
Green eye orb market

Chapter 5 Green eye orb market

I quickly dashed into the Garganta feeling my power increase to TX in the process. My speed had reached 1000 times the speed of light! I quickly found a gigantic rock and carved runes on it so that there was an enormous barrier that covered 500,000 kilometers out.

Now, it was time for the hunt.

But first it was time for dinner. Going into my pocket manner I found the pod of the soul king lying on the floor. His blank eyes staring back at mine, honestly it creeped me out. But his life expectancy from that moment was short as I captured him and threw him into my giant wendigo mouth. My teeth almost broke eating him but my power doubled to 2000 times the speed of light. So it was worth it. I detransformed into my base afterwards and felt my power had only been cut in half to 1000 times the speed of light. Well now you shall get what you came here for, the hunt.

Jumping out of my pocket dimension retransforming into my Wendigo form. I knew I would have a lot of fun playing with my rival here. That will probably sprout into an eternal hatred on the like of none other. Besides maybe the hot dog is a sandwich community and soup is a cereal community. Well it was time for me to have some fun. U thought running into the forest.

POV opponent contractor.

Fuck! First he prevented me from copying all of the soul king's abilities, then he made me use my trump card of another body, and finally he put me in this fucking place. It was cold, extremely cold. Like how your feet get in winter without any socks on. But 10 times worse and it is your whole body. That is what I felt like. Although I could've transformed into energy so I didn't feel anything every time I tried I felt like it was a taboo. That bastard must have made it a taboo to transform in here. I suddenly felt a giant earthquake, fuck that must be him. Shit I have to hide I thought frantically looking around the area. There I thought seeing a tree. The tree's roots were slightly uplifted so I could hide underneath them. And so I did running underneath the tree until the earthquakes stoped. It took around 45 minutes! For that fucker to stop stomping. Getting put from my hiding place I saw in front of the tree I was hiding in a young looking man, he was 5'10 had blobd hair and brown eyes and gad a slim build. My gut sank as I looked into his eyes.

"Bye-bye," was the last thing I heard before I was impaled against the tree with 5 wooden spears in my body. One in each of my legs and arms. And the other one in my stomach. My head drooped as I saw my breakfast and lunch spill out of me. The boy also looked disgusted at the sight of my cereal leaving my body. Well looks like my time in bleach ends here. Because I also sensed my other body getting impaled as well.


Well that was anticlimactic as hell. I thought there would've been a big fight but I guess the author should've milked the last fight more. Leaving my hunting ground I knew it was time to do as the synthesis of my story proclaimed, get a big ass harem. But suddenly the world began to shake as a new final boss was made. The worlds will had found me much earlier than expected. I felt the anger exuding from the air around me as my barrier was shattered to bits. Well that is not good that barrier could hold peak TX opponents. So the worlds will is TY! Makes sense I guess. My thoughts were interrupted by being slammed on the floor breaking everything in my body at once, as it also healed all at once. I quickly transformed into my giant wendigo form pulling out my double Shikai as well. My power soared to 5000 times the speed of light and I also swiped the body of my enemy contractor putting him in my Grand manner.

The worlds will suddenly manifested itself in front of me. It looked like the worlds will was a man in his late thirties or early forties. Suddenly the small man (from my perspective) grew to my size. I was then socked in my face before the world pulled out his own Zanpakutō. Fire suddenly came put of the sword much hotter than the core of the about 100 times hotter. Wait wasn't that Yamamoto's ability? Ohhhhh I see he can use the abilities of this world's inhabitants. Damn that is a lot of abilities. Gathering a Cero I quickly fired it at WW. (Worlds will) WW easily dodged it and counter attacked as well. Slicing a gigantic gash in my gut. And it didn't heal instantly it took 0.005 seconds. That may sound extremely short, but we were going at 5000 times the speed of light here.

I realized the worlds will was more skilled than me, stronger than me, and had more confidence than me. Dodging several of my blows WW returned his own nonchalantly stabbing me straight through my stomach. But that was his mistake as I grabbed unto the sword with my left hand before attempting to stab WW myself. And I landed a blow as one of my swords was now stuck inside him. I suddenly felt extremely hot inside my stomach as I was now filled with magma. My stomach was quickly burnt through along with my insides. Fuck I should've realized this. Well no use crying over spilled milk. 30 percent of my insides were now burnt ashes mixed with a little bit of that spilt milk I was talking about. Well there is a saying that one would say right now. It was very popular with a certain demographic back on earth.

