
Product 80 - Cliche Novel

Since that day, I've been completely immersed in crafting lunchboxes. It's quite enjoyable, honestly.

"Hmm. Let's opt for a chicken salad for the vegetables. It's for kids, so they can never have too much."

Creating magical pastries was fun, but preparing lunchboxes had a unique kind of enjoyment. To be frank, making magical pastries often felt like mass production, whereas lunchboxes were the opposite.

It's akin to playing with building blocks. From the initial cooking planning to deciding the best approach. Then, the packing process. How can I arrange it more neatly?

I started discovering enjoyment in each of these aspects.

[Your Cooking Skill has leveled up to Lv.2!]

[You've honed your skill over a long period. Your Dexterity increases by 1!]


My dexterity has improved. This is a significant development, although it feels somewhat ambiguous to be pleased about.

I checked my status window. Strength 4, pure Dexterity 9, including equipment 12. Then Stamina 2, Magic 3, Willpower 5.

The issue is that if my Dexterity increases by 1 more, it will reach 10.

This is a concern because the effect of the "Balance Gloves," one of the newbie sets, disappears when a stat reaches 10. In other words, it will drop from 12 to 10. So currently, my Dexterity is inflated as much as it can be.

But I'm not overly concerned about that. I've gained significant benefits from it, and there's always a way to obtain better gloves.

Right now, it's all about cooking. Preparing dishes with a multitude of added skills!

An unpredictable fiancée, a fellow student who always seems to know the right thing to say but sticks to her assassin role, a junior who's generally more trouble than her worth when it comes to profitable opportunities, and a "chick" who appears to have better stats than me – none of them are here.

It's time to cherish my own precious moments!

I moved forward with only that thought in mind. No other thoughts were necessary.


Over the past three days, first-year students in the common department have learned a valuable lesson through their experiences.

Perhaps it's wiser to navigate the crowds and head to a nearby restaurant!

The reason is quite straightforward.

In reality, lunchboxes represent a class distinction!

Jephryn doesn't publicly differentiate between nobles and commoners, which has resulted in numerous issues.

Typically, frontier nobles would associate with other frontier nobles, and central nobles with their counterparts. However, is this really feasible? Honestly, with the royal family leading the way, the central nobility of Roengreen, neighboring kingdoms' royalty, and the lower nobility of central kingdoms start forming factions and alliances.

Beneath them, capable commoners are strategically placed as a talent pool for their factions, leading to covert power struggles.

Scouting and headhunting are just euphemisms in this context. It goes beyond that to manipulation, backstabbing, collusion, espionage, bribery, threats, and even extortion.

There's a group called Eve von Roengreen that champions absolute justice, but there are factions that blatantly disregard them, stating, "This is an internal matter for our faction."

Of course, Eve von Roengreen is usually incredibly busy, but they swiftly deal with those who cross the line.

Anyway, the outbreak of this lunchbox competition began with a sandwich set brought by three students who are currently in the limelight.

Commoners simply envied them. "Celebrities eat such things, I wish I could too." But what about the other first-year students or those from emerging factions at large gatherings?

"Why can't I have that?"

"Those guys… Is this a display of a new faction? The royal faction of Jephryn?!"

"It's logical and truly intimidating! Dining is a major source of entertainment in Jephryn. They've completely overshadowed all other factions with this!"

"But to have such a meal during lunchtime… Where did they get it from?"

Indeed, it was a battlefield of jealousy and disdain!

Following the sandwiches, there were croquettes, and somehow, ice cream, a snack usually only savored by upper-class nobles of the central region. And desserts that were beyond comprehension.

Today, there were even mini steaks!

"Ahaha, he wrapped the sandwiches in sliced ham. Ham wrapped around bread? Isn't it usually the other way around? Really interesting, definitely fun!"

"Uh… Senior Wolfram, that's amazing. Seriously impressive… really."

