
Heart's Obsession

Valerie had walked through hell to get her revenge. Step by step, she brought down her enemies and became one of the strongest witches. Her existence was seen as a threat to many. Her presence brought destruction and death. When the dust had settled and all of her grievances repaid, she found herself wondering what she should do. One day on a cold night, she found a dying werewolf at the edge of her territory. Noah, a betrayed prince, begged her to help him in his own path of revenge. ‘Is this it?’ Valerie thought. ‘An endless cycle of hatred spinning endlessly until the end of time.’

lorphis · Fantasie
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5 Chs


After several minutes of conversation filled with Aaron badgering Valerie to keep him updated and Valerie being noncommittal, they finally said their goodbye to Aaron and Leif. Noah resumed his duty on being a baggage carrier. Since they didn't want to draw attention, they had to continue to walk for some time before Valerie summoned her chariot.

"You seem to be close with those two," Noah said as the chariot flew them home.


"Are you guys friends? Aren't witches and humans have deep grudges? Why are you befriending the Order?"

"I'm not friends with the Order," Valerie said. "Aaron… he is a special case. Once he believes in something he won't stop."

Noah arched an eyebrow. "So he believes that he should be friends with you?"

"He believes that I can still be redeemed."

"Huh." Noah tried to recall the information that he had regarding Aaron. Alesia was rather far away from the Witch Hunters' main base. The werewolves were also not interested in joining humans' conflicts. Humans were weak and short-lived but the fuss they made could last for ages. Noah supposed that desperation brought the most out of everyone. It couldn't be denied that humans never failed to think up something new and weird. Sometimes this led to something awesome like bread. But sometimes they ended up as bloody mess like those experiments. The point was he didn't know much about humans. Still, the name Aaron had often popped up in conversations these few years. He seemed to be a famous figure. The guard had called him lord with that respectful tone. Valerie also accepted his concerns. If things didn't work out, Noah might have a chance by asking for help from the Order. He hadn't thought much about this new human organization but if those two were in it the Order might not be so useless.

Nothing changes in the absence. The cold welcomed them in its frigid embrace. Noah should plan on making thicker sets of clothes if he would get stuck here for the rest of his life. The thought dampened his mood further. Even if Valerie accepting his offer was the best-case scenario, he was still not happy with his future. He was born as a prince yet he shall end as a servant of a witch.

Valerie took a seat while Noah sorted their purchases. The fire was surprisingly still burning in the fireplace. Come to think of it, why did Valerie even have a fireplace? Wasn't she supposed to be the Witch of Frost? Did the cold also bother her? Then why did she kept torturing him with this bitter and never-ending winter?

"Speak up," Valerie said when she saw him making faces at her.

"Why is it always snowing outside? Ah, are you warning people not to come close?"

"No. If I want to keep people out I can set up a barrier. This winter is merely a side effect of my constant presence in this place."

"You mean your powers are leaking out?"

"You can say that. This side effect is actually weaker than years ago. Back then there will be a snowstorm if I ever stay in one place for too long." Valerie suddenly stood up and looked in a random direction.

"What's wrong?"

"We have guests. You will stay here. I have a hunch that they are your people."

Noah clenched his fist in frustration, knowing that the best decision at the moment was to hide. Even if he felt useless because of it. "Okay, be careful."

Valerie smirked. "You think those pups can even scratch me? Don't underestimate me." And so she marched out with her head held high.

On the edge of her territory, stood a group of nervous people. Oh, they were certainly trying their best to hide it but Valerie had dealt with a lot of people. She knew when somebody was actually brave and when someone was pretending to be one. They wrapped themselves in thick cloaks with insignia of Alesia kingdom pinned on them. They tensed like a bow pulled taut as Valerie strode toward them. The cold wind blew against Valerie's back causing her hair and dress to rippled and swayed.

She narrowed her eyes and said, "Speak."

The one on the front spoke, "We are envoys from Alesia Kingdom. Our new king wishes to offer an invitation to the Witch of Frost to celebrate his ascension."

"Arrogance. Why will I attend a meaningless celebration of a monarch of an insignificant kingdom?"

The werewolves twitched, their fear of death and their pride in their kingdom clashed.

"But I suppose it will do to sate my boredom." Valerie raised her hand. The head envoy hurriedly gave the invitation letter to her. His fingers gripping the edge of the envelope tightly, unwilling to get too close.

Valerie turned and walked away. "Leave before I decide that I need a new statue to decorate my garden."

The envoys escaped, abandoning their barely held dignity.

Valerie snorted at their ridiculous act and returned to her house. Noah was standing in front of the door, clutching the long dark cloak. He scanned Valerie's body as if expecting her to be hurt.

Valerie dryly said, "Your lack of faith in me is noted."

"I'm just worried."

"Instead of dwelling over such a foolish notion, you should use your small brain to think of a plan. Your nemesis has invited us to celebrate his crowning." Valerie flicked the invitation toward Noah.

Noah opened the invitation and read the sickening letter. His grip wrinkled the smooth paper. "That bastard."

Valerie said, "I do not know if he is conceited or he has a plan. Even those cocky rulers never dared to make such a bold move."

"You think Randall knows I'm here."

"Perhaps. There were annoying flies hovering around my territory. It is not strange if one of them saw you stumbled into this place."

Noah said, "We should go. I also need to return eventually. Might as well waltz right through the front door instead of sneaking in the dark."

"Alright but first you need to disguise yourself."

"You're going to put an illusion on me?"

"No, you're going to dress up as my maid."