
Heartstrings and Campus Halls

In the exciting world of college, MJ is eager to dive into the adventure of adulting. Away from her family, she believes she's got life figured out—until she meets Kyle Morgan. Suddenly, everything she thought she knew gets a fresh perspective. Beyond lectures and textbooks, MJ discovers that the real lessons of adulthood involve trust, relationships, and navigating the complexities of human connection. Life becomes a colorful tapestry of experiences, and MJ thought she had it all down, until love enters the scene. Kyle becomes the unexpected twist in MJ's journey, challenging her understanding of herself and others. As their story unfolds, MJ realizes that, despite her confidence in the classroom, the most profound lessons are found in matters of the heart. Join MJ as she explores the uncharted territory of love, discovering that sometimes, the most beautiful lessons are the ones we least expect.

miku_miyuzumi · Urban
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6 Chs

06: Kyle the Savior of the World

Kyle. That Night. October 1998.

The roar of my motorcycle engine echoed through the empty university streets as I pulled up at the side of the road, the scent of roses lingering in the air. We had successfully evaded the police and reached the other exit, but the tension still hung in the atmosphere. I scanned the surroundings, ensuring there were no more officers tailing us. It seemed like we were in the clear for now.

"Could you get down?" I asked her, and she obediently followed my instruction. I dismounted, removing my helmet and parking my motorcycle to the side. She stood there, a silent figure in the dimly lit night. The ordeal must have left her traumatized, I thought, as I observed her frozen stance.

"I don't think they're going to chase us anymore. That was one hell of an escape," I said, trying to break the silence. I turned to look at her, and to my surprise, tears began welling up in her eyes. Concern washed over me.

"Hey... are you okay? Does something hurt?" I inquired gently. She shook her head, sobbing quietly. I approached her, placing a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"Do you live near here? Can you go home by yourself?" I continued, attempting to gauge her situation. She looked at me and clutched my shirt, pulling me closer until...

"Ackk!!!" she retched suddenly, vomiting all over me. The stench of alcohol and food filled the air as it splattered on my shoes. She continued to empty the contents of her stomach until she stood up slowly and then collapsed, unconscious.

"Well, this is a challenge..." I sighed as she lay in my arms, sound asleep. The question lingered in my mind - how do I get her home?

Taking a moment to think, I decided to carefully lift her up, cradling her in my arms. I adjusted her weight, making sure she was comfortable. Glancing around, I spotted a nearby bench. With careful steps, I carried her over and gently laid her down.

I retrieved my phone, considering calling for a taxi or a ride-share. However, looking at her vulnerable state, I decided against it. Instead, I opted to take her home myself. My eyes landed on the bag she had slung over her shoulder. With a careful and discreet glance inside, I aimed to find some clue to her whereabouts. Rifling through the bag, I discovered various items - a wallet, a compact mirror, and then, jackpot! Her dorm card.

Mounting my motorcycle, I carefully secured her in a position where she could rest against me without discomfort. Navigating through the quiet streets, I took it slow to ensure her safety. The night air was cool, and I could feel her steady breath against my chest. Eventually, we arrived at her destination.

Carefully setting her down, I knocked on the door. A worried face appeared, she must be the landlord of this building, and I explained the situation briefly. Grateful for my assistance, they assured me they could take it from here. I left, hoping she would recover from the night's events.

As I rode away, I couldn't help but reflect on the unexpected turn of events, realizing that sometimes, challenges come in the form of unexpected responsibilities.

MJ. After Class. Café.

"I puked on you?!?!" I blurted out in shock, my face turning several shades of red. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, and embarrassment washed over me.

"Yeah. You seemed to get nauseous when you rode my motorbike. But it's fine, at least you're safe." he reassured me with a chuckle. I covered my face, trying to hide my embarrassment. Each word he spoke seemed to deepen my mortification.

"I'm so sorry if I puked on you. It will never happen again. I'll wash your clothes, for payment and saving my ass from the police. I'm so sorry; it was my first time going to that kind of party." I apologized, unable to meet his gaze. Taking a sip of my coffee, I tried to calm myself down.

