
No Time To Talk Nonsense With You! Search!

Redakteur: Atlas Studios

When the dorm officer saw the scene when she arrived, her eyes widened in shock and she was speechless. It was as if a war had just happened in the room. A bed was flipped over and there were personal belongings strewn across the floor. It was a chaotic mess.

Gu Mang passed by her and strode out of the dormitory without even looking back. When the people standing in the hallway saw Gu Mang come out, they stepped back subconsciously and pressed their bodies against the wall. They did not even dare to breathe too heavily.

They had never seen anyone cause such a ruckus so openly in school. Yu Mufeng and Lu Qi followed Gu Mang. Gu Mang twisted her wrist and the ruthless look on her face was shiver-inducing.

When they reached the ground floor, Lu Qi's phone rang. Lu Wu had news for them.

"Sang Xue has returned to the Sang family's villa." Lu Wu said.