

In a world where dragons are hunted for their hearts, believed to bestow immortality, the Bashe, a wise and mystical community, seek refuge in the safety of Scotland. Fleeing the relentless pursuit of an emperor, they make a heart-wrenching decision to leave behind Kiyohime, a dragon born with extraordinary genes, on the banks of the Yellow River in China. Their motive: to safeguard her from the perilous journey and the risk of being hunted. As Kiyohime matures by the tranquil river, oblivious to her people's plight, she nears her 21st year — the time when her extraordinary destiny is set to unfold. A revelation shatters her serene existence, unveiling not only her dragon lineage but also the colossal responsibility she carries. To complicate matters, a mysterious envoy, Sigurd, arrives—a guide sent by the Bashe to lead her back to her people. In this intricate tale of sacrifice, ancient prophecies, and the untapped power within, Kiyohime's journey transcends her dragon heritage. As Sigurd guides her through the challenges, an unexpected bond blossoms between them, weaving the delicate threads of love into the tapestry of their destinies. Will Kiyohime embrace the weight of her destiny, save her people, and navigate the complexities of this growing love? Join Kiyohime as she discovers the delicate balance between duty and the stirring of her heart in a captivating saga of magic, love, and the timeless bonds that define us.

Gmonica · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
10 Chs

Chapter 3: Whispers of Destiny

The journey through the dense forest continued, with Kiyohime and Sigurd navigating the labyrinthine trails that wove through the ancient woods. Each footstep, softened by the lush carpet of moss and the fallen leaves beneath, seemed to whisper secrets known only to these ancient trees. The air itself was thick with the unmistakable scent of damp soil and moss, and the very atmosphere resonated with an intricate tapestry of magic, dragons, and the ever-looming threat of the emperor's relentless soldiers.

As they ventured deeper into the forest, Sigurd, ever vigilant and sharp of instinct, detected a haunting cadence in the distance—the ominous sound of soldiers marching. An invisible shiver coursed down his spine, and he quickly signaled for Kiyohime to halt. Low murmurs carried on the wind, revealing the presence of the emperor's soldiers—those relentless enforcers tasked with eradicating any remnants of dragon-kind that dared to exist.

While Kiyohime held extraordinary powers within her grasp, her mastery of them remained a delicate dance, one that she had yet to perfect. In contrast, Sigurd was not merely a traveling companion; he was a seasoned Viking, a warrior molded by the rugged tales of Norse mythology.

With a stern expression, Sigurd directed Kiyohime to conceal herself in the shadows of the forest, the ancient trees embracing her in their leafy sanctuary. As Sigurd confronted the approaching threat, the forest seemed to hold its breath in anticipation. The clash of steel and the guttural cries of combat echoed through the woods, and Sigurd moved with a lethal grace befitting a seasoned warrior.

The name Sigurd, steeped in the legends of the Norse, conjured vivid images of dragon-slaying exploits and heroic feats. As a Viking, Sigurd had sailed treacherous seas, raided distant lands, and collected tales of valor that echoed through the ages. His courage, untouched by fear, was the kind that secured a place in the hallowed halls of Valhalla, a realm reserved for the bravest of warriors.

Kiyohime, her eyes wide with awe, watched in fascination as Sigurd dispatched the soldiers with a grace that was nothing short of lethal. The gleam of his sword, the fluidity of his movements, and the precise choreography of his every action painted a vivid image of a warrior at the peak of his craft. Her admiration for this formidable stranger deepened with each moment, and she found herself spellbound by the dance of combat unfolding before her eyes.

As Sigurd emerged victorious from the skirmish, Kiyohime couldn't help but be drawn to him. His square jaw, broad shoulders, and fiery red hair cascading down his back created an imposing figure. His hands, calloused and scarred, bore witness to the countless battles he'd fought. Draped in his brown armor, he stood like a mythical guardian, covered with the embodiment of strength and courage.

“Hey! Hey! Are you okay?” Sigurd's voice broke Kiyohime's reverie. Startled, she stammered in embarrassed acknowledgment, realizing she had been transfixed by Sigurd's prowess for far too long. "Alright, let's press on swiftly before the relentless pursuit of the emperor's soldiers tightens around us," Kiyohime urged, a subtle flush colored her cheeks as she sought to conceal her momentary embarrassment. Amidst the urgency of their escape, her thoughts swirled in a tumult of conflicting emotions.

As they navigated the perilous terrain, Kiyohime couldn't shake the perplexing question echoing in her mind. What was happening to her? She reasoned with herself, convincing herself that anyone would be captivated by Sigurd's exceptional combat prowess. Yet, deep within, she grappled with the burgeoning realization that admiration might be transforming into something more profound.

Caught between the adrenaline-fueled escape and the enigmatic stirrings within her heart, Kiyohime couldn't ignore the subtle undercurrents weaving through the fabric of their journey. Sigurd's every deft movement seemed to carve a place in her thoughts, a realization that left her both bewildered and intrigued. The rhythmic clash of steel and the urgency of their flight painted a vivid backdrop to the intricate dance of emotions unfolding within her.

