
Heartstrings and Campus Halls

In the exciting world of college, MJ is eager to dive into the adventure of adulting. Away from her family, she believes she's got life figured out—until she meets Kyle Morgan. Suddenly, everything she thought she knew gets a fresh perspective. Beyond lectures and textbooks, MJ discovers that the real lessons of adulthood involve trust, relationships, and navigating the complexities of human connection. Life becomes a colorful tapestry of experiences, and MJ thought she had it all down, until love enters the scene. Kyle becomes the unexpected twist in MJ's journey, challenging her understanding of herself and others. As their story unfolds, MJ realizes that, despite her confidence in the classroom, the most profound lessons are found in matters of the heart. Join MJ as she explores the uncharted territory of love, discovering that sometimes, the most beautiful lessons are the ones we least expect.

miku_miyuzumi · Urban
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6 Chs

04: The After Party

MJ. Dorm. October 1998.

11:08 a.m.

"In a daring raid on Melrose St., police cracked down on illegal drug activity hidden inside a mansion during a lively party. Three arrests have been made. The suspects are facing charges related to drug possession and distribution. The operation showcased law enforcement's commitment to community safety. Stay tuned for updates as legal proceedings progress."

I turned off the T.V. as the news about the party has ended. I lay down on my bed, still hammered from tonight. All of a sudden, my phone rang...

It's mom.

"Mom..." I said lowly

"Mary Jane, my god, did you hear the news?! There's a drug raid near your university!" she said. I know exactly where this is going.

"Yeah, it's pretty wild last night, there were a lot of police cars driving by." I lied to my dearest mother.

"This is exactly why I told you to not go to any party. See, there's a hidden drug exchange in there, what would happen if you were there." my mother said worriedly.

"Don't worry, mom, I was just here in my room studying..." I assured her.

"Are you okay? You sound so tired..." she asked

"Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just stress since finals is nearing." I lied again.

"Okay, be sure to finish all your requirements so you will be in time for the holidays." mom said

"Okay I will." I replied

"I love you, sweetie."

"I love you too, mom." I hung up.

Massaging my temples, my head still ached from the intense freshman party turned police raid. I couldn't bring myself to tell my mother about the chaos. The most memorable part? Getting chased by an officer and ending up on a stranger's motorcycle.

Suddenly, a realization hit me - who was the motorcycle guy? The details of that night were a blur, except for the wind on my face as we sped through turns with city lights blurring like a dream. The memory faded as we stopped, and I blacked out, waking up in my bed.

Panic set in. How did he know where I lived? It dawned on me – my ID and keys were probably in my bag. He knew my whole identity and my home address. The realization left me uneasy; I needed to be more careful. Next time, I might attract a creep. No more parties for me, I concluded, determined to avoid such risky encounters in the future.

My phones keep buzzing and buzzing. Though I know whose keep texting me.


I couldn't bring myself to entertain Madz's apologies at that moment. Witnessing her making out with Jason right in front of me was an unexpected blow, and I found myself grappling with the confusing wave of emotions that followed. It was puzzling; after all, Jason wasn't my boyfriend, and we were not in a committed relationship.

Trying to make sense of my own reaction, I questioned why it affected me so deeply. Perhaps it was the unexpectedness of the situation or the realization that my feelings ran deeper than I had acknowledged. As I navigated through the emotional turmoil, I couldn't help but wonder why Madz chose to engage with Jason in a way that seemed to disregard my feelings.

Despite my attempts to push the incident aside, the lingering hurt manifested itself during a vulnerable moment, shedding tears in the aftermath of the party, fueled by the influence of alcohol. It was a cathartic release, but the confusion and disappointment lingered.

Reflecting on our friendship, I couldn't shake the awareness that Madz was well aware of my feelings for Jason. The fact that she chose to act in a way that directly contradicted that unspoken understanding left me grappling with a sense of betrayal and hurt. Moving forward, the challenge would be in deciding whether to confront Madz about the incident or attempt to find a way to put the episode behind us.

I don't know. 

I picked up my phone and deleted all my notifications and Maddy's message.

Feeling the need to break away from my phone, I shook my head, a simple yet effective way to clear my thoughts. Deciding to momentarily detach myself from the virtual realm, I casually pocketed my phone. The idea struck me to tackle a more tangible task – the laundry. It's a simple chore, but I figured it might be just what I needed to shift my focus.

I made my way to the bathroom, gathering all my scattered laundry into a convenient basket. There's a certain satisfaction in the act of collecting clothes, a tangible representation of getting things in order. With the laundry now neatly contained, I felt a subtle sense of accomplishment.

