
Heart or Reason

After reading a web novel, Mailys was thinking about her life and what she could have done better. If she had the choice, would she rather be reborn in her past self to correct her life or would she rather transmigrate in a world of fantasies where she could live like a real princess? Mailys sure preferred the second option, but all it took was three wishes to send her to her middle school, where all started to go wrong. Will she be able to face her first love and change the track of her life? Will she follow her heart or her reason?

AoSen · Urban
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7 Chs


She didn't know how much time passed before she woke up in her bed. Like always, she didn't plan to open her eyes until she was fully sat on the side of the bed. Bang! As she hurriedly stands, her head bumped on something. She opened her eyes while cursing and saw what her head collided with. She was sleeping on a bunk bed and crashed into the top of it. She didn't react and slowly took a look at what was surrounding her. The bedroom was not that big. There were two desks in each corner in front of the beds. Between them a huge dressing table with a mirror. In her left, the dressing was big enough to fit her sister's clothes and hers and a fluffy carpet was covering the floor. Half of the walls was covered with her sister's and her friend's photography and pictures of singers and actors. The other half had anime character glued on. Even if the room felt full of things, it was bright and clean. It was all pinkish, she hated it. But she was the younger sister and doesn't have a say to it. Her sister loved to remind her that the room was there before Mailys was born and that she was kind enough to let her sleep in it, so she just had to shut up and live in it.

Mailys was doubting what she was seeing. She went back inside her blanked and laid down, eyes closed for a long moment. Even for a dream, this was shocking, it felt so real. She was thinking about transmigration before sleeping that why it manifested itself in her dreams. She was sick. After an hour, she was still here and started to feel the panic rising inside her. Like to prove to herself she was dreaming she pinched her cheek very hard, even if she wouldn't wake up, the lack of pain should prove she wasn't awake. "Ouch! Am I dumb? The bruise, from the crash from earlier, already hurt so bad. I am obviously not dreaming." She rubbed her cheek and headed to the mirror hanging on the opposite wall. She looked at herself, it was her but younger. It seemed like she had 13 or 14 years old. At that time, she was already neglecting herself as every time she would take care of herself and make herself pretty, old guys will pick on her denying her age. Despite her effort to make herself look average; she still was beautiful. She had the charm of an ingenuous girl. She had big and expressive amber eyes. They were reflecting the sun most of the time, but when she had negative feeling, they were stained with dark brown. She already had a thin face with pink cheekbones and a radiant smile. Nevertheless, currently, her eyes were pitch black, and she wasn't smiling at all.

She refused to believe it was real. She closed her eyes and tried to use the power she always dreamed of having. Teleportation, transformation, flying … she even tried to spit fire. "That is great, I'm acting like I'm 12 years old now…"

She gave her all to deny the evidence: She was reborn in her younger self. It wasn't until she heard her mother call her for breakfast that she finally believed it. It was real, it really was THIS reality!

- "Mailys, are you still sleeping? Do you think your breakfast will come to you by itself? Do you think you will teleport to school?" her mom shouted

- -_- "Coming!"

She went down the stairs and observed the pictures on the walls. Where there should have been pictures of her older brother and sister and herself, all grown up, there were pictures of toddlers and children. She still was absent-minded when she arrived at the eating table.

- "Good morning," Mailys said as she sat on her chair staring her family

- "Good morning, Mai" her father answered while her siblings didn't bother to look at her

- "Where is mo…" Mailys tried to ask before she was cut off by her mother coming back from the kitchen.

- "Aaaaaah! You didn't even take your shower yet! Eat rapidly before you go get ready for school!"

- "I'm good, I'm not hungry," Mailys said before she rushed to the bathroom.

As she was taking her shower, Mailys tried to digest the situation she was in: she was a 27-year-old girl, trapped in her teenager self. She still lived with her parent and didn't have any kind of independence. From now on, she would have to go to school, take exams and deal with mean teachers and classmates. Everything she had, all the work she did, all the respect she obtained by herself, all of it was gone. This had to be a dream. But then again, this felt so real, her family, her body, the house, even the crack in the corner of the bathtub… All the decision she made, she would have to make them again. She did want to change her life, but what if her new decisions leads to something worst? What if someone ended up wounded or worst? As she was panicking, she put cold water to the maximum and tried to calm down before going out.

Back to her room, Mailys looked at the calendar hanging beside her bed and was wondering why she came back at that time. She took her school bag and looked in it. She took out her correspondence book where her planning was written on. "Crap, there is PE class today!" She hated physical education classes. Truth is she had hated middle school from the start. She had some good memories but thinking about them always brought back much more bad memories. Earlier, she had looked at the calendar and took note of the year, but she didn't do the math to figure out, in what grade she currently was. So, she read the correspondence book to find it. Inside the book, after her basic information, she could read, "6-C". She was in 6th grade.

She felt a little remorseful. If she hadn't made these two wishes, she wouldn't be in this shitty position. She only remembered her first two wishes as she made the third unconsciously.

"I know why now… shit, I'm falling in love this year…"

From the moment she woke up, the panic never left her. Now she was completely freaking out. If she was given the chance, she would definitely change her life. She would become beautiful, gracious, intelligent and badass! Yet, now here she was, and she was doubting her capacity to face him.

She didn't let it take the better of her and was getting ready to go to school. It was hot and sunny outside so she couldn't wear much to cover herself. She already missed her big hooded sweatshirt. After greeting her parent, she went out to school.

She used to go there with Lily. They would slowly walk to school, chatting and playing along the way. They were going through a safe path, bordered by little houses inhabited by old people, their curiosity and wandering gaze to grant Mailys and other students their safety. She would meet with Lily soon enough, so, for now, she chose to go without her.

She lived in a city near Paris, but the neighborhood she was living in, looked like a countryside district. Today, it was quiet, and she felt at ease as she was walking alone. The weather was nice too. She was kind of feeling nostalgic. It was like she still was an adult walking on the same old path she used to go through, wanting to be young again. Except, she really was young again. The duality between her ease, her nostalgia and her panic were so strange. She got closer and closer to school and soon, the path was crowded with students. She knew some of them, but because she wasn't sure if she already knew them at the current time, she plugged her earphone and stood on the side far from the entrance.

She remembered she didn't have many friends in 6th grade. Soon after the start of the school year, some kids tried to bully her. They were making fun of her curly hair calling her dark sheep and every name in the book. In her past life, she felt that it was the victim to choose if he was the victim of the bullies or not. So she chose, to don't care about them and to mind her business. But now, she felt that it was OK to get revenge if someone comes at her.

As she was lost in her thoughts, Lily and two other friends surrounded Mailys. She took off her earphone and greeted them briefly. The fact that Lily was all smiles made Mailys feel angry, but as always, she kept her cool. She didn't remember of the two other girls, so she didn't talk to them anymore. Like that, she appeared to be absent-minded, like she usually was. She still was listening to them. She was hoping to figure out what was happening in their life at that time. Not even one hint was given, but she had a bad feeling. Her first class was physical education. While she was waiting for the teacher to come, the weather suddenly went bad.

"It will rain really soon, so no PE today! We will go inside the stadium and boys will play in a soccer tournament against boys from 6-D and 6-A.," The teacher came and spoke.

Mailys heart skipped a beat. She felt her soul quit her body thought her mouth and she started to sweat really bad. "I'm so scared, it's not this year, it is today! I'm falling for him today! I didn't prepare myself, I'm not ready."