Beneath the midday sun, dappled shadows played on the forest floor, casting a mosaic of light and shade upon the verdant carpet as they continued their journey. The conversation between the two warriors gradually waned, allowing the symphony of rustling leaves and distant birdcalls to envelop them. Kiyohime's curiosity about Sigurd lingered, an unspoken yearning to unravel the layers of her enigmatic companion intensifying with each step.

Amidst the tranquil backdrop of nature's theater, their exchange took on the cadence of an aimless yet companionable conversation, meandering like a lazy stream through the untouched landscapes of their thoughts. The atmosphere, a delicate tapestry woven with sunlight and the gentle rustle of leaves, seemed to cradle their words.

In the midst of this idyllic setting, Kiyohime found herself compelled to shatter the silence, the question hanging in the air like a suspended breath—a fragile bridge between the uncharted territories of their pasts and the shared path that stretched ahead.

"Hey, do you want to tell me about yourself?" Her words, carried by the soft breeze, marked a pivotal moment, a tentative invitation to uncover the mysteries that veiled both their histories and the unforeseen twists of their intertwined destinies.

The response Sigurd offered was measured, his gaze steady. "I'm here to ensure your safe journey to your family. Nothing more, nothing less."

Kiyohime, undeterred by the brevity of his answer, felt an additional surge of curiosity welling within her. "Family... You mentioned them. I never knew much beyond my grandmother. Can you tell me more about them? It's strange, not knowing much about the people I'm meant to reunite with."

His reply, succinct and unwavering, cut through the air. "You don't need to know. My mission is clear—ensure your safety, nothing beyond that."

Her inquiries met with the resolute walls of his reticence, Kiyohime nodded, acknowledging the boundaries he had set. Yet, the newfound awareness of family beyond her grandmother lingered, a dormant curiosity waiting to be stirred beneath the midday sun. As they continued their journey, the forest echoed with the secrets of untold stories, and Kiyohime couldn't help but wonder about the familial ties she had yet to discover.

Their journey continued in silence until the weather, ever capricious in its moods, took a sudden turn. Dark clouds gathered in the sky, signaling an impending deluge. Raindrops, like the tears of the heavens, cascaded down upon them, drenching their clothes and skin before they could seek refuge. Amidst the downpour, a faint, ethereal light flickered through the trees, leading them to the door of a humble abode with a thatched roof.

Eagerly, they approached the shelter, knocking on the door as the rain intensified. A diminutive, elderly lady opened the door, her eyes reflecting warmth and hospitality. Invited inside, they soon found themselves seated by a crackling fire, offered sustenance in the form of bread and a peculiar, aromatic tea.

“What brings you along this way on such a fateful day?” the old lady inquired inquisitively, her gaze lingering on Sigurd with curiosity. Though he was accustomed to such scrutiny as the only one of his kind in the area, it made him uneasy.

“We are headed home,” Sigurd interjected, shocking Kiyohime. “Let’s not forget our current circumstances,” he warned with a glint of suspicion in his eyes.

“You should be careful out there; I hear the emperor has spotted a dragon and sent his soldiers to pursue it,” the lady warned innocently. Though Sigurd suspected her allegiance to the emperor, he chose to act oblivious.

“Do you live here alone?” Kiyohime inquired, driven by curiosity.

“Yeah,” the old lady replied.

“Where is your family?” Kiyohime persisted.

"They were taken by emperor soldiers," the lady's eyes reflected deep sorrow, and for a moment, Sigurd's guard dropped as he assumed she was a victim like them. As Kiyohime delicately sipped the tea, its unexpected richness infused warmth into her, dispelling the chill of their rain-soaked clothes. The old lady's tales began to unfurl, revealing a life entwined with magic and tragedy. Kiyohime listened intently, her eyes oscillating between the flickering flames and the weathered face of their host.

Yet, as the old woman's narrative wove threads of sorrow and despair, Kiyohime's senses tingled with suspicion. The weight of her words seemed incongruent with the seemingly innocent demeanor that had welcomed them. A sudden dizziness overcame Kiyohime, and her gaze instinctively sought Sigurd for support. The mysterious concoction in the tea had rendered her feeble, and both she and Sigurd succumbed to unconsciousness on the cold floor of the old woman's dwelling. With their last, fading glance, they caught a glimpse of the old lady’s sinister smile, the revelation of her true intentions sending shivers down their spines. The warmth of the tea had been a deceptive prelude to a trap, and the flickering flames danced wickedly, casting eerie shadows on the unfolding mystery that had ensnared them both.

The rain continued to pour outside, a symphony of nature's tears echoing the uncertainty of the paths that lay ahead. As Kiyohime and Sigurd drifted into the realms of unconsciousness, the forest bore witness to their intertwined destinies, weaving a tale that resonated with the ancient whispers of magic and the undying spirit of dragons.