
Product 52 - Cliche Novel

"I've brought the items you ordered."

"Thank you for your dedication."

There's no particular emotion in the voice of the Dwarf who came from the Maestro.

They used to be rather hostile, but now they just seem straightforward. Perhaps it's because I frequently place orders with them.

"And I've completed all the orders you requested. Here are the results."

"Excellent. You've put in a lot of effort."

The Dwarf nods respectfully and departs.

In total, the Dwarf brought three items: Low-grade manufacturing kits. Ziplock bags that are completely sealed. Ores finely crushed as per request.

"[Handy Work]"

The skill I acquired from the 8-tier skill selection is still a manufacturing or production-based skill. Actually, I was hoping for this one instead of Magical Patissier. However, I ended up making too many snacks, so Magical Patissier accumulated and became active.

[Welcome to the world of Crafting!]

[Handy Work. Magic Craft. Blacksmith. Bomber Maestro, and many more crafting skills await you!]

[Would you like to choose the low-grade manufacturing kit as your crafting tool?]

[Would you like to select Handy Work as your crafting skill?]

[Selection complete.]

[Insert the materials and attempt to create something!]

As I set up the low-grade manufacturing kit and activated Handy Work, instructions instantly appear in my mind. It's been a while since I've seen this.

The manufacturing kit is a large rectangular plate, and I placed the three items on it. The mental image I had was of placing the three items randomly on a whiteboard slightly smaller than my upper body.

However, this is the manufacturing process, and the proper procedure begins here.

[What would you like to craft?]

In response to the system's question, I mentally selected the item I wanted to create. Soon, blue dotted lines appeared on the whiteboard, encircling the items. These lines then gathered up all the items into the center with a thud.

[You have attempted to manufacture using Fiery Ore Powder, Sealed Ziplock Bag, and Mana Stone Powder.]


As a result, what emerged in the center with a small puff of mist was the item I had in mind.

[A Low-grade Hot Pack (5 hours) has been crafted.]

"Finally, we meet."

I hugged the hot pack affectionately and nodded. In the original, it was sold in stores from Act 1. Here, I had to learn the skill to craft it myself. This is driving me crazy. What's with this infrastructure?

"…However, the fact that I could make this is all because I ventured out."

I pondered for a moment.

Outdoors. I was hesitant at first, but now I have a bit of a handle on it.

"…Well, anyway."

It's May, but the nights are chilly, and the mornings are brisk.

But the long, cold nights are over.

Now I'll sleep warmly.

I definitely will.


Eve managed to extract all the information she desired from Nephti and politely dismissed her.

She also had concerns about Wolfram, who was currently striving to achieve something without any support. She contemplated this.

Once they found common ground in being "concerned about Wolfram," this girl named Nephti shared all the information smoothly.

[So, you explored the eastern forest with Wolfram and discovered the legacy left by a great ancestor?]

[…Yes. If it weren't for Wolfram's methods, we wouldn't have been able to defeat that golem.]

[Thank you.]

[Yes, ye-yes. So, Eve, um…]

[Huh? Ah, the memo left by the great ancestor, you mean?]


[It's true that the royal family is recovering all legacies left by the great ancestor.]


[However, this is an undiscovered legacy, and a nominal reward is given according to tradition.]


[Our great ancestor did leave various messages, and since it's a first discovery, the reward won't be that significant.]


[I guess it won't be less than a million Rin?]

[…I see!!]

With every word, Nephti would shyly laugh, unexpectedly cute. Eve chuckled as she thought about Nephti's reaction. Nephti then said, "I have someone I need to speak with seriously, so I'll be on my way," and departed.

Anyway, now is not the time to dwell on interesting classmates.

"I've repeatedly told you to be cautious, so why are you running around like this?"

Does Wolfram truly understand his circumstances? Does he wield full authority in the student council and, moreover, have influence within the royal family? What is his true objective? Is he out of his mind?

