
Heartbreak in the Heat

It was the end of my first year at the university, and I was eagerly looking forward to summer to live it to the fullest, until my heart was broken. As if being dumped wasn't enough, I now have to endure the humiliation of witnessing my ex-boyfriend flaunting his new girlfriend - who also happens to be my former best friend - all over town. A double whammy. I am now the pathetic ex-girlfriend, with a broken heart. I am doomed to spend the summer sulking over a guy who believed I was predictable and bad in bed. So, here's what I've decided for this summer; the plan is simple...pretend that I am dating Jim, the popular bad boy of the town, and make my ex-boyfriend green with envy. What do you think? After all...what could possibly go wrong?

giv_manuchehri · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 2

Jim Jones was an absolutely gorgeous man. Brown hair, green eyes, about 6 feet tall and 200 pounds of muscle. No woman could resist him. No man could either, but not for the same reasons. Besides the girls with whom he had fun, there were these men and women at his service who respected him, feared him.

As the head of the most important gang in the city: The Red Blood, he had a huge influence on the most important people. Nobody dared to oppose him. No one ever stood up to him at the risk of ending up six feet under. At this pleasant thought, he let out a small chuckle.

- Jim?

- Hmm?

Oh, he'd almost forgotten he was there at that one.

- Are you planning to call me back?

Another girl whose name he didn't know and so he didn't care he didn't care about. Jenna? Oh, it didn't matter. All he knew for sure was that this girl had just had the best sex of her life.

At the same time, with a guy like me, there's no reason to be surprised, he thought confidently with assurance. The girl approached Jim and tried to steal a kiss. The latter moved away violently from his lover. He couldn't stand being taken for granted, like a common taken for granted, like a vulgar guy. And all these gestures of tenderness so mawkish disgusted him.

- Don't ever do that again.

Jim had a threatening tone. The young girl was not asked twice and she lay down in the bed beside him without a word. bed beside him without a word.

- You don't feel like it anymore? she risked after a few moments of silence.

- No, I'm not. Get dressed and go away.

Its tone was dry and authoritative not leaving place to some conquer comment. Having a pretty young woman naked at his side did not leave indifferent of course, but she had challenged his authority, and had felt too comfortable with him by trying to kiss him without his permission. Then he had to be intransigent. The young woman dressed in speed and left. Finally, alone.

It was still early, hardly midday. He had the day ahead of him. Jim take his phone and decided to call the one person he trusted the most, his best friend, his right-hand man, his brother in arms, to whom he owed his life: Michael.

He had done everything and gone through everything together. Since the death of their parents, in an "incident that had gone wrong", until Jim 's uncontested power to Jim's undisputed leadership of the Red Blood, Michael had become the one person Jim really wanted to spend time with. The latter finally picked up his phone:

- Hey Jim! How are you doing? Still with Selene?

Ah, Selene was the name of the girl he had spent the night with.

- No, and I feel like relaxing a little bit. How would you like to go out tonight at the Black Shelter?

- On business?

- No, just to have a drink this time.

- Ha ha! I'm always good for a drink, you know that. Great, see you tonight!


- So you told her?

- Yes, and she took it very hard. She tried to make me believe that she didn't care, that she was a strong woman. she didn't care, to play the strong woman, but you know her, even for that she's not good at it.

- Oh, how bad you can be, Henry.

It was with irony that Claire burst into an evil laugh. For almost 3 years, she had been waiting for revenge. In reality, Henry was mainly a way for her to take revenge on way for her to take her revenge on Sophie. They had been so close as children...

But the young brunette had chosen a different path from her friend. Instead of becoming a cheerleader by her side, of becoming popular, she had chosen to embarrass her by becoming the bookworm, the "friend burden". And when Henry arrived, she hated him for daring to compete with him. Of course, Henry had only taken up with Sophie because of her innocence and inexperience; his perfect image had been preserved and he could continue to collect girls without Sophie suspecting anything.

Finally, Claire was going to have him all to herself. They were finally an official couple. The young Cheerleader couldn't wait to be seen on the arm of the wealthy Henry Jenkins.

Henry took possession of the mouth of his new girlfriend with avidity. He threw him a glance heard and she understood at once where he was going with this. What of better than to have sex in the air to act definitively the beginning of a relationship.

Claire took the hand of her boyfriend and led him towards the sports locker room. At this time of the year all the students had gone home, or if they were on campus, it was to take advantage of the few student bars that had remained open during the summer. Yes, some students needed money to pay for their studies, and the others, they could continue to party even in college.

Once she had made sure that the locker rooms were empty, Claire began to undress to end up in her underwear.

- I sure want to take a shower.

She dropped a teasing look, and Henry did not hesitate to go join her.

- And I want to take you.

Claire bit her lip of desire and kissed with passion her new boyfriend. She undressed quickly and soon she could see the object of her desire, proudly standing in front of her. She drew him into the shower and turned on the water. She thought it looked a little pornographic. She found it very exciting.

She didn't hesitate to grab her lover's taut sex and make regular back and forth movements. After a few minutes the cheerleader, squatted and put the member in erection in his mouth. She sucked it with and Henry did not delay to show his contentment. He let out a few moans of pleasure before withdrawing from his girlfriend.

- Get on all fours.

It was all he found to say and Claire complied. Henry was not the romantic type and neither was she. He liked to fuck and so did she. He liked to fuck and so did she. He liked power and so did she. In short, they had well found.

Very quickly, Henry penetrated her violently, and he finished a few minutes later. Claire couldn't wait for Sophie to be humiliated by seeing them together.