
Product 73 - Cliche Novel

Jephryn Common Faculty!

A sprawling campus with countless buildings in a dormitory area capable of accommodating 40,000 people! Most incoming freshmen, hailing from towns much smaller in scale, find themselves awestruck by the sheer size of this academy.

Could such a world truly exist? My hometown seems so narrow and tiny in comparison! This is Jephryn, the epitome of global education, a nurturing ground for talents destined to excel across the entire continent!

Here, you have the option to enroll in one of two faculties: Knights or Magic, and you commit yourself to daily learning. Tens of thousands of peers surround you, all potential friends and rivals!

However, after just two months, the freshmen come to a realization. Everything is in order, everything is proceeding smoothly, but there's simply nothing enjoyable to do for leisure.

Considering that the average age of freshmen entering Jephryn is sixteen, it's a time when they desire entertainment the most. In plain terms, it's an age where even playing with wild fruits in the nearby woods would be exciting, yet the academy, with its 24-hour full boarding system, proves to be dreadfully dull.

So, first-year students, instead of marveling at the grandeur of Jephryn, come to terms with the repetitive routine of class-meal-class-return-self-training-sleep and the lack of freedom it entails.

Nevertheless, humans always find ways to amuse themselves. The most entertaining pastime during the initial phase, when you can't bring any recreational equipment, is right at their fingertips.

That pastime is known as "rumors."

With numerous first-year students divided into 50 classes of 80 students each, housed in 10 different buildings, even if you get along well in your dormitory, class separation is inevitable. However, rumors circulate through the dormitories. Someone in School Building 1 has excelled in swordsmanship class, or there's a future ace of the magic department in School Building 7… Such rumors abound.

Every day in the dormitory, you hear information about fellow first-year students, create rumors, exaggerate them, and then engage in gossip.

And within that environment, celebrities emerge.

Among the current second-year students, there are celebrities who gained their status during their first year. Notable figures like 'the light of the future,' 'our hero,' 'the princess from the myths,' Eve von Roengreen, and 'everyone's belief,' 'acknowledged by all first-year students,' 'the best friend,' 'dear my friend,' Nephterian achieved such celebrity status.

As you can see, those who excel in their classes or are predicted to be at the top of their year often become 'celebrities chosen by the students.'

However, this year has a slightly different story. The primary topic of discussion among the first-year students is the incident involving the removal of the top student, Kelters, who started as a commoner but was deemed unqualified for the position. The question of who would become the next top student is the center of attention among the first-year students.

And now, the current buzz is all about Mille-feuille Phon Sabre's duel challenge.

The Sabre family, friendly nobles known for cattle farming in the eastern pastures of their domain, possesses an ancient family history, but otherwise doesn't stand out remarkably.

However, their eldest daughter, Mille-feuille Phon Sabre, defied expectations and made quite a sensation.

Initially, she was seen as a fortunate underachiever in her classes for the year. Kelters, the top student, was absent for a duel due to personal reasons, and it seemed Mille-feuille would gain credits through a bye. However, her luck took a turn when a re-duel was scheduled.

Everyone expected Mille-feuille to be defeated, but something unexpected occurred. When the top student attempted to switch to magic for an attack, she closed in and landed a decisive blow.

Following this incident, rumors about Mille-feuille, particularly among underachievers in the first year, gained even more momentum. There was talk of her being associated with last year's student council presiden's faction, known as 'W.R' or the Wolfram Crew.

In her duel with the second-ranking student of the year, she further solidified her connection to this faction by having a W.R member as her witness.

Mille-feuille Phon Sabre, who joined the faction considered the most mysterious and dangerous in the 300-year history of Jephryn Academy, challenged the second-ranking student of the year to a duel.

Now, all eyes of the first-year students were fixed on the pink-haired newcomer.

What is the truth behind these rumors? Does she truly have ties to the Wolfram von Roengreen faction? All these questions intensified as on the day of the duel, Wolfram and his party arrived riding a massive black colossus with his core members.


On a weekend morning, I decided to observe Mille-feuille's duel.

"If you're ready, let's go. Move out, Patrasch."

"Hmm. Understood."

"Oh, senior! Did you pack any snacks?"

"Oh, Wolfram. Are you coming too?"

The carriage was as noisy as a bus filled with children heading for a picnic. Originally built to accommodate ten more passengers with its two compartments, it would hardly be a picnic if filled to that extent.

