
Chapter 1

But something abnormal was definitely taking place. A dome shaped structure was currently covering the roof of one of the buildings. Purple hexagon shapes linked together and formed some kind of ached structure looking like a force field from some science fiction movie. Obviously this was out of the ordinary yet there was no one crying out in shock from any of the surrounding buildings or streets below. This was because it was in a separate dimension. 

"Haa… haa…"

A door leading to the rooftop was opened and a girl in a school uniform suddenly appeared within the dome. Petite, stylish and cute were all adjectives you could apply to her. Currently the girl's cherry blossom coloured lips let out sweet hot breaths and her long chestnut hair still swayed from her rushing up the stairs of the building. Even her blazer was covered in sweat marks thanks to her efforts which had left her breathing so hard.

"I'm… here now… so release those people Derurugoa!" 

She looks her opponent directly in the face. Correction, she looks the foul invader directly in the face.

"Bwahahaha! I see you've arrived Vermillion, but it will be the last time you interfere!"

The monster opened its mouth and replied. Standing eight metres tall, the monster was a pigman who wore spiked armour and carried a large axe and morning star. It is the thing that created the spatial isolation dome known as an Edenfield. Its name is Derurugoa and it is one of the monstrous invades from the demon world known as Demoncore. Demoncore is a fairytale like dimension where various demons and monsters originate from. Sometimes they appear in our world so that they can hide in the dark places of the world and feed on flesh and blood. Currently there are numerous office workers captured and bound in rope. 

"Do not worry, these were mere bait to bring you out. Now come, I want to fight you! Hurry up and transform!"

"I would have even if you didn't say so! Sacred Gear, Setup!"

As the girl let out her shout, she took a small smartphone like device out. The next moment the golden gems embedded in the device glowed and dazzling flashes of white light appeared from it. For a moment she was completely naked as her school's blazer melted away in the golden light. Then the next moment she was covered in the beautiful aura-like veil, completely changing her appearance from school student to warrior.

The colour of her hair changed to a burning crimson and the veil began changing into a costume as it wrapped about her limbs. A white leotard with a short crimson miniskirt that just covered the crotch, mechanical gauntlets and boots, decorations in her hair with a sun motif and finally golden crystals attached to the chest with made her eyes stand out dazzlingly. The girl's transformation was complete.

"Light is light! Dark is dark! The ones from Demoncore shall become stardust! Troublesome devils will face the fist of justice! Heaven's glittering Saint-Princess Vermillion has arrived!"

The girl announces herself in a dignified tone. She wears a sacred gear developed by her father and is a person who gains superhuman physical abilities through the gear which consolidates sacred particles from the atmosphere. Fighting against the entities from Demoncore, she is Heaven's glittering Saint-Princess Vermillion.

Vermillion clenches both her fists and steadily rushes towards her enemy. Her thin legs produce a torque which cannot be imagined and the distance between her and her enemy shrinks in the blink of an eye.

"Come on! Come! Come ! Come! Guaaaaaaaaahhhh!!"

Derurugoa watching the crimson heroine rush forward gathers a huge lump of magical power and creates a magical formation on the ground in front of her. What emerges from this hexagonal star is a group of orcs wielding clubs. With piggish snouts and emerald green skin, their bodies have a pungent stink. If they see a female from another race, they are a dangerous species which attacks instantly. They are a monster which has three times the strength of a human and by merely stomping on concrete, they will leave cracks on its surface. However, Vermillion doesn't slow, instead speeding up and diving into the group of orcs.

"Gyah!" "Gah!" "Guh!" "Buhiii!"

"Shine Punch! Shine Kick!"

"Gyaaaah!" "Guuuuu!" "Buhiiiiahhhh!"

Every time the girl lets loose with a fist or a kick a hole open in the body of an orc and it disappears becoming particles of light. Even the monsters of a demon world are inconsequential to the overwhelming power of Heaven's glittering Saint-Princess. Then, less than a minute later, the whole group is destroyed. However, there is a hierarchy of strength within Demoncore and orcs are only rated as a B. However, Derurugoa is rated as an S, of which there are only six known examples. Not only that, but after being caught in the suicide blast of Salamander, the girl's mother, Heaven's glittering Saint-Princess Celestia wasn't able to help Vermillion and she had to battle on her own. Thus the heroine of justice had to battle against this enemy while restraining her anxiety. 

