
Hazbin Hotel/Helluvia Boss - The otherworld soul

A soul brought into a heaven not their own, and cast down into a hell that didn't seem believable. Can they figure out what's going on? Or will they even seem to care? Read to find out...

optimistic_writer · Andere
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17 Chs

Getting back into the thick of it

'The trip to Ozzie's was quite eventful, which in truth wasn't awful. It almost went downhill when I came face to face with Asmodeus himself, but I was able to slither my way out of that conundrum. Didn't get stabbed or maimed so I'd call it a win.'

'Gaining the contact information of Asmodeus was a major advantage for me. The thing's I could plan and do with him would be insurmountable. Imagine the amount of backing he has, and with me added onto it, we'd be pretty powerful figures, and he's already powerful as is. Hell's going to really be in a tizzy when I become a figurehead for everywhere.'

'Everything was going according to how I wanted it, which was a nice bonus for myself. If I kept up the pace I was at, I was sure to be almost untouchable. Nobody would want to get on my bad side if I gained the support of multiple powerhouses...'


'Me and Fizzarolli continued to talk until I finally finished my meal. We parted way's by giving each other a hug, in which case I was surprised he was so willing to give a hug to someone he just met, and yet I think he's the type of person who just wouldn't care. It was nice to know that, even with his vulgar personality and crude words, he was a pretty chill guy. I hope to get to know Asmodeus better as well, maybe he's got some interesting hobbies that I could partake in, excluding the sexual one's.'

'Now, let's get back to the present, in which case was me driving down the road in my car. I've already been away from Ozzie's for a few hours now. Driving to who knows where, in which case I had no clue. Planning ahead was something I forgot to do, especially once I was done dining at Ozzie's. Now I was just stuck in the lust ring, which was bustling with activity. It was much more orderly and busier than the pride ring.'

'The buildings were in much better condition, and everything seemed a bit more proper, excluding how some demon's dressed. I wasn't going to go into detail with what they dressed in, but let's just say it was for the bedroom. At least some people were wearing regular cloths, probably the more sensible folk in this ring.'

'It seemed that laws were more likely a thing in this ring, unlike the pride ring. Maybe it depends on the ring? I'm debating on whether or not to call them districts as well, seeing their separated from other parts of hells society by being split into segments. So much to learn, and yet so little time to spare.'

'The idea of buying property in the lust ring made me feel uneasy, mainly due to the fact I'd be living in a place that revolved around sexual fantasies and desires. My comfort zone for something like this was in the middle, I was ok with it, while I was also debating on if I should just leave and buy a place in a ring closest to the lust ring. Moving here felt as if I was just admitting I was a perverted freak. But maybe it isn't all that bad? Ozzie's was decently tame, even though it was the hottest sexually driven club in the lust ring, so possible speculation of the lust ring being not all that fine might be unnecessary.'

'Maybe I should buy a mansion here? I wonder what a mansion would like here in the lust ring, or any other rings. Would each of them have their own special design? That'd be quite ingenious, seeing it allowed you to expand your pallet when it came to the choice of looks for your possibly new home.'

'Imagine me buying the biggest mansion there was, just to say 'fuck you' to all those hotshots that worked for the positions they have and flaunted it, especially any royal blooded nobility that were just given what they have, not even trying to earn anything because they don't have too.'

'Hm, I think I'll do just that. Buying a mansion in each ring sounds like a lovely idea. If the mansion isn't the biggest, then I'll just have it expanded and made into a bigger one. It was my turn to stake a claim, and I'll make sure to make it noticeable. My face was pretty much everywhere at this point, so no reason to hold back anymore. Safety concerns was a thing I still had to worry about, even if I had the abilities to disappear from any would-be attackers, or any pursuers that were on hot my tail.'

'Hiring bodyguards would be a good idea, especially for public outings on foot. Maybe a limo would be nice, one with designs that made it known as mine. Rising in power meant I had to show that I was definitely not to be messed with. Showing I had money and control over a good portion of hell would be a great deterrent, as well as a lure for those who wanted me out of the picture.'

'The wrath ring might have a good few options for personal guards, maybe hiring servants would be ideal as well. Yeah, I'd need to really plan ahead at this point. Every time I thought of something I wanted, something else would be added to the list. Damn my mind and its expansive thought process. Wait, Is slavery a thing down in hell? I could buy out slaves and make them work under me, with good treatment of course.'

