
Heart of the Lycan King

Emily_Knudsen · Fantasie
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7 Chs

Selecting a Queen

King Viego Thunderfist was sitting in the reception hall of the lyconian royal palace. It was a smaller version of the throne room and his seat was made of an uncomfortable marble. He gazed at the ten women that stood barely clad in a line before him, their fathers stood in a line behind them. Each woman was overweight, some verging on blobish, with the exception of the one on the far right. Though she was making ever attempt to cover her more intimate parts. She was the only brunette in the line. All the others were some variation of bottle blonde whore barbie. Their fathers, who seemed so proud of them, had no clue just how disgusting it really was too him. Not one of these women had worked a single day of their lives, and that was obvious by how uncomfortable they looked being forced to stand for the three hours it took for him to finally give in to the demands of his pack councilmen.

He was bored by this whole charade that played on repeat every three months for the past ten years since his mother and father had past. He had been a boy of fourteen when he ascended the throne. Back then he had not been able to resist touching the girls when they got to close. It had been his way of forcing them to back up and keep a respectful distance. That changed with his first shift.

One of the girls had touched his arm in an all too familiar way. He had snapped and ended her life in the next second. As her headless corpse fell lifeless at the feet of his large angry beast her father had pulled out his gun and blew his own brains all over the ceiling. It had not been pretty. Now, here he was eight years later bored and not impressed with his current options. Nevertheless, he motioned the first girl to step forward so he could get a closer look at her exposed body.

All of them were wearing white see through bras and panties. He squinted at her obesity, trying to get a clue of what he might see when drunk. She got bold and ascended the four stairs to the dias. He sneered in displeasure. His beast hated that she was holding his gaze as if she had any right to at all. She did not halt or try to cover her body. Instead she pressed her upper arms tight to her to further showcase her breasts.

"Never mind. Even drunk your not much to look at. You would never bare my child." He said dismissively as he waved her away before she could protest. Quickly she left the room with her father. She was in tears and he didn't care. Better she leave and not come back. She might have been attractive if not for the thick makeup and overpowering perfume that he despised. The next in line was similarly made up and he was no less harsh with her. "Eat more salad and drop fifty pounds and I might be interested in a drunken one night stand." She ran from the room sobbing loudly. 'Two down, eight to go.' Fangress snarled gleefully as Viego turned his attention to the next two in line.

"Both of you. Come here and be quick. I have more important things to deal with today." He sighed in exasperation.

"Your grace I ha-"

"Do you make a habit of that?" Viego half snarled at her.

"Habit of what, your grace?" She asked as she ran a perfectly manicured hand over her breast and squeezed it in an attempt to be seductive.

"Speaking out of turn." He growled back as he watched her other hand go into her panties and begin to play with her own pussy. "Also there is a time and place for everything, and this is neither the time nor place for your disgusting antics." He spat at her. She went pale and her hands stopped their movement. He looked at the second girl and eyed her as she stood with her feet shoulder width apart, her hips were moving ever so slightly. 'No sense of decency! you can go fuck yourselves!' He thought and his eyes slid to the next pair in line. "You there." He pointed at another girl and motioned for her to approach.

The two whores now realized that he was not going to choose them. The one that had played with herself tripped the next girl as they passed eachother on the steps. "YOU BITCH!" Miss bleach blonde screeched as she leapt to her feet. and rounded on the other girl. "I OUGHTA-"

"ENOUGH!" Viego bellowed as he got to his feet. "GET OUT! ALL THREE OF YOU!! NOW!!!"


"HOW DARE YOU DISOBEY AN ORDER FROM YOUR KING!" She flinched away at his words but didn't seem ready to accept that she too had been rejected. "I've no need for whores and cunts that don't know their place! Get. Out." His quiet snarl was heard by everyone in the room. The girls lower lip trembled and tears welled up in her eyes. Viego didn't care. If he chose her she would constantly cause trouble and then proceed to play the victim when her status could not get her what she wanted. A pity that she was one of the more attractive girls in the room. In fact he wouldn't need to be drunk to get hard for her.

Thaston stepped up to the throne as Viego sat back down. "Do you really need to wast time insulting all of them, your grace?" He whispered so low that only Viego could hear. He was surprised to see that the next girl was being pulled out of the room by her father.

"Good point Thaston. I'll just do it all in one breath." He pointed at the first girl in the line and took a deep breath, and went down the line of four. "Fat, Lazy, Vapid, Basic...." Just then an intoxicating aroma reached him and he finally saw her. She was hiding behind her alpha and beta, holding two dresses over her arm. "YOU!" He barked and she flinched in fright.

The alpha's daughter smirked and started forward, because who else could he be talking to? The sheer entitlement of the whore was more than he could tolerate. "Not you! You in the back." She looked around confused by who he was talking to. "Yes you. Drop those dresses and come here."

"Excuse you! Those dresses are channel!" The entitled bitch said flippantly.

"Speak out of turn again and I will channel my foot in your ass!" He snapped. "I gave you an order! Drop them and come here now!" This time she complied with the order. As she passed her alpha's daughter he saw the bitch shove her and she stumbled but kept walking towards the throne. If he chose this girl she would go out of her way to not cause problems which may end up being more of a problem. She stopped at the bottom of the stairs and looked at her feet. Viego felt his cock harden instantly and images of her lying naked beneath him flashed in his minds eye. 'Put a pup in her!' Fangress growled lustfully. Viego didn't quite agree with that statement. She was stunning. She had long Crimson hair that was pulled back into a Dutch braid down her back. Her skin was like pale, smooth, porcelain. and she had all the right curves in all the right places. She was just thick enough to be considered curvy but just thin enough to look human. All he wanted was to play with her for a while.

