
Product 55 - Cliche Novel

Since then, following Eve's suggestion, I began issuing instructions to these inexperienced chicks.

"Position the tents in a circle around the three bonfires. Maintain proximity to each other, and don't assume you can engage in 'stargazing' just because you're a couple. If you engage in such nonsense, I'll ensure you experience a rather unpleasant surprise."


A particular couple appears disgruntled. Did they come here for leisure?

"Line up two by two. Arrange yourselves so you can see the person next to you, and keep watch in pairs. Two people for two hours."

"Um, what does 'keep watch' entail?"


They are unfamiliar with the concept of keeping watch.

"It means staying awake and maintaining vigilance throughout the night."

"D-Do we have to do that?"

"This is a dormant mountain range, and a field teeming with real monsters. Do you intend to risk your lives if monsters attack during the night?"


"Keep watch in pairs. If one person falls asleep, the other can wake them, and most importantly, your field of vision doubles. Understand?"

"Yes, ye-yes…"

Their training is worse than I expected.

No, that's not it.

These individuals aim to 'learn at school and find a local job.'

Phew. I need to be patient.

"Hot packs that remain warm throughout the night will be distributed, two per person. Take them and decide the order of your watch shifts. Additionally, there is warm water in the canteens, so stay hydrated."


They follow my instructions to the letter.

Around the time I was distributing the hot packs, someone approached briskly. I glanced over and saw an elf with long silver hair. It was Sylphia.


"Take it. It's your share."

"Wh, who wants to take···."

"Aren't you cold?"

Sylphia is a spirit swordsman, and her magic affinity is green, representing the wind element. She wields a swift sword enchanted for high cutting power, so it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say she lacks a cold-weather strategy.

Her gear is lighter and thinner than Nephty's.

Actually, Nephty, who should be a medium-armored knight or guardian tank, is too lightly armored.

"······Tch. I said I wouldn't accept your help. Have you forgotten?"

"Aren't you cold? Or are you just disregarding my advice?"


"Do you think catching a cold and holding everyone back is a display of loyalty and pride?"


Sylphia hesitated at my words and eventually reluctantly extended her hand. She didn't even accept it with both hands, as a child should.

But I'm a forgiving adult, and even when a child makes a mistake, I let it slide. I handed over two hot packs, a canteen, and a measured amount of jerky for dawn.

After taking them, Sylphia gripped the supplies tightly and glared at me.

"By the way, Sylphia Evergreen Grove."


"Didn't you say you'd risk your life if you accepted help from me?"


She almost threw the supplies I gave her, but…

"Is throwing that away your idea of loyalty?"

"···Uh, ugh, ugh."

She hesitated, trembling, and even teared up.

"Tch···. Just kill me!"

"What. Wouldn't that also be disloyalty towards Eve? Stop acting like a child."


She screams well.

She's healthy.

Well, well. The best thing for kids is to be healthy. Growing up healthy is what kids should do.

Teaching them when they make mistakes or act rude is the adults' job.



I woke up to the commotion outside.

Do you know? Getting a good night's sleep is one of the hardest things to achieve.

Think about it; you can only sleep well when you're healthy. In other words, Wolfram von Roengreen, with his 'Stamina 2,' has very irregular sleep patterns and struggles to get a restful night's sleep.

I'm a light sleeper who wakes up frequently, finds it difficult to fall asleep when the pillow changes, and feels uncomfortable with the floor cushion as well.

Then I woke up.

"We, we can stand guard for two more hours…"

"No, this is my duty. Go back and rest."

"Yes, yes!"

I recognized the voice of one person but heard unfamiliar voices from two others.


I opened the tent and saw a solitary figure sitting by the campfire.

"It's not a wise decision to have the Commander-in-Chief stand guard."

"I understand."

"I don't recall instructing you to stand guard alone."

"I'm not alone."

What are you talking about? So, we're all together through the power of friendship or something? As I gazed at Eve, she subtly gestured with her chin toward someone in the distance.

A red wolf was lying curled up in front of the car.

"Ah, I see. You can communicate with Patrasch as well."

Eve nodded, and I was convinced.

"…Will Wolfram not sleep anymore?"

"He'll probably be awake for another hour or two."

"I see."

Then there was silence.

Crackle crackle.

Only the sound of the campfire burning broke the silence and filled the air with forced noise.

"Wolfram. Wolfram von Roengreen."

"What is it, Eve von Roengreen?"

"…Are you the Wolfram I know?"


It's quite a direct question.

"Yes, I am Wolfram von Roengreen. Do I look like someone else?"

"…No. That unfortunate face of yours is indeed the Wolfram listed just above me in the family tree."

"Ha. Says the ineffective scammer who stole the student council president's position from me and flails around."

"Ah, can't you speak nicely?!"

The moment I hit the nail on the head, Eve let out a painful moan while clutching her chest.

No, that's not it. If you see an opening, it's natural for our generation to take it.

That used to be the strategy of Young-jin, known as the 'Iron Tier Lone Slayer,' 'Unstoppable Front Blink Bane,' and the 'Highest DPS in the Dreamland Orphanage.'

"It's because you said something absurd."

"Then, how are you going to conquer this dormant mountain range? There was no talk of an expedition from your group."



Eve is right. There was no such event in the original work.

What should I say to muddle through? According to the documents, it's risky because Eve will go back to the royal palace during the summer vacation and read the documents, revealing the 'original developments.'

"You used your time to gather magic books and swords, knowing you couldn't learn from them."

When I was searching for words to mumble, Eve spoke first.

If Eve says it first, then there's only one thing for me to do.