"Ugh, ugh. How do you make it so well?"

"I felt thrilled about cooking for the first time! It's really enjoyable and exciting!"

"...Yes. Agreed."

"Uh, huh? Maybe you guys also…"

"Eh? Ah! It's okay, Mille-feuille. We're not like that! Just a fun person, that's all?"

"Yes. We're supporting Mille-feuille, so don't worry."

"…Ah, ahaha. I don't really get what you're talking about…"

Watching them laugh and chat, other students also began to put more effort into enhancing the quality of their lunchboxes.

"···There are no personal chefs in Jephryn."

"Ugh, if only we had our family's skilled chef!"

"Where did that cooking come from… Ugh, the royal family. Is it them again?!"

But it was another moment of despair.

In Jephryn, no one is allowed to bring servants. Even the royal family members, Eve and Wolfram, are experiencing their school life without servants.

Who would dare bring a servant to Jephryn when even the royal family doesn't?

And none dared to approach the Trinity Rookie. They lacked the courage to talk to Wolfram von Roengreen's immediate crew, let alone handle the consequences.

Except for one person.

"I have something to ask the three of you."


A beauty that seemed almost otherworldly.

A girl who appeared noble from any angle.

Glistening silver hair, a slender figure.

But the flames flickering in her eyes held a strong desire.

"I would like to know the name of the chef who prepared that dish."

"Uh, what? Emily Haimelody?"

"Please tell me. I implore you."

She bowed deeply to the three 'chicks.'

"Why, why?"

"The moment I saw that dish, I felt it was my destiny."



The two stared blankly at Mille-feuille, who looked miserable.



Just as I was savoring my moment of peace, of course, an interruption occurred.

"So, you're the one responsible for this lunchbox commotion, huh?"

The intruder, Eve von Roengreen, my blood mate, barged in uninvited and brought up the lunchbox topic.

"I'm pretty sure I registered as a food business and received sanitation approval?"

"Yes, that's correct. According to the [Contamination Detection] skill, there's no need for additional sanitation measures."

"Hmm. So don't bother me with pointless arguments. And get back to work."

"I understand. Phew. So, can you recommend something to eat, some candy, and a drink?"


"You mentioned that it's clean from the sanitation perspective, so I can trust and place an order, right? Come on. Oh, and I'd like to try the food you've prepared too."


What a nuisance. A real nuisance.

Ugh. But in a situation where every customer counts, and someone has come to the store to place an order, even if that person is a blood relative, I can't afford to lose even one customer!

"Here you go."

I served the leftover ham sandwich and chicken salad I made for the 'chicks' this morning, along with a smoothie. Eve leisurely enjoyed the meal.

"···Phew. Ah, really… It's irritating, but I hate to admit it. Ah, really!"

Eve kept eating without pause, devouring the food with her fork.

If you're going to admit it, just do so; what's with this attitude?

"I'll be honest because I'm really annoyed right now. I'll put it in one sentence."

"Go ahead."

"Your food isn't much inferior compared to the royal chefs. Ah, I really didn't want to say it, but ah!"


After throwing those words out in frustration, do you need to get angry?

Well, anyway… Hmm. I see.

Eve praised my cooking. Did she praise me? Maybe.

A smirk appears on my lips.

"Hmm. So, Eve von Roengreen admits that my cooking, Wolfram von Roengreen's cooking, is not inferior to the luxurious meals she had in the royal family."

"Ugh, ugh."

"Indeed. So it's come to this. Even the proud Eve von Roengreen can't help but acknowledge me. Has it come to this! What a comedy! Ahaha, ahaha hahaha!"

"Don't laugh like that! Listen to me!"

"Isn't this funny? Ahahaha! I'll just laugh a bit more before listening! Ahahaha!"

Eve shot me a glare, and I stopped laughing.

Really, can't a person have a laugh?

"Alright. Now let's get down to business."

"No. I'm not ready. Are you the only one who is…?"

