
Hazbin Hotel/Helluvia Boss - The otherworld soul

A soul brought into a heaven not their own, and cast down into a hell that didn't seem believable. Can they figure out what's going on? Or will they even seem to care? Read to find out...

optimistic_writer · Andere
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17 Chs

New home and finally a chance to relax!

'...Anger, that's an emotion many tend to keep pent up, or have none at all. Those who hold in their frustration, rage, anger, those are the few who are close to exploding and becoming something that none want to be face to face with. Emotions are problematic, difficult, and sometimes hard to understand for others. I was someone who was angry, irritated, and most certainly pissed.'

'Only a few thoughts were on my mind as the auction house slowly disappeared from view as I continued to be driven further and further down the road to my new mansion. I was frustrated beyond extent; no words could describe how fed up I was with all the bullshit I've had to deal with. Everything's been up and down, going left and right. Just no straight angle that doesn't lead to some unexpected outcome or random occurrence that leads to either my misfortune or fortune.'

'Dealing with all of this has been a pain, a really nerve grating pain that just can't seem to get enough. At least the day was over! So, no more unexpected twists that'll leave me grasping for straws. And no, I don't have anything else left to do. The purchased slave's I bought are following close behind in vehicles that are meant for their transport to my new home, in which will be their new home as well, only until I can find a new home for each and every single one of them.'

'As I said before, I bought them to give them all a second chance. If this was their third chance, then it would be their third chance as well. Those who didn't want to work for me were given a fair amount of money and a pat on the back as they went their own way. Some of their conditions were poor, from malnourishment to bruised and beaten. Only a lucky few were in good condition to call safe from nearing death, but that was most likely with them being fresh off the streets and right into chains.'

'Some slaves wanted to leave, even with their conditions, but I said no and forcibly made them stay by giving them a glare that would make my parents proud. None of those slaves tried arguing against me, especially with the fact that I was being so overprotective of them. It...it didn't sit well with me, so I had to take initiative and make sure they got better.'

'Allowing some of the slaves to ride in my limo was an option, but I decided against it. The reason was simple, they were covered in so much filth and grime that it was disgusting. Those who were almost untouched and almost squeaky clean could easily be outed as fresh sinners that fell into hell, or just an unlucky hellborn gal or fellow who was at the wrong place at the wrong time. Getting them new cloths and a shower was a must, so as soon as we got to the mansion, they'd be using whatever washrooms that were available to get each and every single one of them cleaned up.'

'Cloths weren't a problem as I had already preordered them before even purchasing any of the slaves. A lot of the stuff I was doing now was already planned out much before I decided on going to the auction house. Simply because I already planned on collecting some slaves to work for me. Decisions like this were important, because they made me prepared and ready for anything that was to come my way.'

'The accidental mistake of choosing Ozzie's as a dining place was my fault alone, same goes for any other mishaps that were from my own misjudgments or untimely decisions that led to something bad or unexpected happening. Small mistakes are fine, especially ones that have a good outcome that benefits me. Ozzie's was an accident, but it led to me getting the main number that was his own personal contact and not some business number.'

'Making mistakes is inevitable, but they could occur less and less if your smarter about your actions and much more planned and careful. I was going to make sure I started doing things in a much different light. Genius is almost my middle name, not like it ever will be, but I'm damn close to it. Being smart is one of the many aces I have in life, so, I was going to put my brain to work.'

'Mother gave me the brain, father gave me the brawn. Not going to allow either to go to waste. I'll be using my brain more than my brawn, but when it comes down to getting dirty? You best fucking believe that anyone that stands in my way is going to have their head on a spear by the end of the day. I'm a friendly and very tolerable person, especially one who loves to conversate with others. But I also like to keep to myself and stay away from subjects that don't interest me.' 

'I've noticed that I've been to nice and too behind the scenes. Having a public image of a guy who just does the best for everyone by giving money to the needy is important for better standings. And yet it's not enough, not even close. I needed to start being more active by doing things that required more physical activity than anything and everything I've done so far.'

'Facing all of this alone wasn't something I had to do, but some burdens were meant to be dealt with alone. I was given a choice, power, and a body not my own. Anyone else could have ended up in my place when I first met V, but who's to say they would have done things for the greater good? I know I have a mafia, but maybe I could make it into a militia somewhere down the line? That's one hell of a longshot, but it's still a shot worth taking.'

