
Rage and Madness

When I sauntered down to the dinning hall later that evening, everyone went white with shock. Even Ma Nana who was laying out the dishes on the dinning table could not believe her eyes, so much that she dropped the plate of soup she was holding, spilling it's content across the sensitive white table cloth. She looked so horrified and confused, and a little scared. Her quick eyes immediately recognized the madness in my eyes, and even though she couldn't tell what had caused it, or my reason for coming out of my room so abruptly, she seemed scared because she could see that I was about to wild out. I flashed her a small smile, confirming her fears, and I saw her visibly shiver. I quietly hoped my presence would have the same effect on Jordan.

Jordan was already seated at the head of the table, while Aggela sat on the seat beside him. They were just settling in for dinner, and when they looked up and saw me approaching, their eyes widened and their mouth fell open.

I was satisfied. It was the effect I had hoped for.

I was not exactly sure if they had seen the madness in my eyes, but I could tell my physical appearance had told them all they needed to know.

I was dressed like trouble!

For the first time since I arrived the island, I was fully dressed, with makeup, hair-do and all. I had spent the entire afternoon getting ready.

After I saw Jordan and Aggela locking lips by the pool, I thought long and hard about a way to express my rage. And after all my thinking, I realized in frustration that there was nothing I could do. There was no way to express anything without seeming crazy, as even I still couldn't understand why I was so angry.

But then I decided that I didn't need to hide anymore. If they were going to have a good time at my expense, then I could annoy them with my presence as much as possible, until hopefully, they became as frustrated as I was. I wasn't having a good time in the cursed island, and it was their fault. So, they had no right to be happy and enjoy a good time while I suffered. They could take their fun somewhere else, faraway where I would not see them, and I wouldn't care. But as long as they remained on the island, we were all to be miserable together! I was determined to make sure of that. It was petty, but it was my best shot. My only shot.

And that was why I came down for dinner that evening.

I had spent time in front of the mirror, getting my hair done and putting on heavy make up until it began to look like I was going for a shoot. I went through my clothes and found one that screamed 'Trouble' the most. A long, sleeveless, sequin, red dress. I slipped into it, adorned my neck and ears with bright green stones, and then I put on my favorite pair of shoes. A pair of emerald colored stilettoes. I painted my lips in the darkest shade of red, and gave my eyeliners villainous arcs. I looked in the mirror and smiled at my reflection. I was satisfied with what I saw. It gave some consolation somehow.

But it was even more elating when I saw the expression on the face of my targets as I walked towards the dinning table.

"Kallos." Ma Nana muttered in a small, uncertain voice. As if she wasn't sure it was really me.

"Ma Nana, please lay out another plate. I would be joining my husband here for dinner tonight." I announced, looking at ma Nana with a bright smile on my face. I heard Aggela croak in shock, and my smile widened even more.

I walked over to Aggela's side and stood beside her. She looked up at me with a question in her eyes.

"I would be needing this seat." I said, pointing at the seat she was sitting on.

"Wha...what?" She asked, stuttering in amazement, as her eyes widened even more.

"That seat is for the mistress of the house! I am the mistress of the house, and I need that seat." I said.

Aggela starred at me wordlessly for a long moment, as if I was talking crazy.

"Wait. Are you being serious right now?" She asked at last.

"Yes, my love." I replied with a slight nod. "You see, guests sit over there, or there, or there." I said, pointing to the other empty seats. "But the mistress of the house sits here, beside her husband. You are a guest here, so please, use the guest seat. You only used this seat till this time because I haven't been available for dinner all these time. But now that I am here, I would like to use my seat. Please move to the guest seat." I said, speaking gently with a heavy note of passive aggression. "Or ma Nana, am I wrong?" I asked, turning to the old maid who was still standing there, watching us in confusion and dread. She opened her mouth to speak, but then she just remained quiet.

Aggela scoffed in disbelief.

"You really think you are something now, don't you?" She asked, glaring up at me with hard eyes, and a plastic smile on her face. "Have you forgotten that I know who you really are and why you are here? Do you still want to play that game?" She asked.

"I'm really not trying to play any games here. I don't know what you mean. I just want to have a decent dinner with my husband, as a dutiful wife. Why would you think that is a game?" I shrugged.

"Don't play smart with me!" Aggela howled at me. Then she turned to Jordan. "Why are you just sitting there? Won't you say something about this?" She asked.

I looked down at Jordan, and he was looking at me with an unreadable expression in his face. Just then, I realized that he had indeed been too quiet throughout the exchange, even with all the back and forth.

"Koukla, if the guest leaves this seat, will you sit through dinner with me?" Jordan asked at last, his eyes set on me. I couldn't help but notice the challenge in his tone.

"I have not been clamoring for this seat for the past few minutes, only to let air sit on it. Of course, I will sit." I replied. I was beginning to get a little uncomfortable with the intensity of his stare, so I looked away slowly.

"Then sit." He said. The challenge was still in his voice, and a layer of amusement had topped it.

"What?" Aggela cried. Jordan turned to her and spoke to her in Greek. Aggela responded in the same tongue, and Jordan glared at her. Aggela let out a long, loud groan and abruptly stood to her feet. She turned around and glared at me.

"Gold digging bitch! I'll get back at you! Soon." She grinded out through clenched teeth. Then she brushed her shoulder against mine roughly, as she walked away.

I starred after her as she walked away, and when I looked back, Jordan was staring at me. There was a small daring smile on his face and in his eyes.

"Seat." He said softly, gesturing at the seat which Aggela had just vacated.

In that moment, I wanted to turn around and run away. But I braved up and took the seat.

It felt awkward.

This was not how I had planned the whole scenario.

I didn't have a valid plan, or goal. I just wanted to cause chaos in any way possible.

And what I never foresaw was Jordan agreeing with me. I never imagined that things would end that way, and I definitely never planned to have dinner alone with Jordan.

But there I was, sitting beside him, my stomach tying up in knots as he continued to stare at me with that unreadable expression on his face.

Hello readers.

I just want to say a big thank you to you all. Thank you for your support. And those who sent gifts, you are the real VIPs! Thank you so much, it means a lot to me.

I will work harder to be worthy of your support. Thank you

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