"No. Considering there is a guardian fairy…"

That fairy seemed too powerful for Wolfram to control. Perhaps he could defend himself to some extent? Lost in thought while strolling through the garden, a voice reached Eve's ears.



The fairy that Wolfram had adopted, the guide wolf, was present.

"Why are you here?"


"Speak, don't just growl. I can understand you."

"Ah, right."

"Yes, I am of royal lineage, after all."

"Sorry. Recently, no one understands me, so I thought growling would suffice."

"...I see."

Eve shrugged her shoulders. Perhaps spending 300 years in fairyland makes you want to act that way.

"So, what's going on? Shouldn't you be with Wolfram?"

"Well, I came out to take a break. My master said it's fine to wander."

"Then who's in the convenience store now?"

"He's there alone."


Eve moved quickly. If something happened to Wolfram, it would give her sleepless nights.

Upon arriving at the convenience store, Eve activated her magical field and instantly recognized who was inside.

"…Two people? Who on earth is in there?"

Eve swiftly entered the store. Inside, Wolfram sat blankly, while a girl passionately discussed something in front of him.

"Senior, one million Rin! Let's decide how to split it!"

"Do you even know what time it is?"

"Money is more important than time!"

"…I won't deny that, but can't this wait until tomorrow?"

"Money is more important! How should we divide one million Rin!"

While Nephti loudly debated the division, Wolfram appeared annoyed. Eve breathed a sigh of relief, and Wolfram signaled to her.


"….What is it?"

"Take her away."

"…Alright. Nephti, come with me."

"Oh, but we need to discuss the money there, or else we won't know when it will be divided! We have to finalize it!"

"…True, but wasn't Rudika who left with you also missing?"


In any case, Nephti complied with Wolfram's instructions. Although she was reluctant, Wolfram was right this time.



"Make some time tomorrow. I have something to discuss."


After casually dismissing Eve and the uninvited guest, Wolfram went back to his seat. While Eve found him irritating, she left quietly.

It's a relief that nothing untoward happened. Nephti had also prioritized what needed to be done, so there's a chance for reasonable understanding.

"Nephti, you violated the dormitory curfew, so you'll face a penalty."


Well, there was a chance, but it wasn't granted.


The next day, Eve visited the convenience store.

I've been seeing this kid a lot lately. Isn't she busy?

"To be honest, Wolfram, you annoy me."

"Oh. Mutual feeling. I think the same."

We both laughed and raised our fingers. However, upon carefully observing Eve, there was no sign of a pink aura. The system is buggy anyway and can't provide accurate indicators, but I was somewhat relieved.

"So, what is it?"

"To be honest, you're really annoying, but I have to admit something."

"…Hmm? What are you talking about?"

"I owe you, ugh, ughhh!!"

"Either say it or don't. Pick one."

"I owe, owe you… debt… that's… a fact!"

"Hmm. Indeed, you owe me a lot."

"... Eeeeek!!"

Well, what can you do? That's the truth.

"I took care of the situation where you fainted and fell due to carelessness in the dormitory chaos."


"In the land of fairy, you couldn't do anything, and although I solved the issue with Jephryn's pollen, I passed all the credit to you."


"Yes. Hurry up and say thank you, brother. Thanks to you, my reign has become a peaceful academy—say it while bowing deeply."

"Aaaaaah! If you die here, everything will disappear!"

Saying that, Eve took out the holy sword from behind her back. Seriously, if she fires that, I'll die.

"It's a joke. It was just a joke."


Ah, it's a joke, a joke. Why do you take it so seriously? Smile. Haha. Don't make a serious face. Hahaha.

"So, what did you really come here for?"

"…Alright. [Area of Silence]"

"A wide-area sound-blocking skill?"

"Yes. We're going to have a pretty serious conversation now."

That skill is really dangerous. If something goes wrong, a complete closed-room murder could occur here.