'Pressure was being placed on me everywhere I went, so I had to push back and apply more pressure than ever before. Crumbling was not an option, not when so many needed me, especially more than ever before. Living the life of luxury was still an option, which I would gladly still partake in, but I was going to focus on helping hell become a utopia for all sinners.'

'Even those who've done things that no one would forgive, I would still give them a chance. But I still have my limits, so...don't expect me to always be merciful. As I've said before, I am no saint. I am just a man with a heart and a mind, a mind that's capable of thinking right from wrong, and a heart that beats to keep me alive and living. If hell was to continue falling, I would help it get back up.'

'Maybe some of the slaves I have now are terrible people, but have they suffered enough? Or have they not suffered at all? What if some of those slaves felt as if they were given up on, even before they fell into hell? How I would I feel if I didn't give them a chance? Is it right for me to determine their fate?'

'I didn't know, and I don't think I can say yes or no. Yet...I will still try, for their sakes. Changing their lives, and anyone else's, was going to be a pain in the ass. Pain in which, I was going to shrug off and deal with it, especially with a smile on my face. Even though I am not the greatest, I can still try doing some good for some peace of mind, and most likely a chance to make this new life truly lived to the fullest.'

'...So yeah, that's it for me on that topic. No more discussion about it until I feel like it needed to be talked about again. Let's just...get back to focusing on the now, and not the future, nor the past. Anything in the future will be dealt with eventually...'

'Sighing I looked up from the ground, gloved hands clamped together as I stared at nothing. Even with the car moving and the hum of the engine running, it was so silent in the back of the limo.' "A chat with someone would be nice..." 'Calling someone was an option, even venting to them was a choice. But I hadn't known any of them long enough to fully unload all my worries and stress on them. Not like I was ever going to in the first place.'

'Glancing up I looked to the cabin window, hoping Frank would open it and say something, anything, just to help me get out of this quiet and distasteful mood I was in.' "Franky"? 'I called out, wanting to hear his voice.'

'The window opened, but Franky didn't show his face, to engrossed with focusing on driving.' "Yeah, boss? Is there something you need?" 'Always so helpful, hope he continues to be that way...'

'Knowing I had grabbed his attention was a comforting feeling, especially seeing I at least had someone to keep me company.' "Are we almost there yet? It's....I'm quite tired, so...an update on how long would be nice." 'I was like a child who was eager to get out and stretch their legs, but me? My eagerness was more towards going to sleep and calling it a night.'

'With my question hanging in the air, Franky glanced back just a bit, enough to see the corner of his eye.' "We're pretty much there already, just a few more minutes and we'll be inside before you know it." 'That's good to hear I suppose...'

'His answer was definitely satisfactory, especially for me.' "Good to hear, please inform me when we arrive." 'With having said what I needed to say, I leaned back and closed my eyes.'

'Franky just stared back at me for a few silent moments but decided on just closing the window again. He knew I was down in the dumps, so he decided it was best to give me space. As a father, he has a child of his own. One that's fully grown, but still his child nonetheless. He knew when to say something, and when to be quiet and to give some space.'

'I opened my left eye just barely, seeing that he didn't respond back. In which case I was disappointed in the lack of response, but also thankful that he knew how I was feeling. So, with that out of the way, I continued to silently sit and wait, daydreaming about the comfy bed I could just jump into and finally call it quits for the day.'

'Silence continued to permeate throughout the cabin of the limo, minutes slowly passing on by. One minute, two, three...then...the car slowly came to a stop. It took longer than I wanted, but at least I finally got to see my new mansion up close.' "We're here." 'Said Franky as the window opened again.'

'Opening my eyes I looked to his face, but just silently nodded as I grabbed the handle of the door and opened it. Letting myself out as I shut the door behind me and gazed around my new property.' "It's pretty impressive on the outside." 'Which was true, seeing the front of the mansion had a fountain in the middle with a road going all the way around it.'

'I looked back to where we came from and spotted the main gate. My logo was welded onto it from both sides. Had it requested a few hours ago, before even having a mansion bought. It was tough to do seeing I barely had any time to call the people necessary for it. But I was glad to see that they had gotten it done before I arrived.'

'Slowly turning on my heels I continued to check out everything that was now mine on the property. It was quite well detailed. The hedges were well cut, the broad was clean and fresh with no visible cracks. The paint on the outside of the mansion barely looked a day old. The coloring of the mansion was a black hue, almost as dark as obsidian.'

