
The CEO is Paranoid but Submissive

Paranoid finance CEO VS Cool PHD girl story. A romantic love story of mutual redemption. Yan Yan is the heir to the richest family in City A. He is known as a financial genius. He is ruthless to everyone except Tang Qing. What Yan Yan likes to do the most is What, that means pinching Tang Qing, hugging Tang Qing and kissing Tang Qing. Tang Qing herself said that she was used to it...

Tangtangmopp · Teen
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24 Chs

Busy Week

The following week, Yan Yan did not contact Tang Qing again. Tang Qing was busy with the internship job and interacted more with her colleague Li Xi. They would have lunch together daily, and they gradually became more familiar.

One day at noon, Li Xi and Tang Qing went to a small restaurant near the company for lunch.

Li Xi watched Tang Qing from across the road, her gaze veiled with envy. With her effortless competence, Tang Qing glided through tasks that left others stumbling. It was as if success clung to her like a loyal shadow.

Whenever Cici praised Tang Qing's work, Li Xi's smile tightened. She'd perfected the art of nodding while her insides churned. "Tang Qing, you're a natural," Cici would say, and Li Xi would wonder if she'd ever hear those words directed at herself.

"Tang Qing, you've been so busy these days that you haven't had much time to chat with us." Li Xi sighed and poked at her food dejectedly.

"Yeah, it's been hectic. But I feel like I've gained a lot, and I think you have, too, right?"

Tang Qing reached across the table and gently squeezed Li Xi's hand.

"Is that so? It seems like you're quite favored. I've also been working hard, but Cici doesn't pay as much attention to me as she does to you."Li Xi said gloomily. For example, Li Xi stole glances at Tang Qing during team meetings. How did she manage to be both brilliant and humble? When Tang Qing shared her insights, the room hung on her every word. Li Xi's contributions felt like pebbles tossed into a vast ocean.

Tang Qing: "Hey, don't say that. If we both work diligently, Cici will recognize us appropriately. You're doing great, too."

Li Xi looked up and managed a small smile.

"I hope so. Cici trusts you and often lets you participate in important projects. Although I'm also doing my best, I'm always assigned to some trivial little tasks."Li Xi frowned.

Tang Qing could sense a hint of discontent in Li Xi's tone, so she patiently explained, "Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. Cici may assign tasks based on our abilities. I'm sure you'll also be able to take on more important projects."

"I understand what you're saying, but it's still frustrating. I feel like I'm always in your shadow, no matter how hard I try."

"Li Xi, I know it's difficult, but we're all here to learn and grow. Instead of comparing ourselves to others, we should focus on our progress and development. If you continue to work hard and demonstrate your abilities, the teacher and the manager will recognize your contributions."

"I guess you're right. It's just that sometimes I can't help but feel a little insecure."

Tang Qing reached out and squeezed Li Xi's hand. "I'm here for you, Li Xi. Please come to me if you ever need someone to talk to or feel overwhelmed."

Li Xi gave Tang Qing a small smile. "Thank you, Tang Qing. I appreciate your support."

Tang Qing and Li Xi continued their lunch, and the conversation shifted to discussing their upcoming tasks and projects. However, Li Xi still envied Tang Qing's in-depth success.

As the days passed, Li Xi noticed that Cici, the manager, often sought out Tang Qing's opinion and entrusted her with more critical assignments. It became increasingly clear that the management team recognized Tang Qing's hard work and professionalism.

This afternoon, Li Xi approached Cici after a meeting. "Excuse me, Cici, do you have a moment? I want to discuss my performance and how I can improve."

Cici looked surprised but pleased by Li Xi's initiative. "Of course, Li Xi. I'm always happy to provide feedback and guidance. What would you like to discuss?"

Li Xi took a deep breath. "Well, I've noticed that Tang Qing seems to be getting a lot of attention and important assignments from you. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong or if there are areas I can focus on to improve my performance."

Cici nodded thoughtfully. "I appreciate your honesty, Li Xi. Let me assure you that your work has been excellent, and you've made significant contributions to the team. However, Tang Qing's exceptional performance and proactive attitude have earned her additional responsibilities."

Li Xi couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment. "I see. Is there anything I can do to catch up to her level?"

Cici smiled encouragingly. "Li Xi, I don't want you to consider this a competition. Each of you has your strengths and areas for growth. Instead of comparing yourself to Tang Qing, continuously improve your skills and capabilities. I'm confident that if you keep working hard, you'll also find opportunities to showcase your talents."

Li Xi nodded, feeling a sense of relief. "Thank you, Cici. I'll take your advice to heart and work on my development. I appreciate you taking the time to provide this feedback."

As Li Xi returned to her desk, she felt renewed determination since she couldn't deny her occasional envy of Tang Qing's success.

When Li Xi heard the news that Tang Qing had even received an invitation to a prestigious industry event—New World Finance, Li Xi's heart sank. She'd been hoping for such recognition, but Tang Qing always shone.

As Li Xi sat alone in the office one evening, Tang Qing approached her. "Li Xi," she said, "I've noticed your dedication. You're an asset to our team."

Li Xi blinked, surprised. "Me?"

Tang Qing nodded. "Yes. You have a unique perspective, and your attention to detail is commendable."

Li Xi's jealousy wavered, replaced by a flicker of hope. Maybe she wasn't invisible after all.

But as Tang Qing walked away, Li Xi couldn't help but wonder: Was she merely a consolation prize, a second choice when Tang Qing was too busy?

The green-eyed monster tightened its grip, and Li Xi vowed to work harder. Maybe, just maybe, she could step out of Tang Qing's shadow.

Li Xi's jealousy festered. She'd catch herself analyzing Tang Qing's every move, dissecting her success. Why did Tang Qing get the plum projects? Why did Cici seek her opinion first?