I sat at the very front, with Aila clinging closely beside me.

"Um, this regular service is quite nice. It's called the Wolf Carriage, right?"


"Is this the beginning of the train plan that Wolfram mentioned?"

"…Yes. And we keep making improvements each time—thicker armor, darker paint, and increasing its size."

"It's an impressive and remarkable modification! The artisans in our house are also pleased with how they've advanced in handling magic stones and golem cores, aren't they?"

"Mm. They've reached a point where they can attach a small engine using magic stones."

"Yes! It will continue to progress further. But why focus on defensive modifications?"

Though it's only been a few days since its assembly, this Wolf Carriage has undergone significant changes. We ordered processed metal from the Tristar family and began assembling it with the help of Patrasch. To be honest, we almost sacrificed speed in favor of durability and size.

"This train will eventually need to venture outside… and going outside means, at times, it may have to fend off monster attacks on its own."

"…That's true. If it's traveling between borders or domains, it could become a target for monsters."

"That's why we made these modifications."

It's undeniably quite large and stylish. Even I find this black carriage, adorned with black iron plates and spikes protruding here and there, with its thunderous magic engine, rather impressive.

"But isn't the name Wolf Carriage a bit lacking?"

"Do you have a better suggestion?"

"The Black King. How about that?"


What's that? It's not like we're in some post-apocalyptic saga. Really…

"I like it. From today onwards, this is the Black King."

"I knew Wolfram would appreciate it!"

It does have a certain coolness to it.


In duels, there's a rule that observers must attend to lend prestige to the event. As an observer, you're supporting the participants, and since duels can lead to grudges or disputes, you often choose someone of higher rank. However, the observer chosen by Mille-feuille Phon Sabre was exceptionally prominent.

Wolfram von Roengreen is coming as an observer! This revelation set the hearts of the first-year students on fire.

To the first-year students, they are the most dangerous, most mysterious, and at the same time, the most envied faction.

The 'rebels' led by the former student council president who was ousted, portraying themselves as challengers to the current system, were an object of longing, admiration, and awe for them.

"…Ah, that's…"

"…Uh, ugh, uh…"

The first-year students gathered at the dueling grounds couldn't hide their unease. Powerful magic saturated the surroundings, weighing down the minds of all those with magical abilities.

And that monstrously huge carriage, or should they say colossus, emitted a magical power wavelength too overwhelming for the newcomers to endure.


The carriage came to a halt, its doors opening automatically, and one by one, the passengers inside revealed themselves.

"Um, the Black King is really comfortable, isn't it? Right?"

"Um… Such a vehicle would be convenient if it existed in Rudika's hometown."

"My hometown… it seems like finding a place for it would be quite a challenge."

The Black Obsidian. The Abyssal Dagger. The Knight of Faith.

Legends among the upperclassmen, each one indispensable.

The nearby first-year students couldn't even muster the courage to look at them; they bowed their heads deeply, while those at the back quivered under their magical presence.

And then, the person everyone had been eagerly anticipating finally appeared.

By his side was a wolf in a black uniform, his brilliant golden hair and sharp blue eyes unmistakably signifying his direct royal lineage. The ruler with an iron demeanor, whose emotions remained hidden, was even more feared despite having been dethroned.

Wolfram von Roengreen made his entrance into the common faculty area.

As everyone bowed their heads in fear, only one first-year approached them. With a pure and gentle smile, she naturally addressed the most feared man.

"Senior Wolfram."

"Mm. Today is the duel. As a witness, I naturally had to be here."

"I apologize for the inconvenience again. But I couldn't think of anyone else but you seniors as witnesses."

"Oh, you little chick. You can impose on us anytime, right?"

"…Hehe. Thank you, Senior Aila!"

"Oh my, how can you be so adorable."

Aila Tristar, who was shorter than Mille-feuille, stood on tiptoes to pat Mille-feuille's head. Nephterian Rudika also offered words of encouragement to Mille-feuille.

"Good luck, Mille-feuille junior!"

"Yes! Thank you, Senior Nephterian!"

"Go for it. Rudika is cheering for you too!"

"Thank you, Senior Rudika!"

Finally, Wolfram von Roengreen looked directly into Mille-feuille's eyes once more and offered his encouragement.

