
Product 31 - Cliche Novel

The Jephryn Central Bank.

A magnificent stronghold that converts all foreign currencies into Rin.

It is rumored that even the profits from currency exchange and the exchange fees constitute a tenth of the empire's taxes, all originating from Jephryn. This establishment is shielded by seven layers of formidable magic.

The initial Emperor himself crafted the seven first-tier magics, intricately interconnected. If one is compromised, the other six activate simultaneously to swiftly restore it. Unless all seven are simultaneously dismantled, breaking through is an insurmountable task.

A young woman entered this highly secure and splendid bank.

"I am Eve von Roengreen."

"Princess, we extend our warmest welcome to the Central Bank. What brings you here?"

Eve von Roengreen.

The sole royal figure in Jephryn with a rank.

Her authority is said to rival that of a senior professor, and considering her future as a prominent member of the royal family making a name for herself worldwide, no one in Jephryn, predominantly an academic center, would dare oppose her.

Hence, she was received by a seasoned consultant specifically assigned to her.

An assured success in Jephryn. No room for inexperienced handling.

However, today's atmosphere felt distinct. Eve's demeanor was somewhat rigid, and she appeared troubled.

"I came to withdraw… it."


"My savings. I came to withdraw it."

Eve is withdrawing her savings?


Is Jephryn's financial stability at risk?

The consultant inclined his head but refrained from probing further due to his professionalism.

"Yes, let me check your savings account."

After confirming the account, even the consultant couldn't help but furrow his brow.

"Yes, Princess, your account has been confirmed. However…"


"It matures next month. Is that acceptable?"

Upon hearing this, despair swept over Eve's countenance.


I continued to gaze at the gloves adorning both my hands.

Gloves of Order and Balance, also recognized as the Beginner's Set.

"But calling it the Beginner's Set doesn't quite capture it."

Originally, the set bore a more derogatory name.

Officially designated as [The More More Fighting Set].

Users abbreviated it to 'Just More Fighting Set'.

Though it sported a whimsical name, when novices who had just cleared the second act presented evidence, comments like 'Just More Wannabe' surfaced, causing offense to those aware of its origin, hence the name change.

Whoever christened it probably faced a pay cut, but I prefer the Just More Fighting Set.

In any case, this Just More Fighting Set, or Beginner's Set, boasts surprisingly impressive features.

First, the Gloves of Order that you receive after clearing Act 1 Scene 1 provide an additional 10% experience boost.

Then, the Gloves of Balance obtained from the boss of the second act supplement +3 to any deficient stats.

They also offer three set options.

The first one is resistance to all elements.

This is truly a lifesaver.

If you manage to complete the set in the Sleeping Mountain range, you gain resistance to all status ailments, making it an essential item in that area.

Next, there's a concealed option and a random [8T] skill acquisition.

However, it's not entirely random. There's a discernible pattern.

Users generally have an idea of this pattern, but I know it with precision.

It aligns with the user's highest stat.

For instance, if you have high strength and expertise in sword mastery, you'll acquire skills like [Slash], [Charge], and [Nameless Cut]. If you possess high magic abilities and focus on recovery, you'll obtain skills like [Restoration], [Soul Exchange], and [Life Transfer]. If luck is on your side, you might even acquire an improved version of a skill you already possess.

Now, what might Wolfram von Roengreen's trait be?

First, the skills I acquired through scanning are [Cooking], [Potion Making], and [Accessory Crafting].

Considering that my core skill is dexterity, I can make an educated guess about the type of skills I'll acquire.

It will likely be something along the lines of [Royal Feast], [Magic Craft], [Potion Effect Boost], and [Intermediate Herbology].

Whatever I gain will undoubtedly be advantageous. I've meticulously planned this tech tree, and there are no oversights in my calculations!

And so, the skills I obtained turned out as follows:

[Magical Patissier]


[When creating snacks, a small to moderate amount of magic is imbued.

[The more unique the ingredient, the more potent the magical effect.]

[The likelihood of the effect depends on the user's dexterity.]

'There are no oversights, that's for sure.'

The skill I use most frequently is cooking.

The highest stat I possess is dexterity.

What I craft most often is snacks.

'Well, I suppose this skill could make sense. It could, but…'

I let out a sigh.