She was wearing a simple green sun dress that fell half way down her shapely calfs. Try as he might he could not picture what was under that dress and it drove him mad with lust. He adjusted his erection as discreetly as he could with all eyes on him. He cleared his throat and spoke to her in a clear tone. "What is your name?"

"She is just my daughter's maid, your grace." Her alpha spoke up.

"I did not ask you for her status in your pack, alpha!" Viego snapped angrily. "What is your name?" He asked again.

'V-Valkiera, your grace." She half whispered. It was clear that she was terrified of this situation. Even so her voice was soft and did things for his libido that no one had ever done before.

"How old are you?" He manged between gritted teeth as he adjusted again to hide his rising need.

"Your grace she is an omega and not suited to a position of leadershi--"

"The next time I hear you speak without permission will be the last time you ever speak!" Viego was fed up with this Alpha's repeated disrespect of his authority. "How old are you, Valkiera?"

"Etten, your grace." He barely heard her quiet answer.

"Speak up please, Valkiera." Thaston said as he walked down the stairs to put himself between her and her alpha.

"Etteen."Once again so quiet that Viego could not hear her answer.

"What did she say, Thaston?" He asked his gamma.

"Eightteen, your grace." Thaston said matterafactly.

"And why did you disobey protocol and not change into what has been provided?" More mumbling. When thaston went to answer he stopped him.

"Please state your answer clearly for everyone to hear, Valkiera!"

"It's because she is a whore." little miss Vapid snorted. Viego glared and growled loudly at her. "What it's true. She will sleep with anything that has a dick. Even my older brother had his way with her, and just last night no less. I saw him leaving the hall with her room. She is the only one who sleeps down that hall. Clyde had his fun but knew better than to stay the night with her. Probably di--"

"SILENCE!!" Viego bellowed at her when she wouldnt stop. She clearly had a problem with handling rejection. She would slander and bully someone else in order to get her way. He ran his hand over his face. "Okay all of you step up here now!" Once all of the girls were lined up in front of him he glared at all of them. "I have one question for each of you, and you will answer honestly. If I don't like your answer you will be asked to leave." All four girls looked nervous now. He walked over to the brunette. "Do you want to be here?"

"No, your grace." She kept her eyes on his shoes. At least one fo these girls knew where she stood. Perhaps he had been wrong about her.

"Get dressed." He ordered and moved to the blonde. "Are you a virgin?"

"Yes. and I'm not opposed to you checking that." She smiled and spread her legs open to give him immediate access to her core.

"That's a lie, your grace. At least three times a day you can find June out behind the barn with some guy slamming into her." It seemed that miss brunette was fed up with this bitch too. It took all he had not to laugh at the look of shocked rage on June's pudgy face. He quickly moved to the next girl in line.

"How often do you shift?"

"Shifting is for men, Your grace. It's not lady like." Lazy seemed to not care that she was acting more like a whore than a lady as she preached what was and was not acceptable for a lady. He moved to the last girl in line.

"what is your stance on an alphas' duty and the decline in the strength of alphas in recent years?" She looked around confused by his questions.

"Um... Well I believe that an alphas' is what ever you say it is, your grace. And someone should do something about the other thing, I guess."

"Interesting." Hwas done with this. He moved to Valkiera. "Why did you not change into the garments provided?"

"I am not comfortable with removing my clothing in public, your grace." She whimpered softly.

"Alright then." He walked up the dias steps and sat down before addressing the room at large. "I have made my decision." He pointed at the brunette and spoke directly to her. "You are free to go."

"Thank you, your grace." She murmured softly as she curtsied and walked back to her father. He then turned to June.

"You are a liar and a bully. Neither is an acceptable trait for a queen." He glared before moving on to the next girl. "You are a hypocrite. You talk about what is lady like while you are acting less than worthy of such a title. Further more it is disgusting that your hypocrisy is a front for the fact that you avoid anything you see as hard, painful, or beneath you." He turned to the last victim of his tirade. "By definition a queen should be educated in political matters enough to have an opinion of her own, as well as knowing what constitutes a political matter. You are not and, frankly, I would be surprised if you had ever had an original thought of your own. And if all this wasn't enough to disqualify all three of you, you failed the first test of your character." His eyes went to Valkiera. "Save for one of you. Lady Valkiera, you have shown that you possess the virtues of a queen. There for you shall have the title and I will be honored to call such."

Gasps of shock ran through the room. "Your grace, why not choose one of the girls that has been groomed for the position?" Alpha Fearson had no idea when to cut his losses.

"I am not saying that your daughters are whores, but they had no problem changing in front of a room full of strange men. You do the math. A queen should be modest when in public and putting on a show for others is not. Lyssa, Take lady Valkiera too the royal mating chamber and see to it that she is properly prepared for tonight." Valkiera locked eyes with him and he could see his whole future in those deep pools of dark emerald green. But there was also fear and it killed him to see it. He now knew that if she wanted to set the world ablaze, he would stand by her side and watch it burn.