'Everything was the way I imagined it. A home in hell, how strange to think that. Imagine what my mother would say if she knew how my life was turning out, especially my new life. Just so strange to know that this is all mine now...'

 'Well, I admit that the mansion is grand and all...but somethings truly off about it. I saw some images, not many, when I looked at it on the property listings. Only a few images were available to actually look at, almost considered it being a scam, but the person selling me the place verified it was a hundred percent real. Don't ask how he did, it's a long story.'

'And back to what I was trying to get at, which is what I'm seeing right now.' "This isn't a mansion at all, it's a fricking castle!" 'Flabbergasted I was, most certainly surprised I am, mhm!'

'It wasn't what I expected, not even close. He understated what he told me, truly made me think I was buying just a mansion and nothing more. ...It was a damn castle! A castle for fuck sake! I mean, it's not that I hate it, it's just...I didn't think to even consider that hell had castles for sale.'

'It was bigger than I anticipated, bigger than I wanted, yet I did ask for the biggest mansion that was available. Which was this one, a mansion that isn't even a mansion to begin with. At least I'm not upset, so no need to call them back!'

'Even Franky was taking in the sights with a look of surprise. Guess he didn't expect it as well, heh. The revelation of me owning a castle makes my last few moments of the night a bit more enjoyable. E-heh, I hope there's a map to figure out which way leads to the master bedroom...'

'But that enjoyment had to come to a halt as I heard the sound of vehicles approaching from down the road that we came from. It was the transport for my purchases, especially the slaves. Testing to see if I could have carried all of the slaves and new purchases I made in my shadow storage would have been interesting, but I'm not going to risk it, especially with something alive. So, it was time to greet them and allow them to see their new home, albeit temporary unless I tell them otherwise.'

'Deciding that it was time to get back to being formal I put on a smile and made my way to the front doors. Had to stand here and look proper, showing that I was in charge, but also there to show I was ready for them.' "Franky, stand behind me, now!" 'Franky jumped at my commanding tone, not expecting that from me.'

'I waited for a moment, staring at the gate before looking back to him with a frown. Sudden realization kicked into Franky as he changed gears and booked it to me. He had to slide to a stop as he took up position near me. Needing to be professional in front of them was always going to be a thing. I may be laid back a lot of the time, but now was me being serious. A friendly attitude was something I enjoyed giving and receiving, but I was going to be more serious and focused around people I hardly knew, maybe even the ones I cared for.'

'We continued to stand there as vehicle after vehicle lined up with one another. Some were cargo trucks, while other were flatbeds that had cars I had purchased from the auction.' "Do not smile, do not say a thing, just be quiet and act as my guard and observer." 'My words directed to Franky caused him to flinch, still not expecting me to be so serious. Usually I was calm and friendly, but he never knew I had this side to me.'

'He just nodded and silently stood there with me. So with that out of the way we continued to wait. Minute's ticked by as more and more slaves lined up in front of me. Their chains were taken off a long time ago, so they could flee at any given moment. But they already knew I gave them the option to leave when I had met all of them face to face at the auction house. These were the demons who were willing to work for me, and with me.'

'Finally done with lining up I cleared my throat to announce myself.' "Today, you now work for me. You are my workers, assistants, butlers and maids. There will be no favoritism from me. So do not expect special treatment. I have given you a chance to start over. So please be grateful for what I am doing, because this is just more work on my shoulders that I must carry and continue to deal with." 'I said, slowly eyeing each and every single one of them.'

'I didn't have my shades on so they could see my gaze, which was not one that had a friendliness to it. My mood was in the red, so I wasn't exactly all smiles right now. My earlier inner monologue did have me stating I would smile, even with a ton of burdens weighing me down, but that was for tomorrow's me.' "You will all receive fair payment for your work, as well as housing, food, showers, and fresh clothing. I will even have you all registered for medical care and dental care, as well as anything else that may benefit you." 'My tone softened as I spoke to them more politely, I may be in a bad mood, but at least I can try being a tad bit friendly, especially seeing this was the day they started their lives over for the better.'

'What I said caused a few of them to look shellshocked, not expecting me to be so giving and open to their care. While others seemed uncomfortable with receiving help at all, a few even looked as if they didn't want to be here, and yet knew they had to be.' "I'm being kind to you all because you need to be shown and given kindness, so I expect you to show respect and trust towards me. This is all out of the goodness of my heart, but I will also state that this is for personal gain as well. I am no saint, so do not expect to be a kind person all the time."

