
Way Of The Imp

Chapter 2 - Way Of The Imp

Written By Curiostyx

<Aiden's Pov>

In the middle of the woods, two Imps of varying heights sat on opposite sides to each other.

After that whole fishing thing, we roasted the catfish on an open fire and then had a meal worthy of a king.

But after that, Pops brought me to this forest for some reason.

"Boy... I think it's about time" Grandpa called out.

"Time for what?" I asked out loud

"Time for me to teach you about The Beast," He said as he pulled out an egg from his pocket.

I stared at it intensely.

"I suppose you can call chickens, beasts" I replied.

"That's not what I meant... Besides, this is a duck egg" Grandpa said before putting the egg on the ground.

"Try breaking it," He said.

I raised my feet and stomped hard, shattering the mundane egg.

"Now see what's inside," He said to me.

"...It's egg yolk" I answered.

"Exactly, and what does egg yolk do?" He questioned.

"It nourishes the unborn chick" I answered.

"Yep, now let's imagine that you were the egg," Grandpa said.

"If your body is the shell, what remains if we break it?" Grandpa asked.

I thought for a couple of seconds before giving a reasonable answer.

"The soul?" I said.

"Correct, the soul which is the yolk that nourishes The Beast" He stated.

"What is this Beast you keep bringing up?" I asked in genuine curiosity.

"The Beast is what we are at the core," Grandpa said.

"When Lucifer fell from Heaven, His inner self, His Beast, was revealed to the world, The old Serpent which deceived the World," He said.

"Everything that thinks, talks, and dreams has The Beast inside of them" He explained.

"But not everyone embraces The Beast, for It is a dangerous creature to their opponents as well as themselves," He said.

"You either control The Beast, or it controls you" He stated wisely.

"The Dark Lord gave us Demons the greatest of gifts..." He said.

"That is, the ability to release The Beast partially," He revealed

"We control The Beast, for we are The Beast" He stated.

"...Can I?..."

"No," Grandpa said.

"Nobody bothered to teach us Imps how to do so... Rather, doing so as a regular Imp is unwise" He revealed.

"The bodies of Imps are much too weak to be a vessel for The Beast... If we tried to release it, it'll tear us apart" Pops said.

"But I can do it" Grandpa revealed.

"But... How? you just said-" My words were interrupted by Grandpa's next action.

Grandpa opened his palm, and a spark of flame manifested in his hand.

"You should know by now that we have a connection to fire... We are immune to it after all" He said.

I stared at intensely the flame, it danced in conjunction with Grandpa's finger movements, It floated a couple of centimeters above his palm, burning the air around it.

Strangely enough, no smoke was emitted from the flame.

"Fire is our Blood, Fire is our Psyche, Fire is our Spirit"

"Fire gave us meaning, Fire helped our ancestors to survive and thrive, Fire is the basis of all achievements, Fire is the foundation of Life, and the bringer of Death," He said.

"For us Imps, Fire is the only hope of unraveling The Dark Lord's Gift," He said.

"Fire is the only path" He completed.

Too late had I realized that I had been too mesmerized by the flame.

When my eye returned to Grandpa... He was 𝘥𝘪𝘧𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘯𝘵.

"This is 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐭," Grandpa said.

He couldn't be called an Imp anymore. He was as tall as a human, with a pair of razor horns on his head, a face even a mother couldn't love, a massive toothy grin that took the entire lower part of his face, and wings entirely made of fire. He radiated an aura of pure savagery.


I was sweating bullets, My pants were wetter than Niagara Falls, my body trembled on its own, my heartbeat was racing, and it felt like I was being choked.

Never in my 2 lives have I been so terrified, in hindsight Grandpa didn't actually look that scary, but being in the direct presence of a natural predator was enough for my fight-or-flight instincts to kick in.

"Hahaha! Look at your face! Hahaha!" But in an instant, Grandpa became his old self as if nothing had happened.


"Relax, It's just a peak of lil ol' me, It's not like you saw Satan himself..." Grandpa interrupted.


"...I need some water"


The Next Day...

<Aiden's Pov>

Two Imps stood in front of a pile of firewood.

"Now that you know what The Beast is, I'll teach you about the Sanctity of the Flame," Pops said.

His right hand assumed the shape of a gun and he fired.

A bolt of Flame shot out of his index finger and impacted the pile, setting it on fire.

"Stand on it" Grandpa ordered.

If I was still a human I'd probably be quite confused and or outraged by the order, but I was an Imps now, so I walked in.

Besides the rising body temperature, nothing happened as Imps were immune to flame.

"Sit," He said.

I sat on the fire.

He shot another bolt, but this one targeted me. I felt a slight impact but I endured.

He shot me again.

And Again.

And Again.

And Again.

And Again.

And Again.

And Again.

And Again.

It's painful- He shot again.

It's really pain-Again



"𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐏!" I said out loud this time with a rumbling voice like that of a thunderstrike.

Immediately, all the flames around me intensified, Burning in vainglorious fury, covering me in extreme heat and ash, the only thing I saw was green light as the flames around me burned green and surrounded me like a cocoon.


Before I didn't feel much of anything when I touched the flames, but now? It was hot, 𝐬𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐨𝐭.

My skin melted, My bones crushed, My flesh torn apart, all of my body broke down... Then it all built itself back, My skin grew rapidly, My bones reformed, and My flesh born anew.

"𝐋𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐈𝐧 𝐖𝐚𝐫, 𝐋𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐞..." A cryptic voice resounded through my mind before I was launched from the green fire cacoon.


Hope ya like what ya see.

Inspiring Quote of The Day: Dreams never die, So Dream on Little Man

Reviews, please!

Word Count: 1072

Power Stones are the DNA of the soul.

So Gimme =D

Dr_Armstrongcreators' thoughts