Equipped with a determination to turn this mundane task into a productive distraction, I reached for the laundry detergent and fabric softener. The familiar scents wafted through the air as I prepared to tackle the mountain of clothes awaiting their turn in the washing machine.

Before leaving my dorm, I secured it with a click of the keys. It's funny how the routine act of locking the door can bring a sense of closure, a symbolic transition from one part of the day to the next. Armed with a basket full of laundry and a mission to conquer the chore, I made my way down to the laundry room.

The hum of washing machines and the rhythmic thud of dryers greeted me as I entered the laundry room. As I loaded my clothes into the washer, I felt a subtle shift in my focus. The rhythmic nature of the task provided a welcome break, allowing my mind to recalibrate.

Sometimes, the simplest activities have the power to offer a mental reset. With laundry in progress, I settled into a moment of quiet amidst the hum of machines, appreciating the therapeutic effect of a mundane task done with intention.

Choosing the elevator over stairs due to low energy, I navigated my way to the distant laundry room, my head still throbbing. Once there, I sorted clothes diligently, whites from colors. Starting the laundry, I sank into a chair, letting out a sigh. Closing my eyes, I reflected on the previous night's party—undeniably fun, but the post-party aftermath was hitting hard. No more parties, I concluded, feeling the weight of the morning-after struggle.

A sudden message lit up my phone, sparking anticipation. Hoping for Maddy, I found it was from an unknown number. Intrigued, I couldn't resist opening it, curious about the unexpected contact.

"Hello, are you doing all right? Make sure you drink some advil." who the fuck is this? 

"Who are you? How did you get my number?" I replied. I'm so nervous right now.

"Wow, you forgot me already. You're cold." 

"What? What do you mean?" I asked.

"This is what I get for saving you from the police and taking you home. On top of that, you puked on my leather jacket." the person replied.

The realization hit me like a ton of bricks – the guy from last night, the one who saved me during the chaos, was the same person. The memory labeled him my "angel."

"Do you remember me now?" it added. I gather my thoughts to reply to this mysterious savior of mine.

"Thank you for saving me last night. I'm so sorry if I caused you any inconvenience, I'll be more responsible with my drinking. If it's okay to you, I would like to pay you back, but I want you to introduce yourself first." I replied.

"I also go to your uni, so that's easier. I'll text you when we will meet, I'm kinda busy at the moment." he replied.

"Okay, thank you again, my angel." I jokingly replied.

I found myself chuckling at my own text—it seems like humor has a way of unexpectedly sneaking into everyday situations. What's even more interesting is that amidst the laughter, I ended up meeting someone new. It's funny how life throws these curveballs our way, isn't it?

This chance encounter feels like the beginning of a fresh connection. Meeting someone new opens up the possibility of shared experiences, laughter, and perhaps even a lasting friendship. It's these unexpected moments that add a delightful twist to the routine of our lives.

So here I am, embracing the humor in my words and welcoming the prospect of a new connection. Life has a way of surprising us, and sometimes, it's the simple and lighthearted moments that pave the way for meaningful connections. Here's to the joy of laughter and the excitement of forging new bonds.

Unknown. October 1998. Condo Unit 218

"Okay, thank you again, my angel." the text said.


After mustering the courage, I texted her, and she agreed to meet up. Relief washed over me; I'm glad she remembered. The nervousness hits, but I can't help smiling and even chuckling at her response.

Looking at the text, I notice a genuine warmth. She's cute—like, really cute. It strikes me that I don't even know her yet, but she already has a way of making me laugh.

The idea of meeting someone new has injected a sense of excitement into my day, especially since she's the one suggesting it. It's one of those moments where you feel a positive shift in the air, and I'm not about to let this opportunity slip through my fingers.

The fact that she proposed meeting signifies a mutual interest in taking our connection beyond just digital exchanges. There's an inherent charm in face-to-face interactions that no amount of online messaging can quite capture. The prospect of seeing her in person brings a genuine smile to my face.

I've decided not to let this chance pass by idly. I'm ready to embrace the opportunity to get to know her better, to share stories, laughter, and create memories together. It's an adventure waiting to unfold, and I'm eager to see where this new connection might lead.

So here's to seizing the moment, appreciating the spontaneity of life, and embracing the possibility of forming a meaningful connection. I'll be stepping into this meet-up with a positive mindset, ready to make the most of this opportunity that has presented itself. After all, it's the unplanned moments that often turn into the most cherished ones.

I'm back guys. I hope everyone had a beautiful holiday and enjoyed it. Let's welcome the new year with a blast and love for my story. Thank you for all the support. I love you all so much! Happy New Year!!! <3

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