
hazbin hotel universe harem x male reader

Y/n was just your ever day sinner who end up getting kick out of his apartment. Where could his journey lead him what character will he meet. I’m on royal road This story contains strong language and violence Also don’t own hazbin hotel or any of the characters Also there will be lemons

Noahkiller05 · TV
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20 Chs

bonding experience

Read all the way to chapter 15 on patreon now at  Patreon.com/Noahkiller05


Angel: Hey, so are we going to start or what?

Charlie: We will as soon as y/n gets here.


Charlie walks over and sits down in the only place they had to sit in the lobby.

Vaggie: agh I thought you told him, Charlie.

Charlie: I did, he is probably coming late, so don't think negatively just because he has yet to come here.

Vaggie: You know he's probably still asleep.

Angel: I would be too if small tits here did not pull me out of bed.

Vaggie: What did you say?

Angel: You heard me.

Vaggie grabbed the spear and walked over to Angel.

Charlie watches, wondering if she should do something. She looked over to y/n door and got up waking.

She looked back at the two seeing Vaggie chasing Angel. She turns back to the door and grabs her keys, opening them and heading inside. She closed the door behind her as she walked around y/n room.

She walked over to his bed and saw him there sleeping. She looked over at his phone seeing that it was not connected to the charger. She smiled a little knowing that he was not late on purpose.

She looked over at him before putting her leg behind her other leg and bent over a bit before shaking him a little.

y/n slowly opened his eyes as he sat up and stretched his blanket falling.

Y/n: agh oh hey Charlie what are you doing in here?

Charlie was looking down at his chest and she quickly covered her face with her hand.

Charlie: Y-ou wer-e late s-o I came to ch-eck on you

Charlie spread her fingers a bit to look in between them at him

Y/n looks over at his phone.

Y/n: oh my phone was not charging well thanks for letting me know but why are you in here when you could have knocked?

Charlie: Oh yeah your right I could have.

She looks away embarrassed by not doing that first.

Y/n: soooo are you going to just stand there looking at me or can I have a moment to change?

Charlie: OH Uh Ye-ah you go do that…. You.

She hit his shoulder as she finished what she was saying. She stood there for a couple of seconds before walking out of his room.

He watched with a smile seeing her blushing from what happened. He got up and quickly put his clothes on. He looked behind himself seeing that his tail was already growing back.

He walked over and plugged his phone in so it would charge before heading over and heading to the lobby.

Things have calmed down since earlier when Charlie was out there. 

Angel: Hey look who finally got up.

Vaggie: better late than never

Y/n: I get it alright it was my bad for being late.

Charlie: Alright now everyone here is a list of stuff we need for this bonding experience that we are doing!

She gave y/n his list looking at it he was surprised by what was written down.

He put it into his pocket and looked at Charlie who was waiting back to her spot giving him a nod.

Charlie: now we will be splitting into groups and angel you with me. Vaggie you are with y/n you both will need to head out and get the stuff from the list and then I will reveal what this is all about.

Y/n: well sounds fun come on vaggie let's get out of here.

Vaggie: oh uh alright.

Vaggie jogged after y/n who was already through the door. 

The two were walking down the street not much talking happening but y/n decided to try striking up a conversation.

Y/n: So you're still wearing that old shirt that I gave you?

Vaggie: oh ye-ah I haven't gone out too much so I don't have anything else to wear besides the one that you and Charlie found me in.

Y/n: oh then let's get you some new clothes while we are out now.

Vaggie: No…. it fine really this will do for now

Y/n: really? I just say that because you should probably get clothes that fit you because that shirt is always sliding off a bit on your shoulder your uh bra is showing when that happens

Vaggie blushes as she pulls up the shirt and crosses her arms almost in a way to block the view of her chest.

Vaggie: Where are you looking at?

(Image here)

(like this but without the bow and her hair half the length as the one in the photo also bandages over her eye.)

Y/n: sorry, sorry it was hard not to notice that.

Vaggie: we-well don't look

She stomped away a couple of feet ahead. He wanted to catch up with her, noticing that she was grabbing her eye that was gone.

Y/n: you alright?

Vaggie: huh oh yeah I'm fine so don't worry about it.

Y/n: hey come on we're friends aren't we so if you're in pain let me know so I can do something about it.

