
Hazbinverse: Impish Tendencies

Aiden was a bad guy. He killed a lot of people. He stole a lot of things. He was a scammer. He was a certified war criminal. He was a scum, a villain. So it wasn't surprising that he ended up in hell. But why the hell was he a baby? and what's up with these goofy horns?

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9 Chs

Imps In The City

Chapter 4 - Imps In The City

Written By Curiostyx

<Aiden's Pov>

"Now, these bad boys can get ya all the way from Los Satanio to the very edges of Wrath!" Hunter said as he spanked one of the Hellsteeds.

"Neigh!" The Hellsteed neighed.

"Really?" I asked in genuine curiosity, Los Satanio (sometimes called Los Diablos) was basically the capital of the Wrath Ring.

It was situated in the middle of the ring, and while Wrath was the 2nd smallest ring it was still many times larger than all of Earth's continents combined, so Hunter's claim was quite absurd.

"Of course not, he's just in snake oil salesman mode right now" Grandpa sneered.

"Tch, we can both agree your Pops a little stuck up, right Aiden?" Hunter said.

"He sure does have a huge stick up his bum" I answered.


The Imp and the Impling laughed in response.

"Hn... We better get going now" Grandpa said as he got on a Hellsteed.

"Okay... Wait, how am I gonna do this?" I asked.

"Just get on," Hunter said.

I jumped with full force and landed on the smallest Hellsteed's back, right on the saddle.

"Neigh!" The Hellsteed twitched uncomfortably as I positioned my cheeks on the saddle.

"Woah, Woah! Easy there!" I said as the Hellsteed tried to knock me off.

"These beasts recognize dominance! You need to make them submit!" Hunter shouted.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a rushed tone as the horse almost forced me off.

"Tighten your hold on the Mare and kick her with force! don't hurt her though" Hunter continued.

"Is that really-"

"Just do it!"

I did as instructed and tighten the reins, I then kicked her as hard as possible with my clawed feet.

"Neigh!" The Hellsteed kicked me off.

My Impish face landed on the hard dirt.


"Satandamnit! You just hurt her! You're supposed to dominate! Not hurt!" Hunter shouted.

"I did what you said!" I shouted back.

"Oh, this is gonna take a long time..." Grandpa muttered.


<Narator's Pov>

"Stop right there criminal scum!" The Police-type Sindroid said with an autonomous voice.

It then bonked the Hellhound pack leader with a baton.

"Ouch, what the fuck!" The leader screamed.

"Harassing a registered Civilian in public is a prohibited act of crime!" The Sindroid said as it bonked the Hellhound again.

"Stop, Sto-"


"As the Protocol demands, any act of violence against a registered Civilian will be paid back 10-fold!" The Sindroid said before doing 7 more consecutive bonks on the Hellhound.

The Pup was knocked out cold after that, the others watched in horror as their leader was beaten blue.

"Any association with a Criminal Offender is also considered an offense, are you Pups associated with the Offender?" The Sindroid inquired to the pack.




"Absolutely not!"

"Scientifically Impossible!"

They all said before scurrying away to Satan knows where.

The Sindroid then turned back to the Lone Pup.

"Rest easy Civilian, for Justice has been served!" The Sindroid said as celebratory music played out of its voice box.

"Uh huh," Howl uttered before the Sindroid left the premises.

"Those clink-clank thingies are too creepy..." Howl muttered as he tightly clutched his wallet.


<Aiden's Pov>


The cool breeze of Hell's countryside hit my face as the Hellsteed I rode on galloped at unrealistic speeds.

"Neigh!" The Mare neighed in agreement as it galloped even faster.

"Sigh... The simplicity of youth" Granpa muttered as he saw me enjoying my time.

"You're talking as if we weren't like that back then," Hunter said.

"Hn... Got any kids now?" Grandpa asked.

"Oh, sure do... A fine boy, a bit older than Aiden here. His mother is actually a Salamandra" Hunter said.

"Salamandra? Didn't know you were into that... Like did you get one from the mines?" Grandpa asked.

"Heh, That's very racist" Hunter scolded with a not-so-serious tone.

"But you're not wrong, she went awooga the first time she saw me!" Hunter bragged.

"I find that very hard to believe... You don't really... have that... you know" Grandpa said.

"You can believe whatever you want, Ash" Hunter said.

"Alright, then... Tell me about your son, let's compare children" Grandpa proposed.

"Hn... My son's name is Striker, In terms of looks he definitely follows after his mother. Went on his Flame Awakening just 3 years ago... though I can't say he's particularly talented in the Fire Arts." Hunter said.

"Tough he does have a particular affinity with animals, even got his own little Foal 𝘧𝘰𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘨 him around" Hunter joked.

"Haha" Granpa laughed in the most monotone way possible.

"It was funny"

"It wasn't"


"Hey, that's MetroSin!" Hunter said as the city appeared on the horizon.

There were no nations in Hell since the authority of the Ancient Demon Aristocracy prevented their founding, but every Ring of Hell was like a giant glorified country, each ruled over by a maniac dictator called a Demon Prince.

Even so, the so-called cities of Hell all operated like independent city-states and or mini-nations. This meant that every city had its own unique culture and customs. In the end however, they still all answer to the Demon Prince of the 7 Rings.

However, The Demon Princes were rather lax in their ruling, preferring to rule over their own cities, the Capital cities of each Ring. They did not even tax the other cities, giving each of these city-states great power and freedom. Momon, the Prince of Greed, is of course the exception.

As I got closer to the city, a giant sign near the city could be seen beside the road.


"𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐓𝐨 𝐌𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐒𝐢𝐧"

-EST. 1966-


"Well, we're finally here now. How's first impressions, kid?" Hunter asked.

"It's... more pathetic than I imagined" It was basically a giant pollution-infested factory with a lot of miserable people as residents. Only the center of the city looked decent, clearly the home of the rich.

This place reeked of a dystopian nightmare. the so called-center was a giant foundation supported by one massive pillar, which itself is a skyscraper, on top of the foundation were several mansions, clearly belonging to those in power.

There were security cameras everywhere I looked, with the occasional surveillance drone flying by. Countless robotic forms patrolled the streets, with no signs of crime in sight.

It was a paradise for those in power but a double hell for those who lacked it.

"Well, get used to it kid. Every city in these parts has at least one characteristic that makes them a pain to live in" Hunter responded before we traveled further in.



Inspiring Quote of The Day: Humanity is a race of worshippers, It does not truly matter if God exists or not, what matters is the power of faith. Faith is the purpose of life that brings us Men together.

Word Count: 1138

Power Stones are the DNA of the soul.

So Gimme =D

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