Just nod my head.

"Did you dream that dream? A dream that no one has dared to dream for 300 years? …Is it real?"


I'm not sure, but it seems so.

"…I see. Honestly, I initially thought of you as just a foolish swindler, but … I need to revise my opinion a bit. You're not just a swindler, but also the only idealist in Jephryn who dares to dream."


It might sound like an insult, but I'm not quite sure what she means, so I'll stick with nodding.

"…Two hours have passed. I'll wake up the next guard."


Eve shook off the dust and stood up to rouse the others, and I observed her from behind, chuckling.

"So, what's that dream of yours?"

My dream is to become the best convenience store manager in Jephryn.

"Don't the kids in Jephryn even have dreams like that?"


The following day, we faced several battles.

Naturally, as we ventured deeper into the mountains, the monsters grew increasingly formidable. Of course, if we were to stray from the paved road, even more dangerous creatures would appear. However, if we stuck to the path paved by the founding emperor, the number of monsters might increase, but their arrangement remained consistent.

Perhaps it's due to some mysterious boundary set by the founding emperor; that must be its effect.

"···Whew. Whew! We won again!"

"Any injuries?"

"None! We're all safe!"

"Excellent! Let's press on before the buff wears off!"

"Yes! Everyone, grab a snack before the next battle starts!"


Following Eve's orders, everyone obediently bit into a snack using their right molars.

"Ha······. Truly an incredible item, its effects reach all the way here."


"How can a single item possess two magical effects? Selling these in the market is definitely risky. We should contact the Tristar family. Don't use it recklessly. It's genuinely a dangerous item."

I nodded.

The snacks we distributed were magical pastries with overlapping buffs. The effects were tier 9 [Sleep Resistance] and the same tier 9 [Minor Healing Acceleration].

Originally, when creating magical pastries, the buffs attached randomly. I exploited a loophole here.

In short, 'If you produce in bulk, items with the same options will be produced.' That's the trick.

I obtained one with sleep resistance and replicated it without using pastries, and also manipulated the dough balls.

As a result, everyone bit into a chocolate ball with their right molars, activating two buffs by biting and chewing.

The magical sweet's unique feature is that the buff activates when you chew a snack-sized portion, so the chocolate ball was considered one snack due to its size.

"···Honestly, I wonder what would have happened to this expedition without Wolfram."

"One piece costs thirty thousand Rin."

"If you disappear now, we won't have to pay, right?"


"I'm joking. I'll pay properly. ···They do take cards, right? ···Also, do they accept installments or barter?"

"There's an additional charge for bartering."

"···Whew. Alright. I'll send you a list of items later."

Good deal.


After approximately three battles, we finally arrived at the mountain cabin known for its black flag.

We've finally reached this point.

Act 2 Scene 1. The first battle where I joined Eve's expedition team.

Kelters begins his unfortunate fate with the black flag from here.

I really have no choice but to offer Eve some advice here. This map is quite crucial and serves as a branching point. Additionally, Eve is at high risk of getting emotionally hurt.

"Eve, from this point forward···."

"No, we've appreciated your assistance thus far; we'll take it from here."


This is precisely the same as the original dialogue.

Well, if that's the case, I have no option but to let them handle it.

Now, my subordinates will break the barrier set up there and proceed.

"I'll withdraw then. My role as a war support merchant is finished."

"Yes, please do so."

"Listen to a piece of advice before I go."

"······Go ahead."

"The adversary boasts a hundred years of history as a troublesome group. Not a single student council president has ever completely subdued them."

"···Yes, I'm aware. And I intend to be the first."

"Anyway, let's assume there won't be a second attack, and strike them down with your lance the moment they reveal themselves."

"...Thank you for the advice."

After offering that advice, I decided to take a few steps back. That's a bit… Well, even a dive requires impeccable timing.

"...8th tier barrier, destroyed!"

"Everyone, prepare yourselves. We're entering!"

They unlocked the door to the mountain villa and entered, with the students possessing substantial stamina at the forefront.

In the main story, this episode held significant symbolism, tied to the introduction of the new antagonist.

Let's see. The timing for the entrance should be soon.

Ah, it's starting.

As if magic were gathering inside the mountain villa, a gust of wind soon turned into a whirlwind.

"...What, what?!"

"Everyone, shield yourselves!"

Eve was the quickest to assess the situation, and the whirlwind soon erupted.

Oh, it's just like the original.


"Ugh!? Kugh!?"

I also sought refuge behind Rear cart, feeling the cool breeze blow by. The students were tossed around and rolled on the ground, but being in the top tier of the Magic Department, they weren't severely injured. That's how the situation unfolded.

However, they couldn't entirely deflect the impact, so everyone was either dazed or pushed back.

And then, a girl in a black robe emerged from within.

"Student Council! How was that? Were you surprised? Surprised?"

Up to this point, it's identical. Um.

Now she says something along these lines.

"Making it this far, impressive! I'm running away now! See you later!"

Yes. She says that and makes her getaway.

The classic boss who always manages to escape in the story.

Now that character becomes a hook for future developments, occasionally assisting and tormenting us, and later on uttering lines like, 'Are you our enemy… or our ally…'.

I stared intently at the robed figure.

I know who she is, what her backstory entails. Hence, it's a new experience.

But I was curious.

This is purely personal curiosity.

A boss with an escape mechanism, right?

If a character from an extra story intervenes, will the mechanism still work or not?

"Patrasch, tear her apart."



I decided to test it.

What can I say?

If I'm curious, even if you take a hit, you'll have to understand."