'Stopping for a second I inhaled deeply and exhaled, closing my eyes as I continued to speak.' "I will not be a horrible master, I will not whip you, smack you, hit you, or even yell at you. If I am to yell, then I apologize in advance. But do expect me to berate you from time to time if you are to cause a mess or make a mistake. This is your life now, but also now your job as well. So be professional, accurate, efficient, and whatever else you can be." 'That caused a few of them to just sigh and nod, accepting their new reality.'

'With that said I turned back to Franky, which luckily seemed to have a map already on hand.....somehow. I won't question where he got it, but I'm just damn glad he has one.' "My personal bodyguard will escort all of you to a washroom to get yourselves cleaned up, then he will get you into clean clothes for the night. No work will be done today but expect to be busy within the coming days." 'Finished with speaking I opened the door, stepping inside and closing it behind me.'

'Everyone else was just silent, staring at the door. They didn't know what to do now, not until Franky finally spoke up.' "Weeeeell, you heard him, let's get you all situated." 'And with that, they began to make their way up the stairs and into their new home.'


"God damn it." 'But I definitely didn't know what to do. Want to know I don't? Because I'm lost in my own damn home!'

'Looking around I frowned, taking turn after turn in the castle. It was a damn maze that I hadn't even prepared for!' "Why didn't I ask if he had a spare map!" 'Stupid, stupid, stupid! I said I was going to be smart about things! ...Maybe it's just exhaustion getting to me, maybe that's why I just walked in without a care in the world.'

'Frustrated was an understatement with how I felt. I just wanted to take a nice warm shower and go to bed! Why can't I get a break, just for today? Am I all out of luck or something? Do I have to purchase more? How much does it cost? I'll spend every damn penny I have!'

"Ughhhhh." 'Groaning I continued to walk, my shoulders sagging as I dragged my feet. Wish I had some candy, because my sugar levels are at an all-time low.'

'Time passed as I made my way around the halls, entry ways, even through a few pantries. At this point I was willing to just sleep in a broom closet and call it a night. Maybe I could grab one of the brooms and make it my cuddle buddy, hehe.' "i think I'm going delirious from a lack of sleep..." 'Hope I wasn't some losing my sanity, because if I was, then it must have run dry long ago.'

'Yawning I walked onwards, looking around and around. No bags were under my eyes just yet, but it was getting there. Evident of the fact I was going stir crazy, but the opposite seeing I was tired, so, I decided to just say.' "Screw it." 'And melded into the nearest shadow, or the shadow space to be more exact.'

'One little cheat that I loved right now was the fact I could see all the rooms, in which case, I now think of myself as an idiot for not considering doing this earlier.' "I hate myself sometimes..." 'Even had to say it out loud just to make sure I knew I was a dummy.'

'I leaped from shadow to shadow, closing in on the room that looked like mine. Another cool ability I found out is that I can see through the shadows without being in that room. I didn't really know how to explain it, but the best way I can describe it is like me detaching a part of myself and putting it somewhere else, almost like a prosthetic, but with an inbuilt spycam.' "Found you." 'Which allowed me to easily find the room that mine, hurrah for having powers!'

'Pleased with the fact that I had finally found my room I shadow leaped to it, stepping out of the shadow's and slowly making my way towards the door. I was eager for sleep, sure. But I was still exhausted and barely on my feet at this point. Rushing around would just make me more exhausted, so need to rush, even though I really wanted too...'

'And why was I walking to my door? Do you think I was on the outside of my room? Pff, no! Why would I do that? I decided to be smart and go inside instead of outside! Inside was the obvious choice after all! Secondly is the fact that I needed to make sure my door was locked and secure.'

'Making my way to the door I checked the lock, which the doorknob had one. I was almost worried it was one of those doors that didn't come with a latch or lock. Yet I lucked out with it being one that has a lock. It would have been a flaw for the master bedroom to not have a lock for its door.'

'Satisfied with knowing I was safe I turned away from the door and made my way to the master bedrooms bathroom, almost a mouthful with saying that!' "Hope the place already comes with towels and soap, especially shampoo." 'If they didn't...then expect a bad review!'

'The room was really spacious, way bigger than what a bedroom needed to be, it was the size of a condo, which I knew the size of seeing I got the chance to be in one when I was in my old body. Even the bathroom was big, it had a spa, a sauna, even a built-in bar if I wanted to have a drink while I relaxed! Seemed that, even with this place being a castle, it still had stuff of modern-day technology. Mean's I don't have to go shopping and waste time!'

