

Even while opening his eyes, Arthur felt his different and illustrious body. It was possible to hear the shouting full of emotion and suspicion, some soldiers were saluting the king aloud, while some others were whispering in the background: "In the midst of this bloody war, what is he doing here? Finally decided to die for good? "

Arrows passing, soldiers falling, Arthur saw before he was hit. An arrow came towards his chest, the only thing he could do was get hit. Some soldiers there saw that misfortune and quickly took him inside the castle, where he was meticulously treated.

Some time passed, before he regained consciousness. While opening his eyes, he simply tried to locate himself. Lying on a bed, he tried to deduce the situation quickly, but he lacked information.

All he could know was that first of all, that he was somehow teleported to another location and became a king, since his last memories before taking an arrow, was leaving a diner eating his fries and that after a blink of an eye, he was on a wall, where soldiers greeted him. The second thing, is that the king before him, is a complete imbecile, because only an imbecile allows the point where his kingdom is attacked.

It was when he saw a girl sitting on a bench beside him, she had fair skin, beautiful blond hair and blue eyes, wearing a knee-length green dress, the young woman was equipped with silver armor over it. She was sleepy sitting on a wooden bench beside the bed, while young Arthur stared at her.

- Good Morning!

Said Arthur, still lying down, trying to wake the young woman who quickly noticed. She rejoiced and threw herself at him, hugging him tightly, amid that happiness one could feel a slight anxiety. Soon the girl came out of Arthur and sat down on the bench again, she started scolding him, saying that he should be more careful, but she did not have his attention.

"For someone to be so casual with a King, there are only two options: Either she is from the family, or the king gave people too much space, and since I believe he was an idiot, the second option seems more right."

Arthur thought, staring at the girl. That was when the young woman took a long breath of relief, giving Arthur room to speak. He sat on the bed and asked a brief question:

- How is the situation out there?

-… The guards are tired, they shouldn't be able to stand much longer…

- I see ... The enemies, do you think they managed to continue this for a long time?

- They totally surrounded the city ... They would certainly resist more than we do.

-… How problematic.

- Arthur.

- Say it.

- Did the arrow affect you at all? You look more serious. - She said laying her head a little to the right.

- Are you implying that I'm a kind of imbecile?

- No! No! - She said while turning her head to the right and left repeatedly.

- Anyway, call people you trust, I have things to do.

- Yes!

The girl hurried out of the room, as if she were running away. Arthur was afraid that she would treat him like anybody, eventually took a somewhat threatening stance that he learned some time ago, thanks to this the young woman did not feel so familiar with him and did not do what she wanted, even if she did not realized it at first, it was very effective after the scolding.

- In short ... This king was also called Arthur ... From the girl's reaction to my posture, I'm sure he was a complete imbecile.

He got up and started to move, although the appearance of his body was similar, he could see clear differences, his brown skin was changed to white and his size had been reduced, but the main thing was his strength and endurance, which before it was very good, being able to run 10 kilometers calmly. He then decided to do some push-ups, but he was already ridiculously tired doing just 10, which he did laughing.

- Shit!

He exclaimed, then stood up and took a closer look at his clothes. He was so distracted testing his body that he forgot that part. Arthur was wearing shorts, next to a shirt with a cape, all red made of silk, while watching this, he thought about the crown, classic symbol of a king, and after hunting a little, found it beside the bed.

Arthur walked over to her and picked it up, being made entirely of gold, as he watched her, he was able to see her reflection. He had brown hair and golden eyes, along with smooth skin, without any scratches or pimples. Arthur was extremely surprised, and decided to think a little more about the situation, he did not know if it had been teleported or if that was a new technology of some kind of game.

Certainly information is still missing, leaving those thoughts for later, he heard footsteps coming from outside the room. Arthur placed the crown on his head and sat on the bed, facing the door. This one was relatively large and was opened slowly so that five figures could be shown.

The first one walked in the center, was a young woman with dark red hair, red eyes and light skin who was wearing silver armor over a short black dress, with her sword sheathed at the waist, did not remove her hand from her hilt or for a second.

To the left side of the redhead, there was the young blonde from now on, and a little more to the left, there was a young man with dark skin and black hair that went to his shoulder, his small eyes contained a certain suspicion, being dressed in a cloak totally black, he walked with his head held high with a wooden staff tied with vine on his back.

To the right of the redhead, she hears a figure who has pestered Arthur. He was a big fat young man, with an oily face and an aura that said he was completely useless, which is strange, since that was not what Arthur asked the young girl. He wore a green blouse that didn't even fit him well, which was why he ended up before his navel, in addition to a blue shorts, totally impolite. It is definitely not the outfit to present to your king.

There was someone with a camouflaged presence beside him, if Arthur had not been paying attention, he would certainly have gone unnoticed. He was dressed in a tight, totally gray outfit that had to accompany a den, as he walked with his head down, it was impossible to see his mysterious face.

- I see you've returned.

Said Arthur as he looked at the blond-haired girl. When the fat man stepped forward holding his drool so it wouldn't escape his mouth.

- Good morning, Arthur.

He said, as he went to sit next to Arthur. The dark-haired young man was staring at him, the air around him was somewhat irritated.

- Do you really have the desire to sit beside the king? If I don't rethink your actions, I will be forced to take drastic measures. - Said the redhead.