What should I write for the dying message? If it's guessable, Eve will erase it, so if I flip Eve's spelling to write V, maybe Aila will guess it as 'Ah, Eve'?

"…Why are you thinking about such trivial things? Listen carefully to this serious conversation."

"Go ahead. I'm listening."

"To be honest, you're in a very dangerous position right now. Do you know that?"

"Let's talk it through."

"Alright. Since I failed to gain full control of the student council, I can't completely suppress any witness information about you."


Eve continued to speak.

In summary, there are suspicions surrounding Wolfram von Roengreen, and people are talking about it in relation to Eve.

However, it's worth noting that no one has come as far as the convenience store. This is likely due to the geographical features of the store, which make it a natural fortress that ordinary students cannot easily access.

Is this choice of location for real?

No, that's not the case.


"If I truly had control, I could dismiss even these kinds of reports. But since I don't, showing loyalty to me might backfire. Some crazy folks might say, 'I reported Wolfram's suspicious activities!'"


Eve's point is valid, and I nodded in agreement. Half-hearted loyalty often leads to trouble.

"To be honest, I wish you would return to the royal family as you are, but you also have something you want to do here, so you're staying. And… I… that decision, I res… res…"

Do you truly dislike it?

No, that wouldn't be the case.

"Speak clearly. Why do you sound like a malfunctioning machine built by Maestro?"

"I do respect!"

"Yes, well said. So?"

"Phew. Anyway, even if I can't assist with what you're trying to accomplish, you shouldn't get into trouble just walking down the street, right? Having a red line on the name of someone in the same family register wouldn't be a pleasant experience."

"I see."

"So, do you plan to be cautious from now on?"


As Eve mentioned, there's a way to live cautiously, but that's not the way I want to live.

I've thought about it deeply.

My earthly goal is to make the convenience store so successful that Jephryn's students can't do without it.

A convenience store so excellent that people would express their gratitude a thousand times over for receiving a mere 0.5% in VIP rewards.

To achieve that, I have to venture outside.

Ironically, to make the convenience store prosper within Jephryn, I must aim beyond Jephryn without reservation.

Material supply. Skill acquisition. Product manufacturing.

I looked at the lower-level hot pack that had supported me until yesterday.

This simple hot pack existed in the original work but not in this reality.

"Did you think you could live like that for real?"

"Well, I won't change my way of life."

"Don't act tough. You're a loser with only 2 stamina."

"Someone with 22 magic power gets hit by a grad student and goes flying."

We both laughed and exchanged fist bumps.

"Anyway, we have debts to settle, so let's manage public opinion."

"Public opinion?"

"Yes. Your convenience store products will be distributed by our student council. That buff-type snack seems quite useful."

"Why is that necessary?"


Eve glanced at me, as if assessing whether it was okay to share the next piece of information. Then she continued.

"We're going on an expedition soon. I heard there's a 'Black Flag' near the Dormant Mountain range."

"Black Flag. Ah, I see. Is that so?"

Black Flag.

Those who were expelled but have hidden in the shadows.

The true owners of the black market in the Knight Academy's 4th District.

The dark stain consuming the entire academy. A gathering of troublemakers.

In Eve's second act of her common story, there was that expedition.

There, I will promote my products to improve my image and avoid trouble.

It's a smart and sensible plan.


But, it's a bit disappointing.

"So you're going on a punitive expedition?"

"That's the plan. If you need something for it…"

"No, I'll go myself."


"In other words, can I personally participate in that expedition?"

"…Um, huh? What?"

"If I'm going to improve public opinion, isn't it better if I appear in person?"

"…Ah, um?"

"So while I participate in the expedition, you can present me as a good person. That's what I mean."

Eve puffed up her cheeks in response to that statement.

"Me? Why?"

"Because you said you'd be the one to improve public opinion?"

"…Ah? That's right? Huh? Hm?"

Apparently, my family register mate is intelligent but a bit clueless.