
Heart theft

Introducing Raphael Lancaster, the esteemed CEO of Lancaster Group and a prominent business mogul. Widely known as the "ICE CEO" due to his aloof and detached demeanor, Raphael exudes an air of cool confidence and unflappable composure. Despite his quest for a new personal assistant, Raphael seeks a candidate who is not only enthusiastic and driven but also possesses the rare ability to penetrate his stoic exterior and reach the depths of his heart. During this search, he encounters Nathalie Hammers, a recent college graduate who has faced numerous obstacles and challenges in her young life. As Nathalie applies for the coveted position at Lancaster Group, she finds herself drawn to Raphael's enigmatic personality and determined to prove her worth. Will she be able to break through the walls surrounding Raphael's heart and awaken his hidden warmth and compassion? Discover the answer to this intriguing question in "HEART THEFT," a captivating tale of love, ambition, and personal growth.

Titilayo_Osifala · Andere
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13 Chs

Chapter 7-Madam

My heart was pounding hard against my chest as I turned around to face the CEO. I had just handed him a cup of coffee, However, to my surprise, the CEO spat out the coffee with a force that made me flinch. I was taken aback, unsure of what to say or do in this unexpected and uncomfortable situation. The sound of him expectorating the coffee echoed in my ears, and the look on his face made it clear that something was very wrong. I could see his face turning red with anger and frustration. He looked at me with piercing eyes.

"Do you want to give me diabetes even before I die? Didn't Phil tell you that I preferred low sugar what is this".

"Am sorry sir'' but he didn't let me finish before declaring harshly ''your monthly bonus has been deducted now get out'' I couldn't stand his furiousness so I quietly do something like this was she tried to kill me. Then I wondered how she would have made this big mistake if only Phil didn't explain it to her properly.

"Be in my office now'' soon I heard a knock.

''come in''

''sir you called for me how may I be of help"

''yes Phil, didn't you explain to Miss Hammers that I preferred low sugar when making my coffee ''

''Am sorry sir, it will never happen again''

''Am going to let this go but next time I won't, now get lost''.

As I made my way to my office, which was situated on the right-hand side and a fair distance away, I couldn't help but notice the stunning, modern design of the interior. The entrance was sleek, with a polished floor that gleamed under the bright lights. As I stepped inside, my attention was immediately drawn to the center of the room where a massive table stood, dominating the space. The table was made of polished wood and the surface was adorned with various files and a computer system. A comfortable-looking swivel chair was positioned behind the table, facing the entrance. The room exuded elegance and sophistication, and I couldn't help but feel impressed.

However, my fascination with the office was quickly interrupted by the transparent glass partition that separated my office from the CEO's office. The glass was of impeccable quality, completely see-through, and it gave me a clear view of the CEO's office on the other side. I was surprised by this unique feature, and I couldn't help but wonder about its purpose. I wanted to inquire about it from Secretary Phil, but I sensed that he was preoccupied with something else, perhaps the mistake from earlier that had earned him a rebuke from the CEO. So, I decided to put aside my curiosity for the time being and focus on my work.

As I dove into my work, the hours seemed to slip away unnoticed. It wasn't until my phone buzzed with a text from my friend Lana that I realized I had missed lunch. She reminded me to take a break and eat, which I appreciated. I quickly made my way to the cafeteria, hoping to find something to eat. I scanned the options, but most of the dishes were already taken, leaving only a few leftovers. Finally, I found a sandwich and some fruit that looked fresh enough to eat.

''coming for lunch by this time isn't good for your health''.

''been busy with work ''.

'' I guessed, my name is Ethan Dival nice meeting you ''

''It a pleasure''

''new here''

''yes, I am the CEO's personal assistant''

''ok may I know your name''

''oh where are manners am sorry my name is Nathalie Hammers".

''Such a cute name. Feel free to call me if you need any help in the office, OK.''

''yeah sure thanks''.



