

Ebina is a rare swordswoman even within the entire kingdom. In seeking redemption of her past, she adopted a son that nobody wanted and shunned. Yet, fate deemed her an act of salvation as the beginning of a new disaster.  In her darkest moment, she met Alvin, a gun wielding Marker of the Empire who has become a wanted man of his homeland. With both of them having the same objective, the new chapter unfolds as they would embark into an epic journey, struggling against all odds, and fighting a new birth of the devil which no one has ever known.

RandomGuy · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

"Captain… Is it really fine?" 

The young man beside her gazed at her as they walked side by side amidst the boisterous street. A variety of merchandise was laid out on the stalls on both sides while there were those using carpets instead. Paying attention to the passerby as to not bump them, she glanced at the young man and spoke, "Do you think the same, Rudy?"

Smiling wryly, he stared into Ebina's eyes for a while before he shook his head. "I was flustered at first. But I trusted you, captain."

"...Thank you." Ebina said, lowering her head and turning back forward. "How about the rest? Are there some troublemakers around?"

"Well… about that…" scratching the back of his head, Rudy's eyes shifted to a random direction and replied, "Some of our men wished to leave our squad. Those ungrateful lots really take this whole matter about havlins and dialo way too far."

"I can't force anyone's belief. It's their right if they wish to leave," as she glanced at her arms, where the baby was sleeping, her eyebrows relaxed and she curled her lips. "They could do whatever. As for me, I'll do what I think is right."

Soon, the young man shut his mouth and hastened his steps to follow her closer. The sounds of the merchant shouting their goods drowned all noises around, giving a sense of relief slithering within. Every step of her feels more steadier and she would glance at the vast blue in determination. 

After they left the busy street, a paved road entered her view with some carriages filled to the brim passing by. Following the road and turning to the right for two times, both of them arrived at a two-storey house. 

It stood sandwiched between the other houses and had a rectangular shape. The roof was high and square shaped and was covered with overlapping roof tiles. A small chimney sat at the left side of the house. A few large windows let in just enough light to the rooms below the roof.


Turning to see her right-hand man, Ebina raised her eyebrows when the man placed a fist to his chest. Without a single word, he bowed before he turned around and left, walking to the end of the street and faded from her sight. 

"He is still as worrywart as ever," she whispered, letting out a faint smile while her eyes fixated upon the crossroads where the man had vanished. "For him to follow me until I reach my place…"

The image of the past emerged in her mind as the face of the young man looking at her without a blink and offering her a bundle of flowers. His blushing cheeks and trembling hands feel fresh in her head. 

Disposing of that thought a second later, she went to the door and took out a bronze key. She opened the door and the view of stairs, wooden chairs and a couch surrounding a long table on the side, the fireplace at the corner, and a bookshelf 


Walking inside, she closed the door and went to the second floor. After she entered her bedroom, she laid the baby on the bed and took out a similar white fabric that was much newer than the one found in Havlins' nest. Placing the folded fabric beside the newborn, she went to get a basin of water and a soft towel to clean him. 

Wrapping the baby with the fabric, she glanced at the window and saw the sunset within. A sigh escaped her lips as she mumbled, stroking the baby's head. 

"Bear it for now, little one. I will ask for Aunt Mary's help tomorrow to sew some newborn clothes."

The baby's hand grabbed onto her thumb and put it in his mouth, sucking at it as he spoke out, "Uuuhh…"

"Are you hungry?"

"Daaa!" the baby said, biting the finger with his toothless mouth. 

A chuckle sounded, and she lifted him before glancing at her own breasts. Another sigh came out, she hugged him closer and moved downstairs. Going to the kitchen and getting her leftover goat's milk.

With one hand, she took the capped brown glass jar and poured it into the wooden cup. With a delicate movement, she put it on the baby's lips and let him sip on the milk. 

"You didn't cry even once, huh." she murmured, staring at the newborn and continued, "Normally, babies would cry when they are hungry, wouldn't they?"

Blinking for a few times, the newborn cried and made her eyes widen as she put the cup on the nearby table and was about to say something to calm him down before she felt her palms getting warmer. 

Yellow liquid fell, splashing all over her legs and forming a small puddle beneath her. In haste, she searched for any container and settled with a wooden bowl, ignoring the spreading fluid for now. 

"Jeez, what to do with you…"

Placing him at the dry table, she went to grab a cloth to be used to clean her legs and the baby, along with a jug full of water. When she finished mopping the floor as well, she lit the candles around and got an oil lamp. 

Bringing the baby to the living room, she lit up the fireplace and placed a chair nearby. After that, she reached out for a storybook on the bookshelf. Back in the chair again and let the baby sit on her lap while she opened the book and read the story out loud. 

Hours passed, and the baby in her arms was already letting out faint snores. As she clutched him, she gazed at the dancing flames, and talked to herself out loud. 

"I can't keep calling you little one, right?"

Shortly, silence permeated within the room, and she leaned her back. Her chin raised and the view of the ceiling reflected in her eyes. 

"Long time ago, my mother once held me just like this, telling me a story about a brave warrior from the north. He lived in the mountains since his childhood and came to the Evergreen Earth when he was of age. Here he saved countless villages from the attack of the Grulls, it was my favorite story..."

Her voice vibrated before the crackling noises followed after. Soon, she glanced towards the baby and saw the smooth, hairless head. Her lips parted, and she continued to speak out. 

"The brave warrior's name is Damien, The Stonebreaker. In the story, they said that he could break boulders with his punches alone."

Stroking his head, she whispered. Her voice was so soft that it almost drowned by the crackling noises of the flames. 

"Until the day your parents claim you, I will always be by your side."

"So welcome to the house of Lavensthy, Damien."