
Product 47 - Cliche Novel

The following morning at daybreak.

Securing the crudely crafted pole to Partrasch's body, we readied the wagon and commenced our journey.

"Are you truly planning to employ me as a draft horse?"

"Weren't you initially a wolf?"

"That's not what I meant."

Partrasch released a heavy sigh and began to move clumsily.

Having both hands unoccupied proved convenient, and not having to haul the wagon myself lessened physical fatigue.

What a remarkable improvement this is!

Consequently, we proceeded toward the first-year common division and promptly established a roadside stand.

"…Aren't you a descendant of the royal family? Were you dethroned?"

"I am the rightful heir."

"Then why are you setting up a street stall here? I don't understand."

"Do you need to understand?"

With that, the wolf gave a smirk.

"Now, let's commence our business."

"What's my role?"

"Protect me. And sometimes, be charming to the customers."

"Hah. Are you asking me, a being of three hundred years, to act cute?"

"Here comes a customer."

The wolf shot me an irritated look, and soon our first customer approached.

"Senior! It's been a while!"

"We're here. Hello."

"Ah, hello, Senior Wolfram."

"Come in."

First-year students.

"Wow! A dog! Look, Yogurt! A huge red dog! What's its name?"

"Huh? A dog? No, this is… a dog?"

"Did you get a dog? It looks like a good sheepdog. Hehe."

"Who said it's a dog!"

"Oh, it's growling. How cute!"

"A dog…? Is this really… a dog?"

"Senior, why did you suddenly get a dog?"

"Hey, can't they understand me?"

"It growled again!"

"A dog?"

"It's cute. We had a dog at home that was this size."

Amidst the noisy chatter, Partrasch glanced up at me.

Oh, right, they can't understand Partrasch's words.

This has a peculiar connection with the royal bloodline traits, but explaining it to Partrasch would be futile.

In any case, after signaling him to give up, Partrasch let out a deep sigh and sat down.

"Oh, it sat down. How obedient."

"A dog…? No. Hmm?"

"Oh, what does it eat? Senior, are you interested in farming? My hometown is in the east, and there are lots of pastures!"

Vanilla, Yogurt, and Mille-feuille began chatting noisily around Partrasch, and Partrasch, annoyed by the continuous attention, eventually chuckled.

But unlike the naive Vanilla and Mille-feuille, who suddenly brought up farming or their hometown, Yogurt seemed to have an instinctual connection with Partrasch, probably because she's an elf.

Oh, elves and fairies are different. If elves are social beings, then fairies are, well… natural-born… nuisances?

Something like that.

"Heh, wow, this popularity."

Eventually, Partrasch seemed to find the chicks' chatter endearing and nodded his head with a chuckle.

After three hundred years of serving under a queen, working diligently, waiting for the royal bloodline that never returned, and acting as a gatekeeper, he seemed to relish the attention.

"Do you like it?"


"Good. More kids will come, and they will all be interested in you. Make sure to shine as a mascot."


Back in my school days, after classes, I used to visit a PC gaming center that had a massive Husky.

Over time, that PC gaming center became a hangout spot for youngsters. The Husky, overwhelmed by all the attention, eventually returned home. However, we don't have to worry about such a sad ending with this one.

After all, it's a creature that's been around for at least three hundred years. No, it's a fairy.

"Then, please give me the usual!"

"Ah, me too."

"And for me, one less, please."

Only Mille-feuille requested one less, while the other two ordered the usual. I quickly prepared their orders and then glanced at Mille-feuille, asking,

"Why did you ask for one less?"

"···Well, I guess I'm not that hungry. Hehe."

"It's good to understand a girl's complex feelings."

"···Yes, you're a good senior, but sometimes you're a bit…"


I don't understand. Why am I being criticized?

Ignoring the chicks' chatter around me, I shrugged.

Soon, someone approached the stall.

"Senior, you're here."


"Yes. Oh, Mille-feuille junior is here too?"

"···Ah, Nephti senior. Hello!"

"Ah, did you come to buy a donut, senior?"

"Yes, yes!"

"I see. Wolfram senior's donuts are delicious."

"Hehe. Yes."

While the pink chick and Nephti had a brief chat, the bell rang, signaling the end of lunchtime.

"Ah, lunchtime's over!"

"Senior, we'll be going now."

"···Uh, Wolfram senior, is it okay if I visit the convenience store later?"

I nodded and waved them off. The chicks bowed slightly and hurried back to the school grounds.

Then I turned to the remaining customer.

"Nephti. Why are you still here?"

"I don't have work today?"

"I meant, what about your classes?"

"Ah, I've covered all the material up to the midterms. It's a self-attendance day. Oh, you have a dog? I like dogs too. Hello?"


The issue with the Knight Academy is this. While the Magic Academy combines theory verification and magic practice, the Knight Academy mainly focuses on practical skills, such as how many tier skills one can use or how many wooden targets one can cut with a sword.

As a result, proficient Knight Academy students often finish their curriculum quickly and then engage in other activities.

But that doesn't necessarily mean the Knight Academy is superior.

The Magic Academy is expensive and mainly attended by nobles or students fully supported by nobles. This means Magic Academy students at least don't have to worry about tuition.

