
To kill him

Mateo's POV

I was looking forward to buying a lot of things for My little flower, which was the main reason I brought her to the mall. I'd only be getting myself a few things but I had to lie to her that I was heading to the mall today for myself. There was a high possibility that My Little Flower might decline my offer to buy more dresses for her.

Just when I was ready to get out of the car to spend time with her in the mall, she abruptly rushed back into the car and the first thing she did was make sure everywhere around her was secured as if there were zombies outside the car.

So she stopped me from going out by dragging my hand and I could instantly tell that she was having a panic attack because her hands were cold and shaking when she touched my hand.

"Don't go," her voice trembled, and she was shaking as if the car was freezing, so I thought of turning off the air conditioner, but that didn't stop her from shaking.