As soon as I finished my conversation with a guy named Ethan, I headed back to my office to complete my work. However, I was soon interrupted by loud noises coming from outside. Despite feeling hesitant, I decided to investigate the commotion.

As I stepped outside, I couldn't help but notice a woman in her early forties exuding elegance and poise. Her skin was flawless, and she looked as if she owned the world. It was evident that she was a goddess in her own right.

Suddenly, I heard her outraged voice, "Phil, where is that brat?" Secretary Phil tried to maintain his calm as he approached her. "Madam, the boss is inside, but he has requested not to be disturbed," I explained.

"That bastard! Tell that brat I want to see him right this minute!" she exclaimed, clearly not pleased with my response. It didn't take long for the CEO to appear, appearing cold and distant.

"Mum, why are you here?" he asked, that was when it drew on me that this pretty woman was the CEO's mother you may all leave for your office. Everything went down as the wind in the desert and we all left for our duties.

"Why am I here? How dare you ditch your date!" she replied, her tone filled with anger.

"Come inside, let's settle this," the CEO suggested, trying to calm his mother down.

"Hmph, better," she replied, and we all returned to the office. However, as we settled in, the CEO's mother continued to voice her complaints. "Why did you create a ruckus, mum?" the CEO asked, trying to understand the situation.

''I am creating a ruckus, oh dear lord what have I done to you to get this bastard here''.

''That bastard is still your precious son''


''let me get you coffee'' I used the intercom in my office to call Nathalie.

''Miss Hammers, please get me a cup of coffee with two cubes of sugar'' Soon we heard a Knock.

''come in''. I walked in to serve the coffee, I was a little bit anxious but I tried to mask it off.

''Is this your new assistant''

''yes, what the matter mum''.

''she is so beautiful, how are you dear''

''Am fine ma and you''

''Am not fine, my stupid son here has refused to get married''.

''Mum don't start again''

''shut up you brat''

''you know he had to ditch his date, I feel so bad for having a son like him, I must have offended someone in my previous life to get a son like him poor me'' with a sulking expression on the CEO's mother's face I watch the banter between the mother and son making me wished I had a family like that.

''And this brat is your son once again. Miss Hammers, you can take your leave.

'Am leaving ma take care of yourself''.

''Yes dear I will, thank you'' I left the office to let the mother and son have their private space.

''I think you should date her Raphael, she is so beautiful''

''you have forgotten Samantha within minutes of seeing her''

''oh, you shut up, I only asked you to go on a date with that girl because she was the only option at that time, if I knew you had a pretty woman I wouldn't have asked you to meet her''

''tch what am I going to do with you, mum''

'' look I only want you to give me a grandchild son that all asked for, find someone to settle with so I can die peacefully ''

''I will be at peace if you can leave me alone''

''You'' Standing up I walk up to her '' Mum you need to worry about me, I promise I will get married soon.

''Soon! I don't want soon I want you to get married within a month, don't you dare try me, Raphael''

'' what, a month! Mum, you know that's not possible.''

''It possible, you have a damsel in custody''.

'' Don't Tell you have taken a liken towards that girl''

''I think you should solve your problems, as your grandma won't take it easy with you''.

''So it's grandma's decision''.

''Yes, you better hurry up because she will be coming tonight, be home by seven o'clock for dinner ''. As I observed my mother walk out of the room, my heart sank with disappointment at her decision. I couldn't understand why my family couldn't just leave me alone about getting married. The constant pressure and unwanted attention were overwhelming, and I couldn't shake the feeling of frustration and hopelessness.

''Hey babe are you done ''

''yes, just a minute let me pack up''.

''ok, I am almost done as well, come meet me at my office so we can go home''.

''Alright be there in ten minutes'' As I gathered my belongings and said farewell to secretary Phil, I made my way to the elevator. As I approached the doors, my attention was suddenly drawn to a woman who appeared to be in her early seventies, who stumbled and collapsed right before me. In a state of shock, I immediately rushed to her side to offer assistance.

''Madam, madam are you okay?''