However, Knight Academy students, who often struggle with tuition, have to deal with the challenge of 'paying tuition to Jephryn' as part of their tasks.

They strive to earn their Jephryn diploma. Their ultimate goal is to secure a position as a guardian knight for a noble house. They even consider their survival until graduation as a task. Nephti is a perfect example of this.

I waved off Nephti, who was playing with Partrasch.

"That's true. Finish your drink and leave."

"Ah, I actually had another reason for coming."

"What reason?"

Nephti whispered discreetly.

"It's a major earning opportunity. Would you like to join?"

"A chance to earn big?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying. I got my hands on a treasure map."


"No, really! Please hear me out. It's a real treasure map! It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

"Don't come back."



Later on,

Due to Nephti's persistent request, I had no choice but to listen to the story about the treasure map.

"Treasure maps don't actually exist. Why would anyone mark the location of a treasure on a map in the first place? For three hundred years, no one in Jephryn has ever ventured outside. Do you think it makes sense to believe that there's treasure hidden outside?"

"···I thought the same. But first, please take a look at the actual map."

Saying so, Nephti handed me an old scroll.

It was a map pointing to a location deep within the eastern forest from the residential area.

At first glance, it seemed like a credible map.

"What do you think?"

"What do you mean?"

"This map. Isn't the emblem clearly stamped on the right corner? After researching in the library…"

"It's the ancient emblem of Jephryn. Three hundred years ago, our esteemed ancestor designated it as the official emblem of Jephryn: the crossed staff and sword."


Without saying a word, Nephti gulped nervously.

From this point onward, it could involve the royal family.

And for a mere commoner to dare mention the ancient emperor? That's a capital offense.

Furthermore, though it might not appear so, Wolfram von Roengreen has royal lineage.

So, Nephti, who dare not say it outright, is indirectly asking me if this map is legitimate.

But for what purpose?

"Correct. This is a genuine map. At the very least, it's not a counterfeit emblem."

"···As I thought. I see."

While Nephti was thrilled, my expression turned cold.


Based on my extensive gaming experience, Jephryn's treasure maps rarely led to anything truly valuable.

The rewards weren't necessarily terrible.

Occasionally, 3-tier items might be discovered using treasure maps.

But, as I always say, D/Z SAGA strictly rewards effort.

Considering that this map provides location information without any effort, it's only logical to assume that obtaining the treasure would require even more effort than regular farming.

And this treasure map was one I've encountered far too often.

"So, are you going to search for it? With your combat abilities, won't it be challenging?"

"That's true! But I have someone to ask for help."


"Master! Please come in!"

"Oh! Wolfram! It's been a while!"

Brown skin, ash-colored hair, blue eyes, and two very practical daggers hanging at his waist.

A true powerhouse with agility 22 and willpower 20. The highest authority in the assassin domain.

"Rudika Hatsan Shadow."

"Yes! Nephti told me there's an interesting story, so I came!"


This unexpected turn of events suddenly took on a grimly realistic tone.

The newly arrived Rudika flashed a sly smile and formed a 'V' with her left hand.

"So, you're embarking on a quest to find the treasure marked on this map?"

"Yes. That's right."

"Rudika's heart always races for treasures!"

"Do I really need to be involved?"

"Yes! I want to travel more safely with your magical buffs!"

"Rudika feels the same!"


Who's treating people like tools? With a top tank and an assassin mid…

"Do you recognize this map, Wolfram?"

At Rudika's question, I fell into contemplation without responding.

Don't I?

I do.

This map is from the final chapter of Act 1.

It's the key item for Act 1 Scene 4.

I'm not sure how Nephti acquired it, but skipping the preamble, it's indeed the map marking the treasure left by the founding emperor.

I still haven't forgotten, honestly.

In the Act 1 Scene 4 episode, after tireless effort, you finally reach the treasure of the founding emperor.

And with everyone's hearts racing, upon opening the treasure chest, a single folded note emerges.

In the emperor's graceful script, it reads:

[Your friendship that has reached this point is a true treasure.]

It's real.

Seriously, that's the ending.

Think about it. Why would the founding emperor's treasure appear in the last chapter of Act 1? Right?

This game, I swear.



Nonetheless, there are numerous rewards for completing Act 1 Scene 4.

Even if the chest is a fake, there are plenty of incentives to partake.

There are valuable items along the way and other treasures too.

"To be honest, I have a rough idea about that map."

"Really? How do you know?!"

"Well, what kind of treasure is it? No, I don't want to know. But if you could just provide enough information to keep my anticipation up without getting me too upset, I'd appreciate it!"

"I came across it in an ancient document. It's not certain. We'll find out when we get there."

"So, you're saying you'll join us?"

It's the final chapter of Act 1.

Being a veteran, if I don't join, they'll probably get wiped out in the boss fight.

Oh well. Can't be helped.

"Follow the instructions I found in the ancient document. There's a lot to prepare before we set off. From skills to equipment and consumables. Try to be as prepared as possible. Write this down quickly."

"Oh, o-okay? Got it."

"Alright, understood!"

The eager rookie duo.

Well, I suppose I can give these newcomers a ride on the veteran bus.