
Hearts Can Tell

Dawn loses her capacity to recognize faces as a result of a traumatic event when she was a child. She can only recognize someone by touching them. Sabrina, a regular music instructor, brushed a hand against Dawn's accidently. She quickly apologized for bumping into her and was ready to walk away when Dawn grabbed her wrist and pulled her in for a hug. Sabrina then wondered to herself, "who is this woman, and why is she hugging me?"

perksofbeingobey · LGBT+
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12 Chs

This is the reason why one shouldn't panic

Dawn was ready to answer Belle's question when another loud voice broke the peace in the shop.

"Good morning, everyone!" exclaimed the girl, throwing both arms in the air.

"Iris, don't shout," Lizzie said as she pulled the back of the young woman's clothing.

"Lizzie! Iris!" Dawn greeted the two with a big hug, leaving Zera delighted at the sight of the three. Belle noticed this and gave an accusing smirk.

"Ah, I think I know who you're talking about in that book," she grinned before bumping a shoulder onto Zera's.

"Who?" Zera inquired, but Belle simply shrugged and pretended not to hear the inquiry, giving the woman a taste of her own medicine of ignorance. "Who?" Zera inquired again.

"Hi, Zera!" Iris said as she approached the table. She asked, "How are you?" before sitting next to her.

"I was doing okay until I saw you," Zera joked. "I'm just kidding, Iris! And hey, Lizzie, long time, no see!"

"Yeah, you're not swinging by the shop," Lizzie said with lips puckered. She then took a seat next to Belle. "Are you having a busier life?" she asked.

"She's working on a confession book," Belle revealed straightforwardly, leading Zera to step on her foot under the table. "Ouch!" exclaimed Belle.

"Confession? To whom?" Lizzie inquired, but before Belle could respond, Zera quickly covered her mouth.

"I know!" Iris said, and Zera covered Iris' lips with her other hand.

"I'm not sure if you'll say the right name, so it's best if you don't say anything," Zera murmured.

"What's going on?" Dawn and Leigh returned with three more cups of coffee for Belle, Lizzie, and Iris.

"Nothing, just them being weird again," Lizzie chuckled as she took one out of Dawn's hold. "Thank you very much, Dawn," she said.

"But why did you take my seat?" Dawn sighed upon learning that Lizzie had just taken her chair.

"Oh, is this your co-model? Tania Jacobs?" Sabrina inquired, glancing at the photograph. "She's charming," she gave in.

"Maybe — a little, I guess you could say that..." Margaret's words were jumbled as she concentrated on the road. "Unfortunately, she's not nice," she continued.

"Did you get into a fight with her? Hey, you're just new to that company, and you already have someone you're at odds with," Sabrina sighed, shaking her head in disappointment.

"Well, not really. It's not a fight, but we're not talking or anything." "It just happens when the job calls for it," Margaret replied.

Sabrina just nodded and focused on browsing through her phone, quietly waiting for something. "Is she not going to call me?" she wondered.

"Who?" Margaret asked, looking at Sabrina, who was pouting her lips.

"The lady," she said in hushed tones.

"I thought you found her? You still don't know her name?" Margaret questioned; her forehead wrinkled.

Sabrina sulked even more, "No, she didn't tell me." "But... it doesn't matter. I'm going to see her again and again until she tells me," she added.

"How come you like her, though?" Margaret inquired. "What's with her?"

"That's what I'm trying to figure out. Something about that woman drives me to do so."

Dawn is sitting alone on their living room couch, carrying Sabrina's business card and staring at the ceiling. The back of her neck is dangling from the top of the seat's backrest.

Dawn exhaled before raising the card to her face. She read what was written there, "Ensemble Music Instruction Academy." "I can give her a call... but why would I?" she asked herself.

"What's that?" Iris, who showed up behind her and hurriedly snatched the business card, leaving Dawn dumbfounded. "Isn't this the new music school?" she inquired.

"Ah, yeah, it is," Dawn answered quietly.

"Why do you have this?" Iris inquired as she sat right next to her sister.

Dawn paused for a moment, repeating in her brain, "I need reasons, Dawn, think."