"If I'm ready, then it's ready. Just listen."

Isn't this more of a declaration than a conversation?

"Phew. What is it? Say it quickly. I want to get back to cooking."

"You know about the recent food poisoning incident, right? Do you know the cause?"

"I heard it was due to issues with the food supply."

"But there's more to it. The supplier brought in low-quality ingredients through kickbacks, and they were already close to their expiration dates from the beginning."

"I see. A common occurrence."

"Yes, I also bear a significant responsibility for not being able to prevent that. Anyway, because of that, I need to find a new supplier, but I want to make some changes."


"Yes. I want to bring in good ingredients at a reduced cost and provide better meals to the students. It's just that the budget is…"

"I see."

"Since you have a talent for cooking, is there any way you can help? You're in the food business, right?"

"What about my consulting fee?"

"I'll pay you. If you promise not to charge as much as the last venture… then there might be room for negotiation."

Eve said this, trembling.

Hmm… I did overcharge a bit on the last venture.

"Alright. I'll give you advice for free this time."

"Really? You won't change your mind later?"

"Well, it's straightforward. Reduce the number of ingredients and diversify the cooking techniques. In other words, expand the recipes. For instance, like the sandwich you just had. If you incorporate ham inside, it's just a standard sandwich, but if you wrap the ham around the bread, apply slight pressure, and then cut it out, the ham forms an intriguing shape around the bread."

"Ah, I see. Cut down on distribution costs and explore recipes to create a new experience."

She's quite intelligent.

Although somewhat naive.

"Was that a good response?"

"Yes, it's excellent. It's not about money but about innovative ideas, right?"


Did she genuinely come to that realization?

She could make a good politician or CEO!

"No, Eve."

"Pff. Just kidding. Quality ingredients. Innovative recipes. Simply reduce unnecessary expenses. Well then, I should be on my way. It appears a guest has arrived outside."

Eve smiled, seeming relieved for the first time in a while.


A guest?


As Eve departed, I heard loud voices outside. "Hello, Student Council President! Hi there. Ah, greetings. …Hello."

It seems a genuine guest has arrived.

And they're people I know.

"Senior! We've come!"


"Se-, Senior. Greetings."

The three who entered resembled fledglings.

I nodded my head. They visit often now.

But behind them, someone I never expected followed.

"Hello. I am Emily Haimelody."

I nodded in response to the exceedingly polite greeting.

No, of course, I recognized her.

That silver hair. Those clear eyes. Always composed and icy in tone. No change in expression. But the passion in those eyes cannot be concealed.

"The daughter of the Haimelody royal family. What brings you here?"

"Did you prepare this dish, senior?"

"Yes, I did."

"I sensed destiny in this dish."

What a direct approach. Impressive. The use of the word 'destiny.' It's the first time I've heard someone use it so casually since Aila.


Emily's presence made Mille-feuille quiver. Vanilla and Yogurt seemed perplexed but firmly held Mille-feuille's hand.

"Senior Wolfram Roengreen."

"Go ahead."



"Accept me as your apprentice."

Emily said this, bowing at a ninety-degree angle.

"You mean a culinary apprentice? Why?"

"I want to become a chef."

"Why not learn from an established chef?"

"Your ideas, senior, are ahead of their time, I believe."


"A sandwich is typically considered a snack while playing games. But elevating it to a meal and adding variations to it demonstrates a different level of insight."

As expected.

The Emily Haimelody I unmistakably knew.

More dedicated to cooking than anyone else and with minimal interest in life beyond it.

"Alright. I'll accept you as my apprentice."

"Thank you, senior."

She smiled faintly.

And that smile, too, it's been a long time since I've seen it.

Truly, a smile I encountered every day.


Emily Haimelody.

"I look forward to working with you."

"Yes, Master."

In the early stages of the game, she was the heroine with whom I reached the ending most frequently, even more so than Eve.