"Stop it with the lame minions. Or are you afraid to fight me directly!"

"Guahahaha! That's good! This Gluttonous Evil Beast, Derurugoa shall face you!"

The monster's club and the girl's fists clash together and the very atmosphere vibrates. A terrible roaring sound is released but no one on the streets below even notice thanks to the Edenfield. While scattering sparks they both rush back and forth across the rooftop. Eighty three centimetre D cup breasts bounce and sway like jelly as the girl shoots out jabs towards the big beast's body. It's hard to look away from the girl wrapped in the leotard suit as her perfect legs launch out kicks. There are many exhances of blows but Vermillion is always able to seize the initiative and strike first. Soon her Shine Punches and Shine Kicks are able to smash apart Derurugoa's weapon and armour. Finally, the girl's strength was able to defeat the S ranked monster and Derurugoa fall's the concrete roof groaning.

"Guh… guh… for this… to happen…"

"it's my victory! Now, swear never to harm humans again. If you do, I'll let you live!"

"Guuh… guh… who… who said I was defeated… since it's come to this!"

"Huh!? What is Derurugoa saying!?"

At full speed Derurugoa heads over to the hostages. No matter how dignified it may act, the monster is from Demoncore after all. To gain victory they'll do whatever it takes.

"You said you wouldn't lay your hands on them! You coward!"

"Guahahaha… That has nothing to do with it! The result is all there is! The winner wins!"

Derurugoa grabs a hostage roughly and smiles. However, his face slips and expression quickly changes as the hostage becomes water and melts. 

"Wha!? …what happened you idiot!?"

A shadow approaches from behind and startles Derurugoa. With long blue hair, another Heaven's Glittering Saint-Princess appears.

 "As expected, despite your word, you act like the lowest of the low once cornered. Please just die, I have nothing to say to trash like you!"

"Guh… You… you're Celestia! How did you survive the blast!?"

"Mama, you were okay…!"

"Vermillion, I told you not to call me that. Also, Derurugoa, thanks for your concern, but your minions are unable to kill me."


Heaven's glittering Saint-Princess Celestia glances at the beast. Her costume is the same as Vermillions except that her leotard is black, her skirt and equipment has a dark blue tone, her gorgeous bangs are cut straight and her hair hangs down to her waist, and the ornaments in her hair have a moon motif. Her body is tight and one would never suspect she's given birth to a child. Furthermore, she has a truly devastating bomb of a chest, 98cm H cups stretching the front of her leotard's fabric to the limit. Currently her weapon is a spear.

"Haaaaaaa! Aqua bind~!"

Water currents wind around the spear and after a moment it changes shape, becoming chains which encircle and restrain the body of Derurugoa. Using scared particles on water, this is her unique skill. It was with this technique she was able to rescue the hostages and replace them with water dolls without making a sound.

"Gah! Guaaaahhhh! Release me! Let go of me!"

"Give it up, only nothingness awaits you!"

It is finally time to deliver the final blow. Vermillion concentrates on the palm of her sacred gauntlet and heads straight towards Derurugoa. Heat gathers in the palm of the gauntlet and it begins to make a resounding noise.

"Gah… wai… wait! I… I understand… I was wrong! I'll never hurt humans again!"

"The Light of Heaven with destroy the Devil!"

"Wait! Wait! How can I, the Beast of Gluttony, to such a small pathetic human girl!"

"Sacred Shine Burst!"

Bundled energy waves like the sun, Vermillion starts to shoot. It is a high energy attack which cracks the Edenfield with its impact. Rushing out in a straight line towards Derurugoa, it causes an explosion.

Zdooooooooooooooooooo! Oooooooooooooooooom!


Receiving the torrent of intense light, the body of Derurugoa is ejected from this dimension leaving on a circle of blackened concrete where he was. His magical reaction completely disappears and like this, he'll never be able to reincarnate. 

"Haa… haa… I won…!"

Finally relieved from the terrible tension, relief surged and the girl let out a victory cry. The fiery haired heroine's face returns to an expression befitting a child's and she buries her face in the plump bust of her mother Celestia. Tears shimmering in her eyes, she cries and acts like a spoiled child as her tension leaves her. 

"Thank you. Thanks to Mama I was able to…"

"What are you talking about, it was a fantastic battle against an S rank. Let's head home now."