"MJ, hey, it's fine," he chuckled. "The clothes are cleaned now, and I'm the one who voluntarily rescued you, so you have no obligation to do that at all. Besides, that was my first-ever type of party too." he continued, surprising me with his revelation.

"You're lying." I retorted, skeptical of his claim. He looked like the type who was no stranger to such events.

"It's the truth," Kyle insisted, smirking at me.

"Why do I look like a bad boy to you?" he asked, leaving me momentarily speechless. I laughed nervously, unable to come up with a satisfactory answer.

"By the way, I want to ask you something," Kyle said, changing the topic. I looked up at him, curious about his query.

"That night, as I mentioned, you were crying. What happened?" he asked, and I sighed, recalling the painful memory. Kyle quickly reassured me that I didn't have to answer if I was uncomfortable.

"It's fine, I can tell you. Besides, one way to forget something is to open up about it," I responded.

"Was that related to what happened earlier?" Kyle asked, his eyes showing genuine concern. I nodded, the weight of the events settling in my mind. He listened attentively as I recounted the heartbreaking incident with Jason and Maddy, expressing empathy for the situation.

"That's messed up. At least you learned that she's not really your friend. She should've respected your boundaries." Kyle remarked, and I nodded in agreement. We continued our conversation, finding common ground and sharing laughs.

"It is what it is," I declared, the words carrying a weight of acceptance. "There's no point in going back to the past. All we have to do is move on and forget the past. That's just life." I continued, my voice tinged with a hint of resilience.

Kyle nodded, acknowledging the truth in my words. "You've got a solid philosophy there," he remarked, a faint smile playing on his lips. "It sounds like something you'd find in a daily reminder quotes book," he teased, lightening the mood with a touch of humor. I rolled my eyes playfully at his comment, and a shared laughter followed, momentarily easing the weight of the day.

"Maybe I should start a daily reminder quotes book," I mused, joining in on the banter. "I'll call it 'Life Lessons 101' or something," I added, a playful glint in my eye. Kyle chuckled, seemingly entertained by the idea.

We continued our conversation, exchanging thoughts on life, resilience, and the unexpected turns it can take. The café atmosphere provided a comfortable backdrop to our musings, and the camaraderie between us grew with each shared sentiment.

As the conversation naturally flowed, we eventually decided to bring our impromptu meeting to a close. Stepping outside into the soft glow of the setting sun, we shared a moment of appreciation for the beauty of the evening.

"Sunsets will always be breathtaking." Kyle remarked once again, his eyes capturing the colors painted across the sky. I nodded in agreement, finding solace in the simplicity of the statement.

"I love the sunsets too. They make me feel at ease." I admitted, a genuine smile gracing my lips. Kyle smiled back, and for a moment, we stood in silent appreciation of the serenity around us.

"Well, I should be heading off. Still have those assignments waiting for me." I said, breaking the peaceful silence. Kyle nodded in understanding.

"Yeah, me too. My dorm is on the opposite side of where you live, so..." he trailed off, indicating the direction he needed to go. I nodded, realizing our paths diverged at this point.

"Thank you so much for that night and today. You're somehow always there to save me." I expressed my gratitude, appreciating the unexpected connection forged during this unusual day.

"It's no big deal. I mean, I just wanted to help you." he replied with a genuine smile.

"Well, goodbye. Be safe when you get home." I waved, and he reciprocated the sentiment. Walking home, I reflected on the surreal and unexpected events of the day. Meeting Kyle was a new and positive experience, a departure from my introverted comfort zone.

As I approached the traffic lights, I remembered I had Kyle's number. Retrieving my phone, I added his contact with the name "Kyle the Savior of the World." The irony of the name made me laugh. The light turned red, and as it changed back to green, I continued my walk home, eager to rest after a day filled with twists and turns. Today was indeed a day to remember, and I couldn't wait to see what the future held.

Perhaps life's unpredictable moments could also lead to unexpected friendships and valuable insights. As I continued on my way, I felt a subtle shift in my perspective, a growing appreciation for the unpredictability that life often presented.

Hey guys! I hope you're liking the story so far. Leave a comment on what you like about my story. I hope you enjoy my novel and stay tuned for all my updates. Thank you guys!! <3

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