'Buying a slave's life might get their undying loyalty, possibly thanks to me giving them something to actually live for. If the person I bought didn't want to work for me, then I'd simply let them go. Of course, I'd make sure they were well set before letting them venture off on their own. Slavery was something I knew I wouldn't be able to shut down if I ever tried to, and it'd make me a target for those who depended on that industry. So, I'd leave that market alone, but I'd make sure to buy slaves from time to time to make sure I can save as many as possible.'

'I think it was time I ditched my current ride and bought a limo, and even a few servants to tag along. The lust ring might have a few auction places, which I'd assume are legal and not illegal. Slavery is likely a must for crowd control, with new sinner's always being a constant thing.'

'The thought of slavery was disgusting, yet if it had to exist for the economy to function properly, then I'd allow it. I wouldn't want to affect this economy so heavily, seeing it's already such an intolerable mess. There might be a chance I could fix the economy, but that could be centuries, if not millennia's from now.'

'So, for the time being, I'd just do whatever I could as I ventured around hell. And with my plan set, I began by taking out my newer phone and pulled up the hell browser, or whatever it was called. Had to look up from my phone from time to time as I drove. What I was searching up was limo dealerships, slave auction houses, or auction houses in general. I was also looking into property dealings for mansions, mainly one's that would work best for me.'

'A few minutes of driving later and I had finally found what I was looking for. The first stop was a limo dealership to buy a custom limo, in which case I hope they have what I'm looking for. It already looked promising as I drove closer and closer. This company was one of the more popular and successful ones, so the odds of me being screwed over were low.'

'Finally arriving at my destination, I pulled up to the closest parking spot I could. Conveniently there was a space close to the entrance of the building, or buildings plural. It was almost like an entire complex with everything they had. From auto shops to decal designer facilities and warehouses for storing their stock of limo's if they didn't have room to present them.'

'Some limousines had already caught my attention, but they aren't what I wanted. What I was looking for was going to be expensive, well-designed, having so many features hidden away in it that it'd almost be a good placement for a spy car. Bullet proof windows, armored plating, spike resistant and bullet resistant tires, I wanted it all. Even a good polymer coating that was black in color.'

'This was like an early Christmas present, but I was the one doing the gifting. No need to wait for Santa's fat jolly butt if I could do it myself. Wasting time was not something I was known for, as I preferred to be as quick and efficient as possible. Doing this so soon was something that needed to be done, so I wouldn't have to worry about it later. Ok...maybe wasting time was something I did from time to time, but who could blame me? I was constantly doing stuff!'

'Enough said, it was time to buy my new ride. And once I was ready, I stepped out of my car, placing a hand onto the roof and storing it away. Goodbye mustang, you shall be missed.' "Time to get lavishly luxurious." 'Yep, time to be a big spender and go wild.'

'Once everything was ready, I began to make my way towards the entrance of the main building. It was obvious to pinpoint it due to the neon signs that hung overhead, especially the size. The company's name was 'Cazzy's limousines!', whoever Cazzy was, they knew how to make things work.'

'This time I wanted to walk. Stretch the leg's a little bit. I enjoy using my shadow abilities, sure. But I want to rely on my legs from time to time, can't get complacent when it comes to physical health! And besides, the trip to getting inside was going to take a few minutes, so it wasn't as if I was going to walk forever.'

'Only a few minutes of walking later and I was already at the front door, which was two electric sliding doors. Sliding door's, nothing wrong with that. I myself would pick sliding door's due to them being simpler and more convenient to use. Like, who needs to waste their time trying to figure if the door goes in or out when it could just slide backwards and forwards?'

'But I ignored the door's and walked inside, it was nice and refreshing thanks to the air-conditioners that hung overhead at the entrance. The floor's tiling was a nice white color, which you could most certainly eat off of with how clear and smooth they looked. I wouldn't doubt that a few demons slipped and fell from how slippery they appear to be.'

'Ignoring that, I walked up to the front desk. The receptionist was on the phone, so I patiently waited. They weren't even glancing my way, very much so engrossed in what seemed to be a sale pitch that they were trying to win. Good luck on that I suppose. The dedication he was showing in attempting to convince the other person on the line was applaudable.'

'For what seemed like ten minutes, the chat was finally over, finally. And once he said his goodbye's, he set the phone down back onto the holder and glanced my way.' "Hello! How can I help you this fine hellish day?" 'Oh, no stutter? Good, got to always appear professional. One brownie point for you good sir!'

'Satisfied with his quick work ethic I responded.' "I'm here to make a special purchase for a limousine that'll last me for most likely the seeable future." 'That piqued his interest, especially seeing I only said special and not how special.' 

'The receptionist cast a few quick glances around the building before standing up and leaning over his desk, putting a hand to the side of his mouth as he began to whisper.' "And how special are we talking? Semi-special? Very special? Or Hellishly special?" 'Hm, seems he knows how to keep thing's on the down low, good.'

