
Heaven's Chosen Immortal

The ancient celestial palace once crumbled into disarray, leaving the grand celestial realm fractured, torn apart by feudal lords, and besieged by external forces. In the midst of this turmoil, a young villager from the mountains bore within him a profound reverence for the cosmos, carrying a power that could reshape the world. He emerged as a beacon of purity amidst the chaos, his unwavering belief and valor radiating like a gentle warmth, dispelling the shadows of disorder and darkness. Determined to reverse the decline of the celestial realm, he set out to reforge its lost splendor and glory. With a heart attuned to the heavens and earth, he trod the fine line between light and shadow. His relentless endeavors aimed to rekindle this turbulent world, infusing it with renewed brilliance and a promising future for the celestial domain.

bujoake_yujiok · Ost
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2 Chs

Caught in the Act

With the slow ascent of the sun, the world gradually awakened from its night's slumber. The mist-shrouded woods began to reveal their lush greenery, resonating with the early morning chirping of birds, infusing the surroundings with an ethereal ambiance.

Below the towering mountain stood numerous wooden and stone houses, neatly arranged in orderly rows, wisps of smoke gracefully spiraling from their rooftops. Few ventured outside, occasional footsteps echoing along the paths occasionally stirred the vigilant barks of guard dogs, their calls seemingly resonating throughout the entire village, amplifying its tranquility.


The once serene water surface now danced with ripples as a head emerged, reflecting the piercing sunlight, creating a shimmering spectacle. The pond, crystal clear and tranquil, boasted a nearby small waterfall, its splashes creating a mesmerizing play of light through the water droplets.

The young lad emerging from the water was Liang Lingfeng, the son of Liang Xiong, the village head of Liang's family down the mountain. This mountain, known as Qiaoshan, was rumored to be the dwelling of an immortal, yet the truth remained elusive.

Several villages nestled below Qiaoshan, relying on its resources. The mountain harbored abundant wild herbs, diverse wildlife, and even mythical creatures, sustaining the villagers' livelihoods as the hunters ventured forth daily.

Having cleansed the sweat off his body in the cool waters, Liang Lingfeng emerged, donned his clothes, and began his journey back. Each morning, he ascended Qiaoshan for his training, navigating the route even blindfolded.

As Liang Lingfeng reached a secluded spot, he caught faint whispers of a conversation. Upon careful listening, he recognized a voice resembling that of his betrothed, Lin Linghua.

Contemplating for a moment, Liang Lingfeng decided to discreetly investigate. Hiding behind a sturdy vine-covered tree, his slender figure partially concealed, he cautiously peeked into the secluded area.

A young man sat cross-legged on the ground while a maiden in floral attire rested in his embrace. Both bore expressions of bliss and tenderness. Liang Lingfeng's pupils contracted; the maiden was indeed his fiancée, Lin Linghua. Despite his young age and limited understanding of relationships, witnessing his intended in another man's arms, radiating affection, pierced his heart.

Letting out a sigh, Liang Lingfeng found fault in his own frailty and lack of talent, causing his cultivation to lag behind peers. Moreover, he recognized the sitting man as Li Gaoli, the eldest son of the village head of Li's family, renowned for his prowess among the neighboring villages. Lin Linghua's choice seemed rational.

Deciding to bury this sight deep within, Liang Lingfeng turned to leave. However, amidst the fallen leaves and branches in the forest, his accidental step on a twig emitted a clear, piercing sound.

While such noise might not have raised eyebrows in a bustling market, in this serene wilderness, it felt disruptively loud.

Liang Lingfeng inwardly cursed his luck. Meanwhile, Li Gaoli and Lin Linghua, previously immersed in bliss, suddenly wore expressions of alarm. They realized they had been discovered in their clandestine affair, a revelation that could spell disaster if it reached their respective families' ears. Given Lin Linghua's existing engagement, their covert meetings in such secluded spots aimed to avoid attention. Little did they expect their secrecy to be breached, especially by Lin Linghua's betrothed, Liang Lingfeng.

Liang Lingfeng glanced back, witnessing Li Gaoli and Lin Linghua's hostile stares. Without hesitation, he bolted—against Li Gaoli, he stood no chance. His discovery of their tryst would undoubtedly provoke them. He needed to flee; once down the mountain, he would be safe.

"Halt!" Li Gaoli shouted after Liang Lingfeng, swiftly reacting, determined to catch him and threaten him into silence. In the simple-minded rural community, news of Lin Linghua's infidelity could lead to dire consequences, even with her father as the village head.

Liang Lingfeng sprinted downhill, ignoring Li Gaoli's words. Only a fool would stop. Still, his mind was conflicted. Should he inform his father or bury this incident deep within? After all, Lin Linghua, although his intended, harbored disdain for him. Should he seize this opportunity to help her?

As Liang Lingfeng contemplated, a whistling wind suddenly swept by. He turned for a moment, privately astounded by the sight of Li Gao Li swiftly chasing after him. In Lingfeng's memory, fifth-tier martial artists shouldn't possess such incredible speed. Though he had witnessed the strength of fifth-tier martial artists, their agility paled in comparison to Li Gao Li's. Could he have surpassed the fifth-tier, delving into the realm of sixth-tier, touching upon the essence of spiritual energy?

Uncertain, while hearing a roar in his ears, Lingfeng felt a grip like iron clamps on his shoulder, throwing him back forcefully. His swift movement was abruptly halted by this sturdy hand, and a force he couldn't resist sent him crashing to the ground.

Simultaneously, Lin Linghua caught up, standing beside Li Gao Li, both peering down at the fallen Lingfeng. Gasping for breath, Li Gao Li and Lin Linghua glared at him.

"What… what do you want?" Lingfeng was terrified by Li Gao Li's strength, his face turning pale. He was sure Li Gao Li had become a sixth-tier martial artist. Although Lingfeng's skills were inferior, he wasn't an easy opponent to beat. The only explanation was that Li Gao Li wielded spiritual power.

Li Gao Li sneered, "What did you just see?"

"I… I didn't see anything. I need to go home for breakfast," Lingfeng stood up, hastily excusing himself.

Seeing Lingfeng so flustered, Li Gao Li knew he had indeed witnessed their affair. Without mercy, Li Gao Li kicked Lingfeng, disregarding his feeble physique and limited skills. He sent Lingfeng rolling several times, raising a cloud of dust.

Already weak, being thrown to the ground and kicked by Li Gao Li made Lingfeng even paler. He coughed violently, clutching his stomach. Lin Linghua stood by, her expression icy and enraged, making it seem as if Lingfeng was her enemy rather than her fiancé.

"I really didn't see anything. I'm telling the truth." Lingfeng chose to yield and plead, though speaking such lies pained him. Despite feeling miserable, he didn't want to appear weaker in front of Lin Linghua. He bit his lip, holding back tears.

"Li Ge, maybe we should let him go?" Lin Linghua looked at Li Gao Li, testing the waters.

Li Gao Li pondered for a moment, hesitating, "Linghua, I'm still concerned about him. If someone else finds out, we'll be in trouble."

"What should we do then?" Lin Linghua also grew worried, realizing the consequences of being discovered. In their community, punishment for infidelity was severe. She didn't want her young life to end so abruptly.

Li Gao Li gritted his teeth, touching his own neck. Lin Linghua covered her mouth, uncertain, "Do we really have to do this?"

Although neither Li Gao Li nor Lin Linghua explicitly said it, Lingfeng understood their intentions. Despite the pain from being kicked in the abdomen, he knew that if he stayed there, he might never leave. Taking advantage of their conversation, he stood up and rushed down the mountain.