"Just follow the instructions today. Then…"

"Don't worry. I will definitely bring victory to you, senior."

"Mm. Oh right. There will be one more method available to you."

"A method?"

"Mm. I told you to use all means. Personally, I find it a bit distasteful, but it will be a useful method nonetheless."

"Hehe. Your methods are always right, senior. I'm looking forward to it."


Instructions? A method? And expectations?

It's as if… this entire duel is a scheme orchestrated by Wolfram von Roengreen.

All the first-year students who overheard that conversation came to a realization. This entire match, no, the duel was a plot woven by Prince Wolfram von Roengreen. That meant the outcome was decided even before it began… They were now spectators at the inception of a grand conspiracy.


"…Now, we will commence the duel between Mille-feuille Phon Sabre and Gale Strike under the supervision of the witness. Gale Strike's weapon is Tier 7! Mille-feuille Phon Sabre's weapon is also Tier 7! All combat skills are permitted!"

A second-year student, with some experience as a referee since last year, presided over the duel. However, the tension in the air was palpable today.

It was as if everyone's psyche was in sync with that of the referee's, and the spectators were fixated on something beyond the duel itself.

In the corner of the second floor, four individuals sat. Wolfram. Aila. Rudika. Nephti.

They occupied the prime seats in the packed auditorium, the very front row of the second floor, and no one else dared to approach them.

Or, to be precise, no one else could approach except for one person.

The reason for everyone's heightened tension was precisely due to that one person—the girl with golden hair and blue eyes, wearing a cloak that was exclusive to her in all of Jephryn, who nonchalantly gazed down at the stage with one leg crossed over the other.

The apex among a hundred thousand students. Eve von Roengreen was present.

"Then, let's commence the duel. Begin!"

The referee announced the start, but most of the students, except those on the second floor, couldn't focus on his voice.

Except for one person.

Except for the girl with pink hair on the stage.

"…Ah, darn it!"

Gale Strike, too, couldn't maintain his composure upon seeing Eve von Roengreen and was slightly delayed in reacting to the referee's starting signal and his opponent's movements.

That slight delay proved critical, creating a gap between the agile Mille-feuille Phon Sabre, who had received direct training in physical techniques, and Gale Strike, who specialized in great swordsmanship.


Gale Strike was skilled. Dodging or deflecting Mille-feuille Phon Sabre's attack at this point was impossible. In that case, he would take a hit and retaliate with his great sword.

Her weapon was a gauntlet.

An unexpected choice, but Gale Strike understood it due to its speed.

The design was somewhat unusual, with a formidable spike embedded in the striking part, but Gale Strike was aware of Mille-feuille Phon Sabre's standing.

Regardless of how powerful the gauntlet was, given her limited stats, the damage wouldn't be significant.

That judgment would have been accurate if it were an ordinary gauntlet.

However, if the gauntlet was extraordinary, it was an entirely wrong judgment.


The activation sound was brief.


The moment of impact was even briefer.


The explosion occurred in the blink of an eye.

Yet, the outcome of that single punch was profoundly significant.

An impossible sound of impact reverberated from a single punch, and Gale Strike tumbled twice, skidding across the dueling ground.

Initially, everyone questioned their hearing. Such was the intensity of the impact.

Then they doubted their eyes. The petite Mille-feuille had sent the colossal Gale flying with a single strike.

When they redirected their gaze to Mille-feuille, it all became clear.


Steam billowed from the gauntlet.

With a twist of the back of her hand, a magic stone popped out and fell to the ground.

The low-grade magic stone had completely shattered with a crackling sound, and Mille-feuille retrieved another magic stone from her pocket and affixed it to the back of her hand.

Immediately after, the 'small engine mounted on the gauntlet' began to hum and build power once again.

When the stats was lacking, the swing naturally lacked power.

But what if you utilized a gauntlet equipped with a magic stone-powered small engine instead?

This seemingly straightforward, or rather imaginative idea,

began to manifest into harsh reality through Wolfram's designs, the craftsmanship of the Tristar family, and Vanilla's equipment manufacturing capabilities.

Aila referred to it as 'Chirp Punch No. 1,'

Wolfram dubbed it 'Cartridge-Type Battle Gauntlet Prototype,'

Mille-feuille clenched her fist tightly, feeling the gauntlet's engine revving up once more.

"Second shot. Here I go."

It was nothing short of poetic.