
Hazbin Hotel/Helluvia Boss - The otherworld soul

A soul brought into a heaven not their own, and cast down into a hell that didn't seem believable. Can they figure out what's going on? Or will they even seem to care? Read to find out...

optimistic_writer · Andere
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17 Chs

Besting my monster and falling again...

'Fighting, something I wasn't used to do doing. I never was taught how to fight, more like self-taught. Only have I ever participated in a few fights, which weren't even started by me. Coming out the winner was easy, seeing most people backed off when they realized I enjoyed fighting a tad bit too much.'

'Honestly, I couldn't blame them for that. I'm an adrenaline junkie when it comes to fighting. Getting a kick out of fighting was something I enjoyed, but I wasn't some jerk who purposely picked fights with other. My calmer nature battled against my want's and need's when it came to fighting. So, If it came down to choosing a victor on what aspects of my personality would win, it would be rationality.'

'Only trouble came your way if you fought with someone. Either a broken nose or bone, possibly even jail time. Worse could be prison time, but that's if you do something that really warrants for such an extreme form of punishment. Just glad to see I could see the multiple con's when it came to fighting.'

'Con's being that you end up putting someone in the hospital or having a sore body the next morning. Truth be told I wouldn't enjoy waking up in the morning with a swollen face along with teeth missing and a split lip. I've had a split lip before, not a fun experience in the slightest. Also, speaking of 'experience', have you ever considered the pro's when it came down to the end of a fight?'

'There really isn't really any pro's I can list when it comes to fighting. And'd you'd probably think that the word's I'm spouting are nonsense. Regretfully they aren't, because there's hardly anything gained from fighting. So yeah, that said...try not to pick to many fights.'

'At least I have a mean's to why I was fighting this giant behemoth of a monster! To simply claim it as a pet. Yes, a ridiculous reason, but a reason none the less! Risking my life to simply have a pet, when I could have just gotten a cat or dog. My actions never cease to amaze me...'


"Ahhhhh!" *Crash* 'Remember how I said I wanted this giant worm as a pet? Well, I'm starting to reconsider my decision. Because, getting flung around like pinata isn't all that fun. Especially when you're the pinata, and not it being the other way around.'

'Of course, even with me being battered and bruised I wasn't going to stop trying. We've been exchanging blows for a while now. Exhaustion was playing its part, due to the giant creature being more sluggish than usual. This was a battle of attrition; endurance was needed to come out on top.'

'It was hard to gauge who was more tired, me or it. Everything felt numb on my body. Getting flung into walls like a ball but without bouncing off them, is quite painful. The armor was hardly cushioning the force that was being exerted from when I was being hit, or when I got hit into something.'

Surprisingly the armor was holding up quite well. But it was definitely dented and battered. If I wanted to keep this armor in a good condition when I leave this underground cave system, then I had to end this quickly. It was obvious that one of us was going to drop soon, and I didn't plan on it being me that's first to fall.'

'So, I had to kick thing's into gear.' "Hey ugly! Your mom called; said she had a wonderful time last night! 'It tilted it's head, confused' "Wanna know why she said that? It's because I banged her like there was no tomorrow!" 'Ahhh, mentioning it's mom definitely did the trick.'

'That got it angry, real angry. Because it went dead silent, staring at me as if it wanted to grind my bones into dust. I swear I saw its jaw clench, either in rage or frustration.' "Don't worry, I'll make sure to do it again, twice as better than the last time!" 'Oh boy, adding more fuel to the already raging fire? How truly despicable of me, hehe!' 

'It's response to my provocation? Roaring in rage and charging at me, smashing anything in its way. Pissing it off really worked, enough to make it obvious that it was too furious to think straight. Hm, guess it can understand me. Or maybe it can sense I'm saying stuff, and knows I'm insulting it? Eh, I'm no expert on this.'

'With my little tactic turning out successful, I flew to the air. Narrowly avoiding a head on collision with it's mouth biting into the ground where I once stood.' "Haha! Seems I made you mad, get it over it you nasty looking bastard!" 'Grinning widely, I flew down to it, crashing into its head with a shoulder slam. In return it lurched back from the impact, wobbling as it tried to rebalance itself.'

'Forgot to mention that this armor acted as a great battering ram. Yes, I said I would be a tad bit more careful with my new armor, but I could always get it fixed later on.' "Haha! You're so easy to push around! Come on, stop being such a slowpoke and actually do something!" 'It has been getting some good hits in from time to time, but that's only because I was having a little too much fun and being a bit to energetic and carefree.'

'So, enough said, I actually had to start trying. Barely any effort was being put into this, but now I was going to get serious. What? You thought I was being entirely serious in this fight? Please, if I wanted too, I could have brought down this worm a long time ago. I've already found a few weak points, so I was obviously going to use what advantages I have to work with.'

'Advantages, more than enough to end this little farce. First option was to use stab my halberd into the small gaps in its body, breaking off its shell each time I hit a certain spot. Second option was to hit its head with all my strength, knocking it out in a single blow. And if the first hit didn't work, then I'd hit again and again until I was sure I