Vaggie: friends huh yeah you're right after all you did save me and got some payback for me with that one guy.

Y/n: yeah see so come on what's wrong?

Vaggie: "Sigh" I just need to change my bandage for my eye.

Y/n: oh do you want some help to change them? I can get Charlie to do them for you.

Vaggie: No! Sorry, I….just not her.

Y/n: oh well I can do it for you then is that fine?

Vaggie: oh uh yeah that's fine…thanks

Y/n: you're welcome after all.

(Image here)

Y/n: what are friends for.

Vaggie: why did you say it all creepily 

Y/n: no idea why it sounds evil like that. Anyway your hair is getting pretty long

Her hair was starting to reach about the middle of her back.

Vaggie: Oh yeah you're right.

Y/n: your hair is very beautiful, you know that it is so nice.

Vaggie: oh" blushes" thanks

She was grabbing her hair and brushing it soothingly.

Y/n stopped at the door to a place that sold your everyday normal thing. He noticed that vaggie was still walking.

Y/n: vaggie! Where are you going?

Vaggie: huh oh sorry 

She walked back over with him. y/n walked into the place looking around.

Y/n: So what do we need to get?

She pulled out the list that Charlie gave to her.

Vaggie: a couple of drinks, candy, and popcorn?

Y/n: oh alright yeah you go get the other stuff while I go get the drinks.

He took a couple steps before vaggie called out to him.

Vaggie: wait what about your list

Y/n: oh uh it's about the same as yours

Vaggie: oh well alright then.

The two split up, grabbing the stuff they needed. After a couple of minutes, they regrouped and bought the stuff they needed.

They were making their way back. Y/n was holding all the stuff.

Y/n: hey so I was meaning to ask why are you always pissed at Angel?

Vaggie: this came out of nowhere.

Y/n: just trying to have a conversation is all.

Vaggie: "Sigh" I don't know why, maybe it's because she does a lot of stupid shit or even makes fun of my appearance.

Vaggie: or maybe because she lives in the place for free and she doesn't even take Rehabilitation seriously. It will be a bad look for Charlie as well.

Y/n: Oh I didn't know you cared about Charlie that much.

Vaggie: I… we are just friends 

Y/n: I wasn't even hinting at that.

Vaggie: Agh It's just because she took care of me and gave me and you a place to stay as well and some other stuff.

Y/n: calm down vaggie I get it you guys are just friends, but vaggie, she has been trying to be a better person, and I don't blame her I wouldn't believe that a sinner can be redeemed either. Only through time will we know

Vaggie: I guess you're right about it.

y/n patted her back with a smile

y/n: just relax a little with her and you will be able to get to know her more as well

Vaggie: Let me ask you something y/n why are you so different compared to other sinners here?

Y/n: not sure what you mean by that.

Vaggie: I just find it interesting because you're much nicer compared to a lot of people here. I think you would have a chance at being let into heaven.

Y/n: oh thanks for saying that but I don't think they would let me in for what I did anyway we are almost back let's head in.

The two walked past an old school cart heading down the street. The sinner was minding his own business when he saw a kid he knew.

Sinner1: salutation Young Timmy how are you doing DAAAAMMMMMM!

The kid name Timmy turns to look at the old sinner for some reason having big ass breasts even though they were a boy

*back with y/n*

y/n pushed the door open walking through and pushed his arms up high with the bags on them.

Y/n: hey guess who's back with the goods.

Angel was moving stuff around the place. She was trying to move the couch in front of a TV. Hearing the two were back she put her two lower arms onto her back trying to relax it.

Angel: oh hey you guys are back maybe you both can help me with getting this couch over there.

Vaggie walked over and grabbed the other side of the couch and looked up at Angel waiting for her to grab the couch.

Angel: oh uh thanks vaggie 

y/n walked over to their little kitchen they had put the drinks away and placed the stuff on the table. He walked back over to the two with the couch now in the spot that Angel wanted it.

Vaggie walked back over to him.

Vaggie: let's head to my room so you can do my bandages 

y/n: you go first I need to go grab something from my room.

Vaggie: alright

Vaggie started to head to her room as y/n walked over to his room heading inside he grabbed his phone and grabbed the bow that he got when he was with Charlie.

He walked out of his room heading over to Angel who was resting on the couch.

