
Heart theft

Introducing Raphael Lancaster, the esteemed CEO of Lancaster Group and a prominent business mogul. Widely known as the "ICE CEO" due to his aloof and detached demeanor, Raphael exudes an air of cool confidence and unflappable composure. Despite his quest for a new personal assistant, Raphael seeks a candidate who is not only enthusiastic and driven but also possesses the rare ability to penetrate his stoic exterior and reach the depths of his heart. During this search, he encounters Nathalie Hammers, a recent college graduate who has faced numerous obstacles and challenges in her young life. As Nathalie applies for the coveted position at Lancaster Group, she finds herself drawn to Raphael's enigmatic personality and determined to prove her worth. Will she be able to break through the walls surrounding Raphael's heart and awaken his hidden warmth and compassion? Discover the answer to this intriguing question in "HEART THEFT," a captivating tale of love, ambition, and personal growth.

Titilayo_Osifala · Andere
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13 Chs

Chapter 12-Why are you here zyra?

Chapter 12-why are you here zyra?

''Raphael, there you are'' I heard Ziekiel scream from the hallway.

''yes, what happened''.

''I have been looking for you all over''


''and by the way, what are you doing in the female restroom don't tell me you are here on a hot search''

''Isn't the male restroom also here''. I didn't know how to respond to him, so I answered nervously. I couldn't reveal to him the real reason why I was in the women's restroom, but luckily he didn't ask any further. As I thought back on what had just happened, I couldn't believe that I had to fight off those two old men just to save a woman. I wonder what she must think of me now. Will she ever know that I was the one who saved her? My heart skipped a beat when she asked me to remove my mask, but I couldn't help myself from getting closer to her. She seemed like a kitten in the dark, a scared creature with a unique fragrance.

''Earth to Raphael now was pulled out of my reverie by Ezekiel.

''oh yes what up''

'' what in the hell were you thinking about ''

''Never mind, forget about it''.

''Right, let go now Xander is done with his so-called drink and Laim is waiting for us''.

''common, let's get going'' I said as we left the club with my mind still wavering over tonight's incident.

''Nathalie, have been looking for you all over, are you alright? Why are you scared?.''

''it nothing shall we leave now''' I didn't want to tell her to cause hell she would be worried and I don't want her to be''

''We are not leaving here if you don't tell what's wrong''.

''Nothing is wrong Lana let's leave now''I tried dragging her to move but she refused.

''no I said we are not leaving here till you tell me what's wrong, look at you, you are so scared ''

''my God, why are you this obstinate ''

''now say or die''

''what! You have to say that'' I rolled my eyes to this dramatic friend of mine and I knew we were not leaving this place. I look at her skeptically before trying to explain.

''ok listen, I just encountered two old men trying to force their self on me''


''luckily I was saved by someone ''

''Who was that''

''I didn't get to see his face as he refused to remove his mask when I asked''

''hmm that's weird he could have at least removed his mask so we could how to thank him''

''well, he said that was not necessary so why bother with it? Can we go now '' I was about to leave when I saw Lana in tears.

''it's all my fault Nathalie I shouldn't have left you alone to go for a drink when I forced you here''.

''hey common babe, it's not your fault have you forgotten I also decided to come here, what happened here is just a coincidence and luckily I was saved so you shouldn't blame yourself ''


''yes, now stop being a crybaby and tell me how your drink went with that handsome man''. Immediately I said this I could see a flicker of excitement in her eyes this best friend of mine was always lustful about handsome men well I can't blame her cause that is her nature.

''yes I almost forgot, could you believe he was one of the VIP guests''


''yes, I couldn't believe he had a drink with me and damn I almost melted in his arms when he asked for my WeChat i.d'' she said lost in thought

''back to earth Lana rhumerian ''

''oh yes where were we''

''we are about to go home shall we Tomorrow is going to be a hectic day with your workaholic boss''

''Do not ruin my mood'' As we left the club in a cab, We were both exhausted and didn't have the energy to cook or tidy up the room, so we took a refreshing shower and slept off. The next morning, we woke up with a hangover, but fortunately, we had prepared a hangover pill beforehand, so we took it and made our way to the office. As we hailed a cab and alighted at our usual spot, we said our goodbyes to each other and headed to our respective workplaces. Upon arriving at the office, I immediately rushed to get my boss his early morning coffee. However, on my way to his office, I met Secretary Phil, who seemed to be in a rush too.

''morning Secretary Phil '' I said to which he responded with a smile

''good morning miss hammers''

''is the CEO around ''

''yes, but he is kind of busy ''

''is there a day he isn't busy'' I said jokingly

''I will leave you now, I need to sort out these files''

''All alright have a great day'' I said to proceed when secretary Phil called me back

''and by the way, miss hammers I almost forgot, you had a visitor in the lobby the receptionist called in this morning''

''thanks, I will just drop this coffee ''

''ok bye have a good day '' After my conversation with secretary Phil I went to the CEO's office knocking as usual with his deep voice telling me to come in

''good morning sir ''


''your coffee sir'' I said and placed it on his table. He didn't reply and just continued flipping through the files.

''if there is nothing else I will take my leave now'' I said to take my leave when he said

''miss Hammers, clear my schedule for the rest of the day after lunch, we will be having a meeting after lunch be there on time''

''yes sir'' I said and left his office for the lobby to search for the guest waiting for me on getting there I wasn't expecting what I saw there

''shocked, do not be big sister ''

''why are you here zyra'' I said enraged seeing my pretentious sister.