thinking that there was something wrong with Ye Chen's head.

" I am asking you a question little girl, just answer me, alright". Ye Chen asked back calmly while looking at her cute face lamenting the fact that she is too young if not he will have a enjoyed watching her more.

" gosh, what is he being fierce for?.its not like I am not going to answer his question". wenren yue grumbled under her breath feeling aggrieved.

"well even though I don't know what's wrong with you for forgetting something this simple,

I can't do anything about it."

"this era is called immemorial era, it was not like this before, but after the heavens ordeal an ancient clan suddenly emerged dominating everything and conquering the mainland in one year. and thus naming it the immemorial era".

"oh!, that's surprising, what is the name of the clan?. asked Ye Chen while being curious towards a mysterious power like this.

"it's the ancient devil clan, but they are really formidable, they have many cultivators at the early stage of the xiantian realm and their elders are all at the peak of xiantian, while I don't know about their clan head but it was rumored that he is above xiantian. " wenren yue finished speaking while a look of reverence can be seen on her face.

much to Ye Chen bewilderment he find that look to be detestable not knowing why.

"but for some reason the descendants of the clan are perverted and they are also arrogant and unruly, not putting anybody in their eyes". wenren yue complained

"there was this time when the grandson of the clan elder take a liking to a girl from some family clan living in the ancient city, he directly abduct her and have his way with her, and when her clan complained they are massacred in one night, leaving no trace behind."

" Do people still follow them even though they are like this" Ye Chen asked.

" silly, do they even care about some insignificant people, they are just after their gain if they get on their good side"..wenren yue replied back with a condescending tone to her voice.

"let's go back, it's almost night it's dangerous staying here". he replied.