
Chapter 5 wish he could stay a little bit longer .

After going back to his desk ALISA slowly open the piece of paper which MASTER LUNA put in her desk she saw '' call ID :00777888''

When she saw that she look again thinking she might be dreaming yeah!! Its surprised her she look at him with confusing eyes.

After the class she tried to talk with him wanting to know if he had forgave her but it was so hard even to go near him she feel herself like a small cloud its was so discriminatory there were many girls who rushes for MASTER LUNA asking for his ID and trying to be friendly with him. Since he was not only handsome but smart he smile and handle the situation in a critical way '' i recently broke my phone so if you want to contact me you can take my house ID ''

After hearing everyone had an expression like they lost something very precious looking down

MASTER LUNA mom was a very strict lady toward everyone one expect for her son she suspend every person who tried to get in touch with her son

After a minute master luna drive approached

And call out to him when MASTER LUNA stood up he was looking fabulous his skin can be seen through out his white shirt color with his messy hair holding one book from his left hand and left.

Alisa '' wish he could stay a little bit longer ''

but he must be really a busy man?!! Huh?milina what if he gave you his ID??!!

'never' don't be so dummy!!!

He is the king of the school he hardly come to attend the class he don't even recognize the teachers faces do you think that type of person will give you his ID ??