
Product 26 - Cliche Novel

Eve departed, and I stayed behind.

I started to make notes, scribbling something down on paper after stowing away the accessories.

I pondered what might occur if Eve didn't encounter Kelters and continued with Act 1, Scene 1.

At the very beginning, Eve Von Roengreen's transformation from a raw sweet potato to a steamed sweet potato was described, but I marked it out with an X.

"I completely overlooked this."

It pertains to the 'Clear Impossible' rule.

'In theory, a ghost or any other entity should dissipate when struck by a mana level of 22.'

Considering the original storyline, Eve Von Roengreen couldn't afford to do that.

Because if she unleashed her mana at 22 in the first-year common dormitory, all the first-year students around her would be swept away. So, Eve makes a conscious effort to limit her mana as much as possible.

And… somehow, the enemy in Act 1 Scene 1 just doesn't quite align with Eve's abilities.

So, she sought assistance from Kelters. And it proved beneficial. If she could freely exert her power, why would she need Kelters? If Eve handled everything on her own, that would suffice.

'Hmm, I never considered the consequences if she couldn't clear it…'

So what would happen if she couldn't clear it?

I'm not sure. Ultimately, after losing to Kelters, they vanished, and the story reverted to the title screen.

Perhaps Jephryn would descend into chaos or not… This game is rife with variables depending on the route and branching paths.

But, an ending where she fails to progress beyond the steamed sweet potato phase, starting from Act 1 Scene 1.


Why can't she clear it?

That's because Kelters is absent.

So, what's the solution?

Should we seek a replacement for Kelters?


The following day.

Somehow, a substitute appeared in the morning.

"···Are you referring to the first-year common dormitory at night?"


"Why are you going there? Do you want me to go?"

"To assist with the peculiar incident that will occur today."

"But I'm a second-year student now; it feels a bit… inappropriate to intrude."

Nephti tilted her head, and I produced some bills.


"But that goes against principles."


"It's not easy."


"At what time should I start?"

"Join Eve when she heads towards the common dormitory."

"···The student council president is going to the common dormitory?"

At first, Nephti struggled to grasp my words, but soon she nodded in comprehension.

"I recall hearing about that. The girls were talking about a ghost appearing in the common dormitory."

"That's correct. And it appears that Eve is trying to tackle that issue alone today."

"Ah, I understand now. Since she's Wolfram's younger sister, you must be concerned."

She looked at me as if I'd said something profound.

I brushed away that distasteful notion.

"Very well. I may be a second-year student, but I believe I'm fairly trusted in the Knight department. If I explain that I went because I was worried about the first years, they should understand."

"Great, I'm relying on you."

"Yes, I grasp the concerns of a brother looking out for his sister."

That's not the case at all.


If Nephti joins Eve and successfully resolves Act 1 Scene 1, it would be ideal.

"Hmm. Hmmm."

The following day, after class, I discreetly began jotting down strategic information for Act 1 Scene 1 in my notebook.

The Act 1 Scene 1 narrative, based on the original, unfolded as follows:

"Ghostly Commotion in the Common Dormitory."

Last year's student council president, Wolfram Von Roengreen, faced expulsion, marking the end of his reign. The era of Eve Von Roengreen, the princess of light, had commenced. However, the first-year students couldn't sense this transition.

Instead, the hearts of the first-year students sank even lower.

This was because shortly after classes began, 10% of the Jephryn students dropped out or were expelled.

They struggled to keep up with the curriculum, confronted their own limitations, and, once considered prodigies back home, now suffered the sting of criticism from professors, leading them to depart from this educational institution known as Jephryn.

If they had left without much trouble, it might have been acceptable, but their emotions lingered in the dormitory, and their sadness and sorrow began to influence the mana emanating from the first-year students.

In due course, the mana went awry, giving birth to a spectral mass of sentiments that wandered the common dormitory corridors in the dead of night.

This humanoid figure, composed of blue light and clad in a freshman uniform, roamed the dormitory halls, weeping and crying out, "I wanted to stay longer, I wanted to excel."

This marked the inception of the Ghostly Commotion in the Common Dormitory in Act 1 Scene 1.

'But…Eve cannot defeat this spirit.'

Her reluctance stemmed from the concern that the adjacent first-year students might be affected. When Eve Von Roengreen, the student council president, faced this melancholy, resentment-filled mana, she hesitated.

In that critical moment, Kelters, standing beside Eve Von Roengreen, swiftly approached the ghost with his sword and dispatched it in a single strike.

Then Kelters uttered these words:

"I'm sorry, but we can't afford to linger here."

With that, he sheathed his sword and bestowed a smile upon Eve.

"You're a remarkable president."

"Yes, wha-?! You're not teasing me, are you?!"

Eve blushed at Kelter's compliment, and that episode concluded…

'Fortunately, Nephti would refrain from commenting to Eve, sparing me from witnessing her distasteful demeanor.'

I genuinely appreciated that.

'Hmm. Now, here's the dilemma.'

Contemplating the upcoming event, I found myself lost in thought.

Let's assume that Nephti and Eve manage the situation together. What would Wolfram do then?

'How can I slip in, secure the clear items, and slip away unnoticed?'


You two can handle the resolution.

Let the honorable and virtuous knight of faith and the distinguished student council president of light unleash the mana of noble intentions.

As for me, a third-rate convenience store owner, I'll execute a quick in-and-out, seizing the reward item and making my escape.


Eve Von Roengreen looked at the knight student standing right by her side with a slight frown.


"Yes, Student Council President Eve Von Roengreen."

A second-year honor student.

A girl known for her proud knightly demeanor, earning the trust of those around her due to her decent behavior.

"Why are you here?"

This is the first-year common dormitory.

