
Product 59 - Cliche Novel

The hall erupted in applause.

All the cheers were for Wolfram von Roengreen.

Ah, it's simple, Jephryn, it's simple. Very impressive.

Both professors and students joined in the applause.

The majority of the young people in this place are those who appreciate something that brings about change or rebels against the norm.

Aila, even though she didn't enroll this year due to her rebellious spirit and her involvement in a realm that even the professors can't comprehend, indirectly suggests that I, whom Aila considers a partner in rebellion, can excel simply by imitating rebellion.

I deeply appreciate your support. Thank you. I will make good use of the recognition you've given me, and I will remember it even after I graduate.

Forget about chasing dreams. My aspiration is to own a convenience store for a thousand years.

However, expressing all these emotions was a challenge.

After returning to my seat with a poker face, I finally crossed my legs and let a smile creep onto my lips.

I did it. I pulled it off. I pulled it off!

I wanted to burst into laughter, but I held it back.

Out of the corner of my eye, I noticed a pinkish hue. No, it was darker than pink; it was an unusual blend of black and pink.

Who could harbor such dangerous thoughts?

"His Highness Wolfram von Roengreen."


Don't gaze at me like that.

Don't approach me with that bizarre pink shade.

"Leave me be."

"Yes. But before I depart, may I pose a question? Will you answer?"

"I grant you the question."

"…Yes. May I dare ask, since when… and to what extent have you planned?"


The question is somewhat ambiguous.

If I had to speculate, it's probably asking when I began preparing for this and how far I've gone with my preparations.

"…It's a timeframe you can't even fathom."

"…Is that so?"

Was it… the day before yesterday?

To be honest, when boys play with clay, they typically start with making knives, then move on to robots, and eventually cars. I was merely attempting to craft a train with a skilled hand, and Jephryn lacked trains, so I wanted to impress.

"Very well. Step back."

"Yes. It appears there's no room for me beside you at the moment, so I shall withdraw."


"However, someday, I hope to play a role in your grand schemes."



Regina Ciel silently observed Wolfram's retreating figure.

Then, she turned away, covering her face with both hands, and hung her head low.

No one should witness her expression.

This smile must remain hidden from everyone.

"…A timeframe I can't even fathom. When could that be? Truly, when?"

Was it when he entered Jephryn? No, that's 'imaginable.'

So, was it from the moment he was dubbed the 'Trash Prince' within the royal family?

"Exactly how extensive are your dreams?"

Regina Ciel excelled in inference and deduction.

The primary requirement for the eldest daughter of the Ciel family, surpassing even the Tristar family, was the skill of fragment mapping. This involved constructing the entire picture from a single fragment and deducing the intricate details. She possessed a work ethic akin to crafting a precise clock from seemingly useless information.

However, she could do it. Despite the strong scent of blood in the air, Regina Ciel managed to grasp a portion of Wolfram von Roengreen's plans.

"…You're attempting to reset the world's clock, which has been stagnant for three centuries, Your Highness."

Wolfram von Roengreen's social standing at birth was quite low. As far back as she can remember, his physical prowess stood at a mere 2, and his magical abilities at 3. This placed him outside the realms of knighthood and wizardry.

Consequently, upon assuming the role of student council president, a series of oppressive actions followed. He acquired the famed sword from the knight school and invested in expensive magical tomes from the wizard school. While it was widely believed that Wolfram only purchased budget-friendly items, the truth was quite the opposite.

To be precise, Wolfram acquired everything, utilizing royal funds.

Having amassed all the might of the knight and wizard schools through financial means, what did he do next?

Surprisingly little. In fact, he sowed discord, stripped away established privileges, and left the student body weary.

Eventually, he relinquished the position of Student Council President to his younger sister, employing a method known as "exploitation." With that, the villain receded into the shadows, and students sensed the dawn of a new era under the leadership of the fresh student council.

Indeed, a new world was on the horizon.

Their only source of joy now rested in the benevolence of Eve von Roengreen.

Wolfram had already pilfered their most prized possessions: a high-level grimoire and a renowned sword, symbols of power in both academic spheres.

Currently, the Student Council faced dire financial straits. They were barely making ends meet, as evidenced by Jephryn's budgetary plan. This was due to Eve von Roengreen's refusal to release Wolfram's acquired 'renowned sword' and 'grimoire' to the market. As a consequence, even the prices of ordinary iron swords and basic attire had skyrocketed, but the Student Council had no intention of reversing this policy.

After all, swords and magic were powers built on money, and money was the most corrupt form of power.

Despite his earlier efforts to diminish Jephryn's influence and foment division between academic departments, Wolfram maintained an amicable relationship with Eve von Roengreen. Though they exchanged barbs and insults, reports suggested a camaraderie between them, akin to that of commoner siblings.

If the story concluded here, Wolfram would merely be remembered as a president who successfully passed the reins to his sister. However, he later reemerged as an ordinary student.

He garnered favor among 'graduate students,' who held immediate societal utility, and displayed kindness toward 'freshmen,' who lacked experience. By investing in both the present and the future, Wolfram aimed to have a supportive network of graduate students upon his academy graduation, while also receiving support from the freshmen as they graduated.

'Magical Sweets. Expedition to the Sleeping Mountain Range.'

Regina personally witnessed the impact of 'Magical Sweet,' a 'buff that doesn't exist in the current world,' igniting dreams among the faculty. This negated the primary opposition from high-level intellectuals.

Furthermore, it came to light that the 'Student Council,' led by Eve von Roengreen, orchestrated the expedition as an experiment, and it achieved remarkable success.

'And the train and rail showcased today.'

Wolfram von Roengreen.

