
Hearts of Vampires

Yuki lived a simple life as an only child with her parents when a man from her parent's past came knocking on the door which lead to the death of her parents.Having no where else to go,she has no choice but to live with her mother's relatives who maltreat her out of the hate and envy they had at her mother.During that time she meets six brothers and befriends them for 5years.They were the most important people in her life but due to an accident she lost memory of them.Later she changes her name to her mother's name yui. Years later she gets a job as a maid of one of the most powerfulest royal family in the world who have six princes.During that time,she later discovers the princes are pure bloodied Vampires. What would yuki do when the richest,hottest and most powerfulest princes want her and won't leave her alone? What would she do when she later finds out her childhood friends are the royal Vampire princes? And most important question,which prince would get yuki? ************* "Why wouldn't you just leave me alone?"yuki asked. "Because you're mine and mine only"he replied as he walked towards her.

RosiePassionIdol9 · Fantasie
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4 Chs


Yuki shivered and prayed to God her father would survive and succeed.After hours of fighting the sound finally died down and there was only silence. Both yuki and her mum waited and saw a hand at the entrance and realised it was John.They both signed in relief and were filled with joy until her father collapsed on the floor with a sword at his chest.Much to yuki's horror, Malacai stood at the entrance unarmed as he pulled the sword off John's chest.

"What a perfectly good sword.Now is covered in blood."he said as he cleaned the blood off.

"John!"Aurora cried as she laid next to her dying husband.Yuki realised her father's breathing was slowing down and she bent down to hold his hand.

"Dad!"she cried.

"I told you not to do this " Aurora cried as she held John's face.

"I have no regrets" he repied then kissed yuki on the forehead.

"Daddy please don't die"

"I'm so sorry dear, but this is goodbye" then he kissed his wife on the lips.Aurora began to cry when his breathing stopped and she closed his eyes.Then turning to Malacai she shouted

"You Monster!"

"I only had to do what must be done.If he had given you to me years ago this won'ted have happened."Malacai replied.

"Stop resisting Aurora!Or should I say yui!"he said

which made Aurora turn pale.

"I've been on to you for a while now.Now then,shall we?he stretched his hand towards her but she slapped it away.Her body began to glow so as her eyes then she faced yuki.She bent down and said

"Listen to me very carefully dear."she placed a paper in yuki's pocket and continued

"Go to this address,there,you would fine my

relatives and show this paper to my grandfather .Also,"she removed her christ necklace from her neck and placed it around yuki's neck and said "Never remove this necklace, do you understand"

"No mum,I don't understand. What's going on?" yuki asked.

"I know this is a lot to handle but I can't explain it.I wish you could forget all this and leave a normal life.But I highly doubt it.Even if you did that they would find you."

"Who?"yuki asked.

"I'm sorry dear but I can't explain it.But if you really want to know the truth,find

a man named lucas Aldrich.He would tell you all you need.I'm so sorry dear but this is goodbye.Always know I and your father love you dearly and most of all God loves you and would always be with you".Yuki felt her body moving upwards and saw everything around her was turning into gold dust and disappearing including her parents.

"No!Not again,l won't lose you.Don't do this yui!" Malacai shouted as he charge towards yui(Yuki's mother).But she raised her hand which blasted him so far away yuki couldn't see him.

"Mum!Please don't go,I need you"she cried.

"I'm sorry dear but goodbye"yui replied as she and John's bodies begun to disappear.As yui kissed John ,yuki felt herself teleport and the last thing she saw was her parents faces disappearing.

Author note:At the end of every chapter I would write a memory verse.I hope you won'ted mind.Hope you enjoyed it.

Memory verse:Jeremiah chapter 29:11:For I know the plans I have for you,says the Lord.They are plans for good not for evil,to give you hope and a future.