
Heaters: Legend of the Celestial Archmage

"I'll do whatever it takes to protect my world even if i become a villain". Iode de Pandavatton, a wizard from an average peasant home supposedly found out that he the inheritor of one of the founder of the wizard tribe. Due to these power, he was having visions of a distant future. he went around his world (heaters) telling them of his visions. but as time goes on it was forgotten and Iode himself vanished. many years passed, Iode saw himself traveling around various planes; underworld, earth, the celestial realm etc. but Iode soon found his way back home but instead of laying low and protecting the his world behind the scenes, he went on a conquest campaign claiming it for the greater good. He succeeded in his conquest but heroes soon rise from the conquered nations to put an end to his villainous act. but when the true threat comes would Iode, the heroes and the nations have unity and strength to stop it?

Mingler · Fantasie
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118 Chs

Dispeakable Liar

Iode was lying on the ground lifeless, like he was giving up the ghost, panting and huffing.

"whoa, i didn't know you were this weak"

"fuck you, i'm a wizard not a stickman". Iode said.

"if wasn't the fact that the sun has risen , i would have encouraged you to go more, it would look like a punishment rather than excercise". ceaser said.

"take this". ceaser handed over a black pill.

"what's this". Iode asked.

"it a stamina regenation pill" Ceaser replied.

" you people have that"? Iode asked.

"it's the turfs that actually invented it, it knowledge of its creation diffused to us". Ceaser replied.

"we give this to young stickmen who are just starting to train that's why i gave it to you".

"so you want to work me to the bone isn't it". Iode said.

with a sinister smile Ceaser replied "let's continue, lets go to the practice area".

"what i've i signed up for" Iode said in his mind with a darkened face.

Iode was given a wooden sword and was taught some basic steps of sword. It was in the evening, iode has given up for the day after so many practice. He went to his dormitory , showered and slept.

A week has passed by, and now Iode is now popular for being the only mage to select the weaponry art club as one of the club he chose. Thus, the name 'Anomaly mage' was given to him. He was in the club practicing the basis of the sword as hard as he can.

"whoa, the wizard last a week? he's tenacious compared to other mages, i'm beginning to like him" Zora said looking at Iode practice hard.

"he's one of a kind". A female Turf named Shima said.

Iode didn't mind all the compliments he's hearing, he continued his sword training on a wooden dummy. Time flies, and the evening came. Iode stopped his training for the day and head towards his dormitory.

on his way to the dormitory, he was spotted by a blue haired wizard, Sylvester, who quickly hide behind a column instintively for reasons unknown to him.

"that's the advanced level mage, i wonder why he's learning the art of weapon. What are his motives and why did i hide upon his sight".

"in my little eves dropping i did that day, he said he is a one star mage, such dispeakable liar, i was there that day when those thagomizers enlarged, the way he acted , he wasn't very suprised, like someone who half-expected it , while everyone was bewildered including the assistant mage".

"After his inpection was complete, he ran outside the asssessment field, i tried to look for him but he disappeared. Lets say it was the dragon he met that shrunk those thagomizers, no one star mage would be brave enough to actually fight a dragon, let alone holding your own against one, me, a three star mage would freeze on sight and he's got a dragon seal no one star mage can get that unless he's powerful like an advanced level mage".

"if that was't enough to say he's lying, he beat Reinhardt, who is also a three star mage like me,he is one of the strongest and intelligent of our set, i'm sure he just weaved that story to make it look like he outsmarted him".

"Now to top it all, that stickman roommate of his claimed to be a six star swordsman, which i would say he might be right, his aura reached three meter radius and it affected everyone's breathing except for him who sat right beside him".

"Why would he lie about his level? though i don't want to get on his bad side like Reinhardt, still i want to know more about him and his reason for doing all this.I should befriend, having a strong ally like him wouldn't hurt". sylvester thought.

A little bit away from sylvester, a girl with pony tailed green hair and opec eyes saw him hiding behind a column peeping at a person.

"what's that moron up to now".