Y/n: Hey angel, where is Charlie? Wasn't she supposed to be helping you?

Angel: she was but then had to go do something she went to her room but then went outside.

y/n: oh alright thanks for letting me know.

She thumped him up before she laid down on the couch. y/n went over to the front door hearing Charlie talking to someone.

He opened the door seeing Charlie was on the phone with someone or it would look like it from a couple of feet away. Charlie notices y/n standing there and decides to finish the call.

Charlie: Alright Mom, talk later.

She stopped the call and then walked over to him.

Charlie: Y/n! What are you doing out here?

Y/n: I was just coming out here to check on you…. So you were talking to your mom?

Charlie had a small smile on her face before it disappeared with her looking sad.

Charlie: I wish "Sigh" I haven't seen or heard from her in the last 7 years. I just… still call her because Maybe one day she will finally answer and come back to me and my dad.

Y/n: your father doesn't know where she is?

She just shook her head before the two started to walk in.

Charlie: Like I said before I don't want to trouble him with how I feel about this whole thing he is always busy anyway.

*somewhere else*

A man was working on something on his desk.

???: oh yeah just like that now to put the final touches.

He put clothes on the yellow thing that he was working on. He turns around and raises his hand in the air with the thing he works on.

???: Introducing the fantastic wife duck look base of my loving wife Lilith...…. Man, I'm so lonely.

*back with y/n*

The two were inside Charlie's stop in front of a photo frame. Looking it was a photo with Charlie and her father and mother.

(Image here)

y/n almost choked on his saliva when he saw her mother. Because the first thing he notices was damn those are some big boobs like dam what is her rack size c? d?

Charlie: Are you alright?

Y/n: uh yeah I just couldn't help but notice how tall she is compared to you "Quietly" Yep not how different your breast size is at all. 

Charlie: oh yeah I didn't get much from my mom I got most of my stuff from my dad.

Y/n: yeah I can tell

Charlie: Anyway, let's get back to our little activity. By the way, did you do what was on your list?

Y/n: yeah it looks like vaggie will try to be nicer to Angel.

Charlie: that's good to hear thanks y/n I knew you would be able to get her to do that.

Y/n: I don't think I did much.

Charlie: Come on, give yourself some credit y/n. After all, you're the reason she is being nicer right?

Y/n: All right I get it but still I simply told her to think from her perspective is all.

y/n: anyways I need to go and see vaggie she wants me to help her with her bandages so I'll be back in a few

Charlie: Alright, make sure to bring her back down would you?

Y/n gave her a thumbs up as he was walking to the stars heading to vaggie room. He gave a quick knock on the door before entering after vaggie said he could come in.

y/n looked around her place there was not much in their room. Besides a place to put the spear. Which y/n found kinda of funny she keeps it so close. Vaggie tapped next to her on her bed.

y/n walked over sitting next to her. It felt kinda awkward for a moment before she grabbed something next to her and put it into y/n hand.

Looking at it there were some bandages.

Y/n: alright vaggie here look at me so I can see what I'm doing.

Vaggie: al-alright

She turned her head to look at him as y/n moved his hand putting her hair to the side. She blushed a little as y/n hand was placed on her face.

With his other hand, he brought out his nail and sliced the bandage unwrapping it till it was fully off. Y/n stared at her missing eye for a moment.

Vaggie: is something wrong.

Y/n: I'm not sure it just looks like you have a scar growing or something. It is nothing to be afraid of but these don't usually happen unless you were sliced with an angelic spear. So you were hit with one?

Vaggie: oh uh yeah I was walking around when everything happened and one of the exorcists hit me in the eye.

Y/n: Man that fucking sucks well everything else looks like it is fine so there is nothing to worry about.

He starts to wrap her eye back up with fresh bandages.

Y/n: how did you get away from the exorcists? They are pretty relentless.

Vaggie: You could say they just got tired of me.

Y/n: oh uh ok well that seems to be about it.

Vaggie: wait no, there's another spot that needs another bandage.

Y/n looked at her confused before she started to take the shirt off. Catching y/n off guard.

Y/n: woah uh what are you doing?

Vaggie: I need you to change these bandages here. 

Y/n looked at her back and noticed that she had bandages wrapped around her back which were also covering her chest. Y/n started to get up from the bed.