"Ah, I was planning to take piano lessons, I met the owner one time, and we just happened to chat a bit," she responded after clearing her throat.

"Oh, you're talking to new people?" Iris asked, taken aback. "That could be a good thing, Dawn. Not everyone is bad," she said softly.

"Yes, that's... that's why," Dawn said uncomfortably.

"But... this is a school for children; how are you going to learn here?" Iris said, her eyes filled with uncertainty.

Dawn's thoughts panicked once more, "Is it just for children? How did I miss that?"

"Ah, that—" "The owner is a nice — a very nice person, so she said she'd give me private lessons."

"Wow! For real, Dawn? Private lessons?" Iris inquired, amused. "But that's going to be expensive," she said, tilting her head. "Can we afford that?"

"She's giving it out for free... I'm lucky."

"Are you kidding?" Iris asked, dropping her jaw.

"Why would I joke around? She's really that nice!" Dawn remarked, forcing a smile.

"What am I getting myself into now?" she worried, her eyes shut.

"So, when are you going to start?" Iris said, her voice full of anticipation.

Dawn paused for a second, nervously chuckling, "Any... anytime, yeah, she told me that."

"Then why don't you start tomorrow? I'm free as well, and I can drop you off wherever you should be."

Dawn swallowed hard and exclaimed, "No!" Then, realizing she had overreacted, she softly explained, "I mean, no... not tomorrow because I have to meet Zera for the book."

"Zera told me you two aren't going to meet tomorrow because she has an entire working day," Iris responded, confused by Dawn's behavior.

"Ah! Right, I forgot," Dawn whispered quietly, grasping her nape. She'd run out of reasons.

Iris laughed before hitting Dawn on the arm gently. "Hey, you should take a break! You see, you're getting forgetful," she said, assuming her sister was simply tired.

"Let's go tomorrow so I can thank... Sab... Sabrina Sarratt... as well," Iris remarked, reading what was written before returning the business card to Dawn. "She wrote her number here, so you should ask her where to meet now," she said, rising up and touching Dawn's head sweetly before leaving the woman alone.

"Didn't I just put myself in danger?" Dawn pondered, sighing in exasperation.

Lizzie noticed Dawn and Iris dressed stylishly the next morning. "Are you two going somewhere?" she inquired.

"Yeah," Iris said, smiling brightly. "Dawn got scheduled to meet with a piano instructor, who had offered her free lessons, isn't that great?" she inquired.

"Wow... that's incredible!"

"I know it's unbelievable too, but the business card looked legitimate," Iris stated.

"Dawn has always wanted to learn to play the piano, right? This is a fantastic opportunity for her," Lizzie stated cheerfully before squeezing Dawn's shoulder. "Isn't that right, Dawn?" she inquired.

Dawn was staring off into space, contemplating her life decisions despite the fact that there is no turning back now.

"Dawn?" Lizzie became worried.

"Hey, Dawn!" Iris said loudly.


"Are you alright?"

"Of course," Dawn answered, trying to come off as excited, "I'm just a little anxious and thrilled as well."

"What time will she arrive?"

Iris is getting antsy because they've been waiting for more than thirty minutes. Well, Dawn did not call Sabrina, thus no one would actually come.

"Maybe she's already on her way," Dawn answered, looking apologetic as she pursed her lips. She felt awful for Iris, but she didn't want to see Sabrina again. The woman seemed clingy and weird. Things might go badly if Iris gets the wrong idea.

"It's okay, Dawn; I can wait for hours," Iris said cheerfully.

Dawn simply took her phone and began making up an excuse to get them back home. "Oh, she just messaged me. Let me read—"


Dawn and Iris' attention was drawn to the woman who had just approached them.

"I knew you'd be here!" "Oh, I waited for your call last night," Sabrina said.

One thing was apparent. Dawn recognized the voice, but the face was unfamiliar, so she had to double-check. "Uh... who are—"

"There you go again! When are you going to stop teasing me?" Sabrina puckered her lips. She noticed the person who sat across from Dawn, so she smiled at her.

"Hi, are you... Sabrina Sarratt?" Iris asked cautiously.