'Speaking of time, it was time to take a nice hot shower!' "Come to papa, he needs a detox!" 'Let me enjoy my moments to myself, damn it!'

'Eager to relax I stripped down to nothing, naked and open to the world! And no, I will not tell you how big my shlong is, you pervs!' "Hot water...hot water, gimmie some hoooot wata!" 'Looking to knobs I turned the hot one, also slightly turning the one for cold. Didn't want the water being to overly hot!'

'Having to wait a bit I stood to the side, dancing on my feet. I was over the roof knowing I could take finally get some time to myself.' "Come on, damn it! I just want you to warm up!" 'Attempting to coax a shower, oh how low I've fallen today...'

'After an eternity the shower was finally warm enough, thanks to the steam being an obvious indicator. So, with no hesitation, I stepped in.' "Ooooh, this is soooo what I needed." 'Heaven? Did heaven come to me? Because this a moment of bliss for my poor bullied soul.'

'You would think it wouldn't work with my hair being almost entirely made out of flames, but I knew how to manipulate my body! A little focus and my hair was just normal white hair. No cool effects, shapes, brightness, nothing! Just ordinary hair on this head of mine!'

'I continued to shower and wash, enjoying my time in the bathroom. But after some time, I finally realized I was in for long enough. So, with a reluctant sigh I turned off the shower, stepping out and grabbing a towel as I dried off. Don't want to make my new bedsheets all soggy and wet!' "Wait, do I even have pajamas or fresh underwear?" 'Wait! My cloths always stay clean! Haha, thank you, V! You wonderful sonovabitch!'

'Turning back around I headed over to my pile of cloths, sifting through them until I found my boxers. I didn't like briefs, didn't allow my boys to breath if you know what I mean.' "Going commando style, no pajamas for this guy!" 'Going to bed in boxers was the best way for me to sleep, hands down. It allowed my whole body to breath.'

'I was tired, sure, but I wanted to at least check out my bedroom before I called it a night. No man would not want to check out his mancave!' "Ohhh, giant flatscreen T.V! Even some gaming consoles, woah!" 'It was beautiful, almost enough to make a grown man cry. But not this man! Get back in there, tear!'

'Excited with what I was seeing I rushed around the room. Going from corner to corner and checking every nook and cranny. No room shall be left unexplored!' "There's even a damn gaming room! Pool table, cards table, slot machines! What is all this crap?!" 'It was so much stuff, to much stuff. So much to keep me occupied if I was ever bored!'

"Oh, my....glob." 'But that wasn't the most beautiful, gorgeous, godsend sight that I've seen yet. No! What stood before me was heaven in its fullest glory!'

'With a deep inhale, I shouted a word that would make a diabetic cry.' "CAAAAAN-DYYY!" 'Smiling with glee I ran into a room that was stocked full of candy. From candy bars to candy canes, to jellybeans galore! I...I was almost willing to cry from all of what I was seeing.'

'I looked to each and every candy, my mouth watering as I checked them all out. There was so much that I was certain that If I started eating anything, I don't think I would stop until I threw up. But who could be certain I would stop even after throwing up?'

'This, this was something I needed to see. Especially the gaming consoles and the bathroom with all the fancy stuff inside it. My night has taken a turn for better! Slightly....just a little tiny bit. From being mister frowny, I was now mister smiley! With a capital M for mister and a capital S for smiley!'

'Debating on whether I should eat any or not was a hard decision. If I started eating, I know I would not stop for quite a while. But, as it pains me to say this, I mustn't. Sleep beckons to me, so sleep shall win...only this once. The sand man shall rule the day he was born!'

'So, with a resigned sigh and a slump of my shoulders I walked out with a defeated look. Bed was calling to me, so I have to be a good boy and listen.' "Damn it, damn my exhaustion and this scummy day." 'I was still happy, but now I was just a tad bit grumpy.'

'Looking to the bed, I smiled. It was massive, big enough to fit my full size. So, with a starting sprint I leapt onto the bed!' "Ya-hooo!" 'Which was a bad decision, as it was super springy.' "Aaaaa!"

*Thud* - "...Owww..." 'Thus, introducing me to the wall. Wall, meet face!'




'Ten out of ten scoring, best act all around! ...I might need an ice pack.'


Chapter done! BRAIN HURTS! WOOH! GARFABLE DIBBLE! Words and stuff. :D

Anyways, support me on patreon (U guys haven't supported me yet ;-;