It's indeed a useful skill. Snacks, as healing items, are prized for their 'consumability,' 'rapid effectiveness,' and 'healing properties.' Now, adding magical effects or buffs to them with the Magical Patissier skill unquestionably enhances their utility.


I read the final line of the skill description.

[A snack that fills dreams with magical colors!]

'Is it suggesting that I become a patissier of dreamy desserts?'

I felt a sense of irritation as the dough seemed to shimmer with starlight.

My head began to ache, and the pain was intensifying.


The following day, my snacks were adorned with dreamy hues.

An unexpected visitor appeared at the convenience store.

"Wolfram. It's been a while!"

"Rudika? You suddenly show up. What brings you here?"

A petite figure. Silver-white hair. Blue eyes.

An assassin with a fondness for spicy flavors.

Rudika Hatsan Shadow, a tier-1 assassin with an agility score of 22, blurted out,

"I'm out of red potions. Can I get some here?"

"That's a tough one. I have limited stock."

"Oh, well…"

Rudika appeared visibly disappointed, but then her face brightened, and she laughed.

"Why don't we go gather some together?"

"It's dangerous with just the two of us."


It used to be safe when we had Nephti with us. But it's different now. You should head back.

"Is it really impossible? What a shame."

"I feel the same way."

Last time, we only gathered red potions, but the allure of the Sleeping Mountains wasn't just that.


Hold on a moment.

"We can actually go."


"But it'll be at your request, and I'll charge a fee."


"I'll take a million Rin."

"Haha. Is that all? Rudika is rich. I just completed two missions."

Let's not inquire about how she completed those missions.

With that, we set off towards the Sleeping Mountains. Rudika pulled the cart, and without paying much attention to me, she dived into the pack of Sleepies and Mossmen.



Overwhelmed by the Sleepies and Mossmen, I marveled at Rudika swiftly and cleanly dispatching them one by one with her precise strikes. She really didn't care about me.

As a result, one Mossman started taking an interest in me.

Terrifying. Truly terrifying.

I clenched my gloved hands and activated the hidden set option.

['Active: Play Dead' is activated!]

This is the actual set option of the Full Set Fighting outfit: a concealed skill.

When activated while lying down, it gives the effect of playing dead, shaking off the monster's aggression.

The Mossman seemed to assume I was dead and moved on.

I lay there, gazing up at the sky.

The blue was so beautiful.


We successfully gathered the red herbs, and thanks to Rudika diligently following my instructions, we were also able to collect plenty of other herbs.

"Red fever herb, peony, leading to clear spirit herb and true nature herb. Quite the collection from the field."

A combination of herbs that enhance flame resistance and various other resistances.

Usually, these herbs are tricky to handle, but with skills like [Cooking], [Potion Crafting], and [Magical Patissier], there are ways to prepare them.

'···Let's stay positive.'

Even though I say that, considering the experience point bonuses, talent level 10, tier 8 skills, and all sorts of herbs, it's undeniable that I've made tremendous progress compared to when I started from scratch.

Let's live with a positive smile. Thinking that way eased my mind.

'At least I have something to be proud of now.'

Donuts and other snacks can be risky if their recipes are leaked, but magical snacks… damn it. Anyway, snacks with magical effects are my signature. They are a good reason to open a convenience store.

Once Eve brings the signboard she promised, my store will stand tall among the many competing stores in Jephryn.

And today, Eve said she would visit the store after winning the bid for the spirit wood, Elwood.

My paradise, it's just the beginning.


"Speaking of which, she's late. When is she going to come?"

While chatting about Eve for a moment, I noticed something approaching in the distance.

Carrying something too massive for a simple wooden frame, it drew nearer.

"Is that Eve?"

"Yes, Wolfram. It's Eve von Roengreen. I've got the stuff you asked for!"


The EElwood was placed on the ground.

"Quite an impressive spirit wood."

"Do you have any idea how much it cost?!"

Why should I care?

"I didn't inquire about the cost."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'll just consider it a gift from a family member. You don't owe me anything now."

"…Remember, one day my spear will pierce through you."

Eve scowled. Who mentioned anything about settling this with money?

"Let's get to work then. I already have the blueprint."

"…For the sign."

"Yes. You can leave if you want."

"No, I'll help."


"It's my purchase, and I want to see how it's done. Even if it's just carving or painting the sign. Do you think you have the strength to install it?"