A man born into the most illustrious lineage with the lowest natural aptitude. Yet, it was all a facade. He was a tiger, a lion, and a dragon.

'His ambitions stretch far beyond.'

Beyond the eastern forests, into more remote territories. Beyond the western mountains, into even more treacherous landscapes. To where the sky meets the earth, rumored to exist beyond the ice castle and desert.

While expeditions were currently costly, envision a future where all roads are linked by railways, and trains commence their journeys?

Supplies would become more accessible, troops could be mobilized, and expeditions would proliferate. Just as the first emperor united kingdoms and tribes to form an empire, Wolfram aimed to connect empires and expand further.

'The man who dreams the grandest dream since the first emperor.'

Indeed, her teeth are clenched, not out of animosity towards someone else but out of frustration directed at herself. Why did she initially underestimate and reject him?

'The prince's fiancé is the daughter of the Tristar family. There is no room for a lover.'

She can't align herself with Wolfram von Roengreen, as her stronghold relies on financial power.

After all, he could effortlessly quell the disgruntled merchants with just a minor distribution of his products.

Furthermore, Wolfram von Roengreen places his trust in Aila Tristar. As evidence, he has already granted exclusive handling rights of 'Magical Sweet' to the Tristar family, particularly to Aila alone.

'Moreover, he considers himself the ultimate standard.'

This undeniably holds true.

Wolfram von Roengreen assesses people through his own perspective and retains them by his side.

He is already surrounded by renowned individuals. Eve von Roengreen, the "Student Council President of Light," Aila Tristar, the "Black Obsidian," and Rudika Hatsan Shadow, the "[Dagger of the Abyss]."

Although her own talents as a magic merchant are more than sufficient, her current worth isn't of paramount importance.

The instant Wolfram makes a choice, he embarks on the path to success. Notably, under his guidance, Mille-feuille Phon Sabre, the eldest daughter of the Sabre family, expected to receive a title in her first year, outperforming her entire class.

"First and foremost, now is the time to be humble."

There's no avoiding it. Wolfram's team is already complete. There's still no place for Regina Ciel within it.

"I'll have to strategize to become the most radiant supporting character on the stage he creates someday."

Concluding her thoughts, Regina Ciel raised her head. A neatly arranged, elegant smile graced her face.

"Ah, Wolfram von Roengreen, you've bested me three times. In the competition and just recently in the practical exam. And at this very moment, I've lost in terms of the scale of dreams and aspirations. It's a resounding defeat."

Regina Ciel chuckled. Light emanated from her eyes, carrying an unfathomable emotion deeper than that of a girl in love.

"Even if you don't care for me, I've come to admire you."

With a genuine laugh, Regina gracefully strolled toward the ateliers, where artists usually gathered.

"Perhaps I should commission a life-size portrait of Wolfram for my room?"


From that day onward, I couldn't help but sense a gaze fixated on me from somewhere.

Yet, the true disquiet lies in the fact that when I glance in that direction, no one is there.

Such a tale circulates. During a leisurely campus stroll, a comment arises: "I feel like I'm being watched from somewhere."

Regina's team interprets this as Regina's selection and celebrates it as an industry accolade… That's your industry, not mine.

"What are you doing, Master?"

I came to an abrupt halt, and Patrasch tilted his head.

"No, it's not that. Right now, something exceedingly foreboding, truly vexing… I can't put my finger on it."

"Are you fatigued? It would make sense, considering your stamina."


I struggled to erase the image of that individual shrouded in a hue that combined pink and black in an unimaginable manner. You have to defeat her three times for the path to open.

Yet, I've only triumphed over her twice, so it shouldn't unlock. If it does, it's a glitch. Regardless of the count, it's twice.

"Let's return quickly. If you collapse due to exhaustion, it will be a hassle for me."


Following Eve's suggestion, I decided to take Patrasch along whenever I went out. It seemed fitting for someone from a royal family.

"By the way, you mentioned the test results are available?"

"Yeah, that's right."

"How did it go? I'm somewhat curious."

I smirked. Did I really need to explain?


When I returned to the convenience store, Aila was waiting for me.

"Wolfram, how did the exam turn out?"


How should I convey it? It would be a hassle not to tell her, but on the other hand, explaining all the intricacies would be quite troublesome. So, I gave her a summary.

"It was rebellious."

"As I expected. I had a feeling!"

She broke into a broad smile, seized my hand, and vigorously shook it.

Hey, hey. My arm might come off. This isn't a joke; my joints are genuinely at risk here.

"Let go, Aila."

"Oh, right! Um…"

Aila released my hand, her face flushed, and she lightly rubbed her palms together.

Perhaps her face turned red from shaking my arm so vigorously; it must have stimulated her blood circulation.

"How about you?"


In response to my inquiry, Aila extended her fingers to form a 'V' sign.

"For the first time, I came in first!"


"The written exam ended in a tie with a perfect score, but she made a minor mistake in the practical part. So, I secured first place! From this mid-term to the final exam…"

Aila took a few deep breaths, her hands pressed against her chest, and then responded with a radiant smile.

"Aila Tristar is now the valedictorian of the Magic department!"

Unintentionally, I found myself captivated by her crystal-clear smile.

"Well done."


"Quite rebellious."

"Yes, indeed!"

"Um, you've truly excelled. It was genuinely rebellious. And…"

As I contemplated what further praise to offer, I felt her hand clasping mine once more.

"It's not like I'm the only one who managed to be rebellious! Wolfram succeeded as well!"

"That's true."

Restricted to the magic and social development subject.

Top scorer.

Wolfram von Roengreen.

"It's a genuine act of rebellion that both of us accomplished!"

"Yes, indeed."

"Rebellion, rebellion!"



"Yes, indeed."


If it makes her happy, then that's what matters.