'Leaning down I began to whisper as well.' "Hellishly special, I have a lot I wanted added to my limo, so it's going to be a long list, which I want kept private."

'He regarded me for a moment before leaning back and walking around the desk, walking away as he called out to me.' "Follow me sir, I'll show you the way." 

'Seeing I had no other choice; I began to follow him.' "So, how long have you been in this industry for? I'm curious to know, mostly for conversational means of course." 'No reason not to start a light chat to pass the time as we walked.'

'My request to chat didn't go unanswered as he automatically responded.' "A decade or so, it's good pay. There's no reason to complain when I'm living the good life." 'Ah, a smart man indeed. Just by glancing at his attire I can already tell he's well set.'

'Nodding in satisfaction I couldn't help but agree that his choice of work was a good one.' "A fine job indeed, the pay must be excellent. Especially considering the amount of money the company must make from sales alone." 

"Oh, most certainly, we make quite a few sales. Celebrities are always dying and coming down here, especially important business members of bigger industries and CEO's. It's a long list of fish just waiting to be lured in." 'The last words he chose were a bit out in the open, but I didn't mind.'

'Agreeing with him was something I was most likely going to constantly do.' "That's understandable, given the fact most popular figures still alive on the surface have already gone much too far to be considered pickable for heaven." 'It's easy to know that a lot of renowned political, musical, and industrial figures would be down here for the multitude of wrong's they've committed.' 

'Stating my agreement with him seemed to please him, mostly because of the smile he showed me as he looked back to me as he continued to walk onwards. How far are going to walk exactly?' "Exactly! I'm glad you understand the point of this all! Why pass up such a chance when we can take it by the reins? No reason in skipping out when we can go big!" 

'Cazzy was garnering my interest more and more, maybe I could make some sort of business pact with him? But what if he was some sort of genius sleaze ball? Hm, now that I think about, there wouldn't be much to gain from this. I don't need money, there's no reason to join the car industry, and I especially don't need a gazillion armored cars. I'm not trying to supply an army, the only thing I want is enough control to ensure a safer life.'

'But if he's capable of making the car I want, then he has access to a ton of materials I could use for myself and any other means. Or maybe the owner is a she? What if it's a split ownership with an owner and a co-owner? That'd be more troubling, seeing I would need to gain both their favor and also make sure they both agree in becoming business partners with me. '

'Heh, I'll just worry about that when I have to. It's not like the same thing was going to happen like Ozzie's, with me gaining the attention of Asmodeus himself. And if it did happen? Then I'd make sure to get the best out of it and come out unscathed. Gaining more than I bargained for is always good, unless that little extra something is not all that promising.'

'That's enough of the inner monologue, because we were at some more heavily armored door's which were guarded by two burly looking fellows. A sign was attached above the door saying, 'Special stock' which made it seem all the more obvious that I was being taken to what I possibly needed and wanted. Let's just hope that I can get this done and over with. It's already almost nightfall, which I don't know how that works, but I won't question it. The only reason I could tell that it was almost night was thanks to the time on my phone.'

'A pentagram was the symbol in the sky that represented the sun, and the moon was a black orb that also had a pentagram on it. The sun wasn't even an actual ball of gas, it was just an image of a star shaped drawing. The moon's coloring was black and the pentagram on it had a red coloring for its lines. I didn't know what the moon looked like seeing it was still morning, so I had to search up an image, which I was a bit surprised at first but just accepted it as normal.'

'Well, it was technically almost entirely nightfall. The pentagram in the sky was fading and if you looked close enough, you could see a black orb slowly appearing in the horizon. I didn't know what direction it was seeing I couldn't tell the directions thanks to there being no sun rising from the east or lowering in the west. Searching up an answer was an option, but I didn't really find it all that important.'

'Speaking of directions, we had gone past the heavily armored double door's after getting myself patted down. They found my pistol, but they let me pass with it. It was only because one of the burly demon's instantly recognized me and thanked me profusely. Apparently, his son was dying but was saved due to the massive donations I gave to certain hospitals. The hospital didn't have enough funding to be able to provide for the medical equipment and supplies needed to operate on him, but with the money I provided, they could. And it wasn't just his son I saved, but so many more lives.'

'His son had some sort of sickness that caused true death, which was a rare case, but luckily hell has the means of stopping it. He was in the early stages, so it wasn't all that hard of a process to recuperate from. I had to calm the poor guy down because he was a sobbing wreck, I told him I'd do it again, especially for anyone else that needed it. My answer was the apparently the right words because he pledged loyalty to me and quit his job on the spot by handing his work identification card to the receptionist.'

