
He Who Is In Haikyuu With 1 Wish!

Anpu Persefoni, has always been in love with Haikyuu, He likes to think of it as the thing that saved him when he needed saving the most- He was told to have insomnia and depression, when he was just at the tender age of 12 years old, later when he was 14 years old, he started having anxiety attacks, and cutting himself a year before, the thing that caused this all was his school life, and the orphanage he lives at. But then, one day when he was hiding from his bullies with his phone like always, he found Haikyuu, he fell in love with all the characters, and how they were always there for each other- From there he remembered, a quote that, his parents who left him at the orphanage when he was three years old used to tell him, “Through, death, and life, only the ones who truly love you, will be there, to help you get through anything, even a friend you have know for a long time will be blinded by their desires, but those ones, will have your back no matter what, my love.” His mother told him once, before she died saving him, he still remembers her words, because he truly believe she was correct. _______ So what happens when he died because of a careless god and his mistake? What if that god told him he can wish for something but only one wish, and be in any world he wants reincarnation or transmigration- what would he wish for, and we all know he will choose Haikyuu, but what’s his wish?

PsychoticTL · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

Chapter- 8 ???


'I swear I will live a good life this time.'


The following day, I did the usual expect I went to the cafe instead, of the mall, and I didn't give the volleyball food, because honestly they were just laying around when I got there.

I did the usual training with the setter, this went on for one month and a half, and then he switched the person who I was training with, this time it was an 18 years old man, who looked average in looks, with a gentle aura around him, but there was nothing gentle of his training. He trained me for about one month unlike the previous one, Carl, his name was Juan.

For one year, I was trained by multiple different people, in different or all of the volleyball positions, I have absorbed their training faster and faster each time, and now I have an amazing memory, basically photographic memory, though sometimes, I wish I didn't, because I have seen things that cannot be unseen. I also started to actually become an exercise manic? Yes that was the word, I came to love it very much, although, I have a slightly visible six-pack no matter what I do, I still love exercising for some reason.

I could say I was almost comparable to a world-class volleyball player, if I didn't increase my strength with my wish.

Today I was thinking about going to Japan, because I was done training, but I wanted to say goodbye to everyone I met while I was here before I do that. I already had everything of mine, here moved to japan, although the butlers wanted to stay with their family, some of them wanted to come along, their home country was japan for the chiefs, and Sebastian is naturally coming with. None of them are staying in the castle though I asked them too, but they said, they were okay, so I left it at that.

I first went to the volleyball club to say goodbye to them, what did I take there? The limousine obviously, the white one, because that was the one I was riding when I first came to meet them.

__Long drive, later__

When we got there, I got out quickly and went to the volleyball club room. I peeked inside, to see them playing a round of volleyball. I quietly nodded to myself. And slowly walked to a bench nearby I sat down, and waited for them to be done with their training.

They were separated into two teams, red and blue it looked like the red team so winning so far, with a score of 1 to 1 this was third round and they were about to win, 24 to 18 blue would be able to win if a i miracle was to happen, like Hinata, I slightly smiled at that, but quickly went back to my usual fake gentle facade. I didn't notice that, the coach noticed me, smile.

The match was won by red, like I predicted, I called them over, with a cheerful smile. And said, "Good game guys! Are you getting ready for a tournament or something?" I asked, feigning curiosity. "Oh yeah! We have a tournament against a team this weekend can you come?" One of them asked and all of the others , nodded.

"About that-" I was interrupted before I could even finish, by Oliver or otherwise know as their coach. "I'm sure you have something important to do, but I have been wanting to ask, why don't you go to a school?" He asked curiously, I didn't know if I should tell him a logical lie, or the truth that I just didn't want to. I decided a logical lie would do. "Well I didn't really want to say this, but I have anxiety attacks sometimes, and insomnia but I use makeup to hide my eye bags." I said, feigning nervousness.

They all looked surprised, they smiled sadly at me, and all of the sudden hugged me I was surprised, I didn't know what to do, so I just stood there, while they do that. After a while they stopped, I finally had time to say, "I was going to say, I'm going to japan tomorrow so- I can to say goodbye." Smiling sadly. They hugged me again, and we all said our goodbyes, I nodded, and then we drove to the others I have met here, including Carl and Juan.


I told the driver to drive to the airport of course my precious limousine was gonna come with the driver was to get my limousine to Japan by two days, so I don't need to worry, because if he didn't that bitch will die. I already had everything for this I just needed to drive away, I had my own plane, but I decided not to use it.

I was just about to sit in my sit when suddenly everybody's eyes were on me, I'm guessing it's because of how I look, but I didn't mind, I got used to it, I just sat down, but the person next to wasn't going to leave me alone, so I put on my headphones, I always wear headphones, because I listen to music sometimes which calms me down.

When the airplane finally landed, I was still wearing my headphones, while the woman was still pestering me, I decided to shut her up so I said, "I'm gay, bitch." I wore a stoic expression on my face the whole time, so she got mad, and raised her hand up to slap me but, before she could do anything, one of my bodyguards which were standing by my black limousine that was to pick me up. I told him, to get her away from me, he put her on his shoulder and carried her to someplace else.

The whole time there was one thought in My mind. 'Finally, it's time Karasuno, here I come.'


[Sorry if this chapter is not so good, I was in a rush, but yeah, I will start with a friendship first I guess, someone commented on that and I thought why not? Because honestly while, I think it would be interesting if Hinata was in a relationship with someone in the start and karasuno found out it was actually someone in their team too but it just wouldn't make sense to me, and there wouldn't be anymore interesting things to write, so I decided friendship first.]

[Have a good day or night! Thanks for reading!^_^]