

The most remarkable thing in everyone's life is why people should suffer?does suffering is a boon?let's see "A girl who had completed her graduation looking towards her job but couldn't get an opportunity being disappointed by the family and the society...!one day randomly she saw a boy at the street happily selling flowers due to financial problem he couldn't go to school and doesn't have food to eat .The girl asked the boy why didn't you go to the school,the boy replied I didn't have any source to study my parents left me when I born due to their personal issues and my realtives refused to take care of me so I have decided to work on my own and earn sufficient income for my studies nd the basic needs . The girl told your suffering is unbearable how could you survive with this pain"The boy replied suffering is the sweetest part of life"if you suffer I promise that surely you will achieve in your life.so, don't run away by seeing your temporary suffering there is a great success waiting for you.

"sufferings is secret of your success "

Dhivya_Dharshini_2819creators' thoughts