'The receptionist didn't seem mad, contrary to being upset he actually gave his best of wishes. Apparently, they've been friends for a good few years so there was no reason to worry. I didn't expect something so touching to happen all of a sudden, but it wasn't unwelcome. It honestly elevated my mood by quite a substantial degree. Not even a good cup of coffee could make me feel as chipper as I do now!'

'Now with that little tidbit done and over with, it's time to get back to what I was already focused on. Which is the long line of limo's standing on slowly spinning displays that were on both sides of the room we were currently in. Each one had a different design, every single one of them stood out to me. There were already some choices I was willing to buy, but I had to know if they have what I wanted.'

'With us standing here, the young receptionist began to list off all the products they have to offer.' "And welcome to the company's special stock of expertly made rides to suit your tastes and need's! From limousines that could make you go bump in the night, to heavily armored weapons of destruction! The assortment we have is almost endless, so take your time and enjoy what we have to offer." 'Once he was done talking, he walked back out the double doors and left me alone in the room. It appeared I was the only one here, it was eerily quiet but there was some pleasant music playing in the background.' 

'Explore I did, going from car to car and checking them out. The looks on some of them were quite flamboyant or even dangerous. A few were simple with hardly any extra added attachments or coloring. There were even thrusters on the back of a few of them. Such a large list of options to choose from, but I could already narrow it down.'

'What I was looking for is a black limo. I didn't want any details on the outside, besides a logo of my choosing. The selection of my choosing limited my options, but it did help spotting what I wanted easier. One stood out to me the most, mainly due to its size. It was a bit bigger, most likely for taller figures that needed more space to fit. There was even a sign that was rooted into the floor in front of it that listed off all it had to offer.'

'Each item it listed made me more and more pleased. It had everything I wanted and more. Apparently, this was a limo that was made for an overlord but was killed before he could ever collect his new ride. I didn't know what an overlord is, but if I had to guess, most likely someone you don't want to mess with unless you have the means to do so.' 

'From armored plating to machine gun's hidden in the headlights. It even had a few small hidden back thrusters for quick getaways! The paint coating was extra thick to help with repelling smaller caliber bullets, and the armor plating was dense enough to handle an RPG blast at almost point-blank range. This was the limousine I wanted!'

'With my choice now chosen, I decided to head back, but I looked to the side and saw what seemed to be a credit card reader. Apparently, I didn't need to go back to the receptionist. It was almost like a self-checkout, the simplicity of it was amazing. Even my new bodyguard couldn't help but agree as well.'

'Yes, my new bodyguard is the one that just quit his job not so long ago. His name's Franky, and quite a quiet fellow. He only stand's at around seven feet tall. But he's quite the intimidating figure, especially with his hellhound like appearance. Hm, I've got quite a few hellhounds working under me, don't I? There's Scrapper and his friends, and now Franky.'

'Now back to making my purchase, it only took a few seconds as I used the card reader to buy my new ride. A simple swipe of the card and imputing my numbers and the car was unlocked from the spinning plate. The wheels were clamped down to prevent them from being driven off with, the clamp's resembled wheel clamp's that an impounder would use.'

'Even though I had purchased the car, I didn't want to leave just yet. Making a deal with the owner of this company was something I had on my mind. But...maybe I could ask Franky if he has some connections to make a meeting with the owner or owners?' "Excuse me, Franky? Are you willing to do something for me?" 'I asked as I turned away from the limo to face him.'

'Franky looked my way and immediately responded.' "Anything for you boss, as long as I'm capable of doing it, all you have to do is just ask." 'Yeah, he's one of those really dedicated fellows who will do anything you say as long as you got his trust and respect. Saving his son gained his loyalty, probably more than the loyalty he has to his friends.'

'With knowing he was willing to do what I needed, I responded back.' "Do you have any possible connections to the owner of this limousine company? I assure you I have only plan's for possibly making a deal with the owner and nothing malicious that would indicate harm towards the company or the employees that work there." 'My interest was pointed towards the resources they have access to, and not the car's.'

'The request I made didn't seem to surprise him, most likely because he was used to having to make deals with other's himself, he also appeared more on board with the idea due to what I said to ensure I meant no harm.' "That I do, if you need me to set up a meeting with the owner than give me a week and I'll see it done." 'Good man, he'll be someone I can truly rely on down the line.'

'Happy with the fact I was going to get what I wanted, I thanked him.' "Thank you, and yes, I would appreciate it if you could." 'And with that said I walked up to the limo, opening the back door and peering inside. The seats were a red velvet color, definitely a choice I was more than ok with. There was a few mini-fridges that were also built into the vehicle as well, especially some ashtrays and cup-holders.'