Having instructed the first-years to stay inside as much as possible, Eve was determined to handle this ghostly disturbance alone. Therefore, she couldn't help but express doubt at the sudden appearance of a fellow second year.

This was quite surprising.

Eve hadn't officially requested assistance from the Knight Department, and she had even instructed her subordinates not to get involved, so having a third party join this situation was rather distasteful.

However, Eve didn't view Nephti as an adversary. She didn't harbor any dislike toward her either.

During their first-year days, Nephti had been impeccable, and although her stats were somewhat disappointing, Eve believed that she would one day excel for the empire.

Nephti was a knight among knights, living by faith and upholding her vows. In Eve's view, Nephti was a good person.

"I heard that a ghost appeared in the common dormitory. Hmm… I came to help."

"I appreciate the offer, but I can handle this on my own."

"Ahaha… I'm sorry, but I can't. Please show me some mercy."

"Why is that?"

"I'm not getting a deposit… um, someone who is worried about you asked me to escort you until this situation is settled."

Strictly speaking, not all of her words were lies, and Eve was greatly surprised by them.

"I didn't know there was such a student… I'm just a newbie student council president, and there's a student who cares about me enough to ask you…"

"Yes. Well, it's a request from someone who worries about you as if you were their real family. So, may I dare to take up the role of your shield?"

Eve gazed directly into Nephti's eyes, then let out a small sigh.

How could she refuse?

But before that…

"What are your stats? And your skills?"

"Huh? …Oh, well, my health is at 16…"

After hearing all of Nephti's stats, Eve nodded.

It might not be exceptional, but it was stable and decent.

Even if her attack was lacking, all of her skills were focused on defense and protection.

"Understood. You'll take care of the shielding."

"Yes! But do you think real ghosts exist?"

At Nephti's question, Eve responded, unable to conceal her melancholy.

"…About that ghost. I have a rough idea of what it is."


"Yes. Probably related to the freshmen…"

"The freshmen?"

"…It won't be too late to find out their true identity after meeting them. Let's start from the top floor and work our way down."

"Yes, yes!"


Late in the afternoon, just before Act 1 Scene 1 began.

"Whew. Whew."

I left the convenience store and made my way to the freshman dormitory.

After some careful planning, I had a rough idea of the route to take.

'There's a back way to the shared dormitory. You can reach the clear room without being spotted if you follow that route.'

Clear room.

It's the room that appears after defeating the boss, where the reward item appears.

So, while Nephti and Eve were occupied with their battle, I would wait in the clear room and then grab the item.

There was no way I'd get caught in this process.

Even if I did get caught, as long as Nephti was doing her job well, I could simply say I came to check on her without shame.

As I headed toward the shared dormitory, the deep voice of an elderly man echoed in my ear.

"…Whew, heh. Uh… Isn't that Wolfram?"

"Professor Lantica Grace?"

The elderly professor, his tie loosened, and his bloodshot eyes, gasping for breath, approached me.

The devil who had once tried to trap me in grad school stood before me.

He came closer with a glint in his eye.

"What a coincidence to run into you here. Hmm. How about we grab a coffee or have a meal? I know a great steakhouse. I'd love to discuss some academic matters over food, what do you say?"

"…Um, well, the thing is…"

Steak and academic discussions paid for by the professor? Is this guy insane?

I desperately wanted to decline, but saying the wrong thing here could potentially affect my grades if the professor felt offended.

Damn, this feels like real-life hell mode!

"Hmm, Professor, I'm actually on my way to the shared dormitory for a cart check. We can always have that conversation later, can't we?"

"Ah, I see. You're busy with your duties here. I've been asking around the graduate school, assuming you'd be there… Alright then. Now that I know where to find you, there's no rush. Let's plan for a chat after class tomorrow."

Please, don't inquire!

Don't come looking for me, you crazy person!

"So, Professor, what brings you here?"

"Ah, one of my students in the lab skipped without permission, so I came to catch… ahem, find him. Haha."

"I see."

"Yes. I heard he wanted to hang out with the freshmen, so he was spotted near the freshman dormitory. I came to catch him myself… ahem, find him. Even though he's a grad student, he's still my responsibility. It's the professor's duty to guide him in the right direction."

"Um, yes. I understand."

"Anyway, if you happen to come across that bastar… um, that grad student, tell him to return immediately. I'm searching for him. His name is Zolf."



So he still hasn't returned.

"Phew, heh. If only that guy would get caught once…"

Watching the professor disappear into the darkness, muttering those words, I hoped for Zolf's safety.

'Ah. This isn't the time for this. I need to focus.'


As a result,

I successfully infiltrated the dormitory with agility.

This back route served as Kelters' nocturnal path up to Act 3, and he never got caught by the system during that time.

I had concerns about Jephryn coming to life, but this route was worry-free in that regard.

I managed to slip into the room behind the first-floor hall, where the ghostly encounter and battle were about to unfold.


I took a deep breath and settled into a corner, slightly cracking the door to observe the situation.

There were no signs of anyone.

As expected.

In the original storyline, Eve had ordered all the freshmen to stay in their rooms to resolve this case, and she began patrolling the halls alone. That's precisely why Kelters' assistance was so crucial.

Now, Nephti and Eve would explore the upper floors and eventually encounter the ghost on the first floor.

"…Uh, uh. Uhhhhh."

'Ah, the boss.'

It was emotional.

This entity was a cluster of mana infused with the intense desire of a freshman.

A poignant reflection of our times, shaped by the desperation to remain at Jephryn.

I listened to the sorrowful cries of the freshman.

Their lament was a poignant message, underscoring the challenges of life at Jephryn.

It felt strangely nostalgic. So, without a doubt…

"Graduation… Doctorate… Freshman… Easy Master's… No. Easy Ph.D…."


Was that how they cried?