
He used to be a Reserve Genin

My second chance at life only made me realize its preciousness. Being a ninja was a choice I never wanted to make but in a village full of homicidal, reality-bending assassins; you don't get much choice. The plan is to lay low until everyone is lower than me. So fingers crossed and begin the first step; Failing the second Genin Test and entering Genin Reserve Corps. Disclaimer: Characters used in story other than Itsuki and OC's belong to Masashi Kishimoto.

NoodleBrain · Bücher und Literatur
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43 Chs

Arc 2 - The Byakugan Princess

One Day later

Inoichi sat in a makeshift tent, opposite to the reserve genin Kuhara. In the past hour, he used soft interrogation to get as much information out of Kuhara on what happened last week and what he was able to get was not pretty.

"Ok, Kuhara, that'll be enough. Go get some rest." Inoichi said, dismissing him politely. Kuhara bowed and left the tent.

He too got up and left the tent, moving towards the command center. Entering the tent makes his way towards Shikaku Nara, the new Jonin commander of Konohagakure.

"Did you find anything?" Shikaku asked, Inoichi nodded and sat in front of him.

"Kumo was trying to keep their operation a secret, going as far as to kill every ninja and civilian in the area to buy them time."

"But that did not work out too well, information somehow reached back Konoha after all," Shikaku said.

Inoichi nodded, "Yes, and it most likely had something to do with Itsuki."

Hearing that name, Shikaku immediately turned to face Inoichi, "Explain."

Inoichi, knowing his friend's anxiousness, did not tarry, "Kuhara knew all this because he was present during a village massacre. He ran but he is barely out of the academy, he stood no chance. Two ninjas followed him into the forest, one chunin and one jonin from his description."

Inoichi continued, "There he was saved by Itsuki, killing the Jonin and capturing the chunin for interrogation. After that, he hid both himself and Kuhara in an underground room and left the next day, saying Kuhara to run if heard any explosions."

Hearing that Shikaku massaged his forehead, deep in thought, "So you are saying a genin just six months out of academy took down a jonin and incapacitated a chunin. How did he do that and why did he leave the underground room if he was safe there? Why did he not just leave via underground." Shukaku's voice rose as he kept talking, frustration clear on his face of normal calm and levelheaded Shikaku.

Inoichi placed his hand on his friend's shoulder, comforting him, "Don't lose hope, he may not be dead yet. I have already given perimeter patrol troops his physical profile, If they found him, you will be the first to know."

Just then a chunin entered the tent, "Captain we found him."

Shikaku barely kept his cool, "Where?"

Chunin replied, "In one of the massacred villages."

Shikaku and Inoichi looked at each other, before asking, "What was he doing there?"

Chunin's face twisted, as if he was trying to understand something and failing to, saying" He was... he was burying the villagers that died in the massacre."


Pain's Tower, Amegakure

Kakuzu entered the throne room of Pain, and see's most of the Akatsuki members in attendance.

"Ah, Kakuzu, looks like you killed another one of your partners." Kisame quipped from the side.

"Shut up fish face." Kakuzu retorted angrily.

Kisame's smile just got wider, "Looks like someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

Before Kakuzu could something, Pain raised his hand. "Enough."

Then he turned to face Kakuzu, "Tell me Kakuzu, how did you lose your hand."

Every member's vision trained on the stump, with threads poking out of it. No one had noticed that earlier with it hidden in his cloak until Pain pointed it out.

Kakuzu's anger increased, "I met an unknown enemy during the mission, someone who moved very fast and hit very hard."

Pain was intrigued, "And who was it."

"No idea, his face was covered by a mask and I am not a good enough sensor to memorize his chakra signature."

Pain thought for a moment, before turning to Zetsu, "Find this person. Someone strong enough to take on Kakuzu could either be dangerous to our plans or a potential recruit."

Zetsu bowed, "As you wish, leader-sama"



A girl sparred against her younger sister, but could not bring herself to strike her. But the same could not be said for her sister.

"Two palms", "Four palms", "Eight palms"

Younger sister jabbed her elder multiple times before the elder could not take it anymore and fell to the floor, coughing up blood.

"Hanabi Hyuga wins"

Multiple Hyuga clan elders rose from their seats, congratulating Hanabi and clan head. No one spared even a glance towards the elder sister, who slowly picked herself from the floor, her muscles spasming with pain and weakness.

Picking up her battered body, she left the room, her Byakugan filled with tears.