The legend, ultimate, secret Joestar technique. Running for your life! I could do two things, go to my pocket space, or the green eye orb market. And going to the market I could potentially sell all the Zanpakutō I have collected and maybe be able to sell them as well. after selling them I could maybe find a way to boost my tier to TZ. After thinking so I disappeared from the sight of WW and found myself in a four way intersection. Behind and in front of me was street markets filled with people trying to sell and buy at the same time. And to the left and right were streets run by extremely rich contractors. My first thought was to go to the rich zones but I knew they probably wouldn't except my 350 credits and several tier 0 Zanpakutō. But maybe… I thought looking towards one half of my Zanpakutō. No… that thing is part of my soul. But suddenly I had a genius revelation. What If I made more Zanpakutō through Divine Zanpakutō creation! Although pieces of my soul would be sold off for credits my soul could probably regenerate. And if not I could use Light My fire to create that skill.

Walking into the rich portion of the Green eye orb market I looked around at the signs that said what each shop was. First there was the Mystical market, then the Science market, and finally the physical market. I went into the Mystical market and walked up to a help desk. In the help desk there was a woman waiting behind the desk for people to come over and ask questions. I, of course, walked over there and created 3 Zanpakutō out of thin air. 3 fragments of my soul went into those Zanpakutō. And for some reason I could tell they were all had the same ability as mine, just a little weaker. At the 25 percent margin.

The help desk lady looked at me inquisitively waiting for me to tell her about these swords. I coughed and spoke, "These swords can manipulate probability in a 25 percent area. They can also awaken and can increase the probability manipulation ability as well. They can also increase raw strength by 2 times in the first form, and 5 or more times in the second form. These swords also can split into 2 different blades that make the raw power output increase to 2.5 times in the first form." The lady, who had written down everything I said, looked a bit shocked like my Zanpakutō was worth a lot. Seeing as It could increase probability and your power 5-fold I could see why. The lady immediately introduced herself, "Hello sir, I am Sophia Venesky and is everything you just said true?" I nodded and said that to my knowledge it was. To which Sophia got excited and asked if I could make more of these. "Well I can if my soul can handle it as pieces of my soul are used to make those," I replied. Sophia got even more excited before telling me to wait there as she was getting the boss of this place. She then came back with a man in a black trench coat and sun glasses. It was the middle of the day right now.

He then introduced himself as Godia Elbert. A T9++++ existence. He was in the top 5% of contractors. "Young man Is what you told Sophia here true? If so I am willing to pay… 150 T2 credits per sword." I was confused what was the T2 part before credits? Seeing my confusion Godia explained, "The T2 part before credits means that it can be used for T2 upgrades and also can be exchanged for 10 T1 credits per T2 credits and so on." Well I guess that made sense because if you could only upgrade to TX with the catalogue it wouldn't be much of a Omniverse renowned company. My musings for the second time this adventure were interrupted by Godia, "Well is it a yes or no?" It sounded like a good deal to me so I replied yes. After saying yes I was brought to a room were I signed a contract. It stated that he would give me 150 T2 credits for every one Divine Zanpakutō I gave him.

I instantly gave him the three I had on my earning 450 T2 credits! I quickly left the store before going to another store. Magic Dan's empowerment station. Walking into the store I found rows and rows of items that could empower you. The first row was the temporary isle it had many subsections in it and the second row was the sode effect row, things like mangekyo sharingan were here. And finally and the most important to me was the permanent isle. This was were I was going to be shopping at.

In the permanent isle there were 3 sub isles, the T1-T6 isle, the T5-10 isle, and the TX-TZ isle. I went into the TX-TZ isle and walked to the very back were the TZ items were listed. I found a item that said that it was Suniaster from no game no life times 1000. I grabbed it off the self and went to a counter to buy the box.

"Hello sir I see you have the Suniaster x 1000 there, what tier would you like to buy it at?" Said the woman manning the reception counter. "I would like to but it at T0 please," I replied. To which the receptionist looked a little disappointed but still went into the back of the store to get it.

3 minutes later

It cost me 200 T2 credits but it was worth it in my opinion. Going to a bench I sat down and opened the package which I found a odd looking crystal in it. The crystal quickly merged with my soul but there was a violent reaction due to my stand, Zanpakutō, and Hogyoku all inside my soul. I suddenly fell over on the bench and breathed really hard. Before passing out. With one wish in my mind, to survive.




The end of chapter 5

Up at 6 am guys help I need power stones to live.

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