
Chapter-2 BEN-10 and Start of OP WHISHES wait


MC-I ALSO WHISH TO LOOK LIKE SAKAI RIHITO ,(paused our MC to take a breath ,then said) after his transformation but a million times more handsome and to have my little brother be 5 more inches then it already was but I want it to be like that when it's asleep and when its awake I want it to be able to grow 4 inches more and 4.5 inches thick and I also want for my new body to be more sculpted then it already should be. said our MC with a wide smile and closed eyes imagining how girls would be all over him

MC- I also wish to have the DNA code or blood line of an anodite and when the time comes to shed my skin that I don't have to ,shed it and stay with my skin also instead of my rays being pink I want them to be blood red and the parts that are pink to also be blood red

MC- I also wish to have Osmosian blood line in me but with no limits and without the side effects when I use my abilities.

MC- I also wish to have the bloodline of a galvan with everything except the eyes and also for my gills I want them to be on my ribs but they would just look like birth marks and for my intelligence I want to have it but I don't want it to effect my personality , because smart people back on earth where huge d***s and I don't want to be one to my future woman so yeah I wish for my super intelligence to not effect my personality or me in general.

MC-I also wish for a system like in novels that I used to read and also for it to have many customizable tabs and also I want the system to have infinite store points and with an obvious status tab quest tab store tab lottery tab upgrade tab fusion tab world tab and also a tab for my women I also want my system with many guides that I can create and that have physical bodies to guide me and to accompany me anywhere and in anything and that they will be loyal and adore me to the point where they could not live without me and will love me with everything they have and that they will always be full yandere for me and only me but I also don't want them to be robots so I want them to have there own personalities and thoughts.said our MC with a determined face and posture and with a small smile

(also notice there will be no Yuri for the women so be alerted or warned that THERE WILL ABSOLUTELY BE NO YURI)

MC- I also wish to be adopted not birthed by Sandra so that I can be with a surten orange headed cousin and also when we go on the rode trip I wish for Lucy to go with us because I also want to add that hot piece of clay to my harem.said our MC with a wide grin

MC-!!!!OK LET'S GO TO THE BEN 10 universe!!!!.

said our MC screaming with excitement

then for a moment our MC was in dark space to not being there then he was in not so dark place that he could not move in but his mind would have lots of brain activity for a good 2 months and 27 days.(since that is how much time till he is birthed)

MC- huuuuuh ok then , let's make some more changes I wish for...