Y/n: you know what maybe we should get Charlie for that I'm sure you wouldn't want me to do them.

Vaggie grabbed his hand before he could get away.

Vaggie: no it's fine you can do them.

Y/n looked at her before letting out a sigh and sitting back down on her bed.

Y/n: I'm going to need to take your bra off you fine with that?

She nodded her head. She was looking off to the side. Y/n unhooked her bra grabbed the straps and started to take them off.

Y/n slices the bandages off as they slide down to her lap.

Y/n: so they got your back as well?

Vaggie: I was running when they sliced on my back.

Y/n: yeah it looks like they got you good from these cuts but it looks like there will be no scars like the one from your eye.

Vaggie: well…. that's good to hear.

Y/n: I'm going to start wrapping you up now alright?

Vaggie: yeah that's fine.

She raised her two arms high so they wouldn't get in the way. He pushed down on the start of the bandage on her back and she jolted a little before he continued.

He was slowly going up her body till he got to her boobs and he started wrapping them up.

Y/n: is it too tight?

Vaggie: no it's fine, keep going.

As he was wrapping her chest up he tried to take his mind off her chest. He was looking at her from the side and he thought about how he was pretty sure Charlie had bigger breasts than vaggie.

Vaggie's breathing got slightly more lewd as he was touching her body while wrapping her up making sure the bandages did not fall or anything like that.

Afterward, vaggie puts on her bra and shirt. Y/n was standing near the door while he was waiting for her.

Before anything else the door to the room opened as Charlie walked in.

Charlie: hey guys what's taking so long-

She looked at the two seeing vaggie with the shirt only halfway on.

Vaggie: Charlie this is not what it looks like.

Charlie: it's fine I have no problem if that's what you guys like to do.

Y/n: Charlie that is way off from what we are doing.

Vaggie: y/n was only changing my bandages nothing else.

Charlie: I'm kidding guys I know y/n told me that he was going to help you vaggie.

Vaggie: oh ok good.

Charlie:  So are you both done?

Y/n: yeah we were about to head down.

Charlie: Good because me and Angel are finished. Now it is time to reveal what we have been working for all today.

Charlie walked out as vaggie looked at y/n with a small smile while y/n did the same because they both found it funny.

The three walked down the hallway and then down the stairs to the lobby seeing Angel there sitting on the very end of the couch.

Angel: look who finally showed up. What kept you guys?

Y/n: just helping is all.

Y/n sat down on the  couch as vaggie leaned against the back of it as Charlie went in front of them.

Charlie: now that everyone is here today I gave you a list of stuff to get or do and now that we are done we have been working towards….

y/n looked around for the Drums that started to play out of nowhere, y/n saw the source of the drums they were coming from Razzle and Dazzle who had small drums and were making the drum sound for Charlie.

Charlie: we are doing a Movie Night!

 No one said anything for a moment. Before Angel said something.

Angel: oh so that is why you wanted me to get a movie.

Y/n: and that is why you want me and vaggie to get soda and popcorn.

Charlie: yes so what do you guys say?

Y/n: I got nothing else to do so I'm down.

Vaggie: of course, I would be happy to watch a movie with you and the others.

Angel: I did all the hard work so you bet your ass I will.

Charlie went and put the movie on the TV. She quickly went and got some popcorn then walked over and sat down on the right of y/n as vaggie sat on his left

The movie Angel Grabbed was a horror movie. There was one scene where there was a lot of blood from a person dying.

(Image here)

Vaggie quickly turned away from the movie and grabbed y/n arm putting her face on the couch. Angel was having the time with the movie as well as Charlie.

y/n had a soft smile as he felt his phone going off he pulled it out of his pocket and saw he got a message from a new number but the person told him who it was. He was not expecting to talk to this person.

After all, she disappeared as soon as she heard about the exorcists.

He quickly answers the message and then puts it away.

Charile put her legs on his lap looking at her she seemed to have a seductive look on her face.

Y/n place his hand on her legs(just to remind she has goat legs)

Feeling them up and down he looked at her as she was blushing because she didn't expect him to respond like that.

He looked over at vaggie who was still looking away pushing herself in between the couch and his arm.

He lets out a small laugh.

Angel was off to the side petting a fat nugget as she watched the movie.

Word count 3758

big thanks to





Charles Linder