The Saint-Princesses release the field and head home. However, the two of them didn't notice. Someone had been watching them while hiding in the clouds above since the beginning.

"Fuufun… so those are Heaven's Glittering Saint-Princesses… a mother and daughter. Kyahahaha! I'm gonna enjoy this so much~ ♪"

In the shape of a little girl, a monster from Demoncore smiled like a crescent moon and let out an evil laugh.


"Wow, I'm late!"

Vermillion, also known as Kamashiro Aika, was in a sudden pinch. Last night as she fell asleep she'd apparently unconsciously turned off her alarm clock. Now, putting on her uniform and grooming herself in a hurry, she rushed downstairs into the dining room. On the table there was bread, fried eggs and various dishes containing salads. Sitting in a chair, Aika began stuffing her face making food disappear as if a magic trick. Seeing this, Aika's mother, Kamishiro Saeko, also known as Celestia, chided her. Saeko's hair now, rather than being blue, was a glossy black.

"I know you're tired because you didn't get enough sleep, but you need to get up on time to go to school."

"Sorry Mama, the bed was just too comfortable~."

"Hey mum, lighten up on Onee-chan. There's still enough time for them to eat bread at a slightly leisurely pace." 

 Yoichi, the younger brother who still refers to his elder sister as his Onee-chan speaks up for Aika. Unlike Saeko and Aika, he cannot transform since he's a male, but he is still involved in the families fight against Demoncore. Alongside Saeko he develops items, and provides backup in the field. There are also times where he provides advice to Aika, he's an indispensible part of the family. 

"Alright Yoichi, so are you guys ready to go?"

"Yeah, see you later!"

"Don't be late coming home."

While having a fun casual conversation, Aika opened the front door and headed out. She transforms and fights so she can protect this happy life. No matter how strong her enemies are.

The Kamishiro family is a family of four people, but currently the father is staying overseas to study Demoncore. Aika is able to change into Vermillion because she discovered a Sacred Gear in her father's study. At first Saeko was against Aika changing into a Saint-Princess, but Aika wanted to protect her school friends and everyone in the city.

"Alright, here I go!"

Riding a bike, roads are quickly passed as Aika heads for Tennoji Academy. Passing over a dry river bed and through a shopping arcade, Aika who has been training her body is able to pedal at an incredible speed. In fact, their pace is so fast, she should be able to make it to school before the first bell. As the chestnut haired girl passes a factory, she hears a girl's voice cry out from inside and stops her feet. This factory is on a back road, a shortcut Aika uses, and currently there are no signs of anyone around. Passing through the gate of the fence surrounding the factory, Aika tries to take stock of the situation.

"Noooooo! Help! Mama! Papa!!"

The voice turned into a scream.

Understanding that an emergency is happening, Aika gives up on getting to school on time and heads to the factory's door. Fortunately the door isn't locked so Aika is able to head inside. Inside there is equipment covered in layers of dust and in the centre of it all a little girl stands in front of a monster. The monster is a werewolf from Demoncore and with its dagger like claws it's likely to eviscerate the girl at any moment. There isn't even a moment to hesitate and Aika takes out her Sacred Gear and transforms.

"Sacred Gear, Setup!"

In a blink Aika has transformed into Vermillion. Her crimson hair flutters like heat waves in the air and her gauntlet instantly crashes into the werewolf's face.

"Shine Punch!"


With the blow to its head, the werewolf blows apart becoming particles of light. It seems this demoncore monster was a C rank or lower so the battle was easily settled. Vermillion is worried that the girl may have been injured and rushed to her side.

"Are you okay? You're not hurt anywhere are you?"

"Hick… hick… Onee-chan was so cool… Thank you… I was so scared…"

"It's alright, you're safe now."

Letting out a sigh and relaxing her chest, Aika let down her guard as a one of Heaven's glittering Saint-Princesses after confirming her victory. If you ask why, it was because it was early morning and there was only a little girl in her presence. However, that moment of weakness proved her undoing.

"Hmmm ☆ Aren't you being a bit too careless… Vermillion Onee-chan?"

"Eh!? What are you…"

There was suddenly rapidly increasing response of magical power, but it is already too late. The girl's fangs bite into Vermillion's neck and that's where her consciousness stopped.