"I was planning to ask Nephti."

"Don't rely too heavily on the noble ideals of your junior from the Knights Academy. Are you compensating her fairly?"

"…Yes, I am."

"Don't exploit her too cheaply. Don't take advantage of someone's goodwill."

What an interesting load of nonsense.

But if I asked for that, Nephti might demand millions of Rin, so I decided to solely rely on Eve's goodwill.

"…Then I'll ask you. I'll start sketching the design now."

With that, I picked up a pencil and began to write.

Before my regression.

I tried to mimic the store I had always dreamed of.

But without it being an obvious copy.

To anyone, it would resemble a convenience store, but I painstakingly inscribed each character infused with Wolfram's essence.

In truth, I struggled considerably with what to name it.

Let's see.

If I called it "Wolfram's Convenience Store," it would abbreviate to "Wolfram's Convenience."

So the abbreviation would be W.C?

"W.C in Zone 8 is 80m in."

Are you kidding me?

Hence, I settled on "Wolfram's Rest Stop." Abbreviated as W.R.

For me, the convenience store was genuinely a place of convenience.

It stays open even in the early hours, offering quick meals, a wide array of beverages, a spot selling chicken, another with tempting packed lunches, and a place where they bake bread in ovens.

The toy section is surprisingly extensive, and when I lose track of time due to work, I can gauge the season or events by seasonal products or limited editions for Pepero Day, Valentine's Day, and White Day.

With that sentiment, I hope that those who visit this store will feel even a tad more at ease and relaxed.

The final wish I, Lee Young-jin, had for the convenience store I wanted to create was just that.

[You have successfully completed the most challenging recurring task with the utmost focus.]

[All counts, conditions, and difficulties have been met.]

[Your skill increases by 1. Your will increases by 1.]

Upon seeing the system message, I chuckled.

"Don't suddenly burst into laughter. It's unsettling."

Eve shot me a glance, but then she looked at my writing and gave a nod of approval.

"That's some impressive handwriting for something written by Wolfram."

It's quite the compliment, even coming from a genius like Eve.

"Wolfram, can I ask you something?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"What exactly is this 'convenience store' you're aiming for?"

"Didn't I tell you? It's a store for the convenience of all students."

"Alright, then from now on, I'll assist you."


With that, Eve magically lifted the signboard.

"When you chose Elwood, I thought you were insane. But then I realized that if Elwood becomes the signboard, it would be more efficient than I thought."


Elwood can absorb magical energy from the atmosphere and can also serve as a power source. Its power isn't as potent as Magic stone, but it can self-repair adequately.

"So, should I add some color to it? Do you have a color preference?"

"Color? I don't have any ink."

"I'm proficient in light magic. It's no trouble for me to create a prism effect. You can choose from the seven colors."

Ah, I understand now.

She means she can easily select one of the seven colors and fixate it in that state.

Is that even possible?

"Then, this part in… this color, and that part in purple. Yes."

With Eve's assistance, the completed convenience store sign was hung at the top of the grocery store… or rather, Wolfram's Rest Spot. Eve wiped her hands and glanced at me.

"I made Elwood glow on its own, added a self-repair spell, and protective magic. So, it shouldn't break easily and doesn't require any external power."

"I see."

Honestly, it's almost like an artifact. At its core, it's just a shining signboard, but it's durable, and it's said to have its own cleaning function.


"What is it?"

"Your past wrongdoings from last year. I don't believe your sins will be forgiven. Honestly, it's hard to trust that you won't do anything bad again."

"I didn't ask you to believe in me."

"…But if you genuinely put in your best effort and succeed with this convenience store."


Eve clenched her fist and then let out a deep sigh.

"No, I'm leaving now."


Eve turned away. I had a thought and called out to her.


"What is it?"

"Thank you."


She's quite stubborn.

So, Eve departed without looking back, and I gazed up at the glowing signboard.

Time passed without me realizing, and by the time I snapped back to reality, it was already dark.

Crackle. Crackle.

Bugs got stuck to the signboard and were zapped, activating the auto-cleaning magic.

When my eyes began to hurt from the flashing light, I entered the convenience store and closed them.

The light from the signboard even reached inside the store.

I smiled and mumbled.

"But how do I turn that off?"


How do I turn it off?