'There were even a few gun racks with gun's already attached to them. Hm, a precautionary means of safety? Definitely not going to have to worry about safety, that's for sure. A few hidden ammo compartments were also inside the vehicle as well, how nice.' 

'Pleased with the interior being more then I hoped for, I stepped out of the car and looked to Franky.' "I hope you don't mind being my chauffeur." 'I didn't want to drive, nor was I ever going to drive it unless I had to.'

'My request was answered by Franky grabbing the keys from a slot next to the card reader, which opened only because I bought the vehicle, and walked to the driver door and opened it. Heh, already so willing to do what I say.' "Of course, sir." 'He said as he plopped down into the driver seat, closing the door behind him, leaving me the last one outside the car.'

'Knowing I now had a driver I stepped into the back of the limo and closed the door behind me. With the door now closed I sat down on one of the cushions' which was really plump and comfy. Ah, I needed that, the chairs at Ozzie's were nothing compared to these seat's!'

'Once I was seated the window in the cabin that was near the front seat's slid open.' "Where to boss?" 'Already willing to go so soon? No other friends to say goodbye to?'

'Seeing he was already willing to drive me anywhere, I picked my first destination.' "Go to one of the decal shop's, I need to put my personal logo on the sides of the limo." 'There were already a few local decal shops around the complex of this giant limo dealership, so no reason to pass up on getting something else done.'

'Franky didn't say anything and simply started the vehicle. The engine was surprisingly quiet, which I knew was appropriate for a limo seeing it's a car of luxury and not meant for sport. Knowing that it was only going to be a short trip to one of the onsite facilities, I only allowed myself to be partially comfortable.'

'I already have an insignia prepared for my limousine, seeing it would be put onto everything I owned. Had to create one when I was first in heaven, it'd be used in heaven and hell. My demonic disguise was never going to last long, especially with the fact it held so many similarities to my human form. There was a chance I could play it off, acting as if the demon form of myself is just a relative in heaven that got off lucky and didn't go to hell, maybe make the disguise my father or something like that. Hm, being my own father, that's a time travel conspiracy most think of. Such weird thought's people are capable of having...'

'Any who! The drive to the decal place only took at least a few minutes, thanks to Frank's quick driving. I wasn't planning on getting out, the design was going to be handed to Franky so he could handle it for me. No reason to do more work when I'll have loyal follower's willing to do whatever I say!'

'E-hem, not like I was going to abuse that though. I may be enjoying this growth in status and power, but I was never going to be corrupted by it. I'll continue to be an outstanding person that'll deserve an ovation for everything I've done and will do! Well...that's not entirely true, sometimes I'll have to get dirty and do things that would be against my morals, but when has anyone ever not done something they didn't want to do?'

'But enough said, we were already at inside the place. It was open and bustling with demon's left and right. From worker's applying all sorts of extra additional parts to new paint job's being coated onto vehicles. There were quite a few customers roaming around and viewing the other projects that were being worked on, which I couldn't say I wouldn't do the same.'

'That aside, it was time to get my car branded, especially change my license plate for the limo.' "Franky, I have some drawing's I've already planned on using. Mind taking these and getting them applied to the side of the limo?" 'Reaching into my left-hand pocket I took out a few papers and scooted over to the cabin window, putting my hand through and holding them out for him.'

'It didn't even take a second before he took them and gently tucked then into his pants, seemed he wanted to ensure he wasn't being disrespectful with something that was personally made by me.' "Sure thing boss, I'll get it done." 'Said Franky as he opened the door, but before he could leave, I had one more request for him.'

'Taking another smaller paper out of my pocket I handed it to him as well. And yes, I know I could use my shadow storage, but why for such a small piece of paper?' "Also, make sure to change the license plate as well. What I want is on that paper, so please make sure to take care of that as well." 'The license plate was going to have my name, which is the singular letter, and Laoch to indicate the limo was mine. This is how it'd look 'Z`~Laoch'. I think it's a good touch to the vehicle, don't you agree?'

'A nod was the only response I got as he stepped out of the car. Now with that out of the way, I could relax for a little bit. My original intention was to handle it myself, but seeing I have Franky to do it for me, why should I do it if he can do it? Ah...such is the life of luxury. But there's never any rest for the wicked or the good of heart...'


Yo! I got it done, ye! Enjoy the chapter or whatnot!

Also, if you want to, consider supporting me on patreon! It'd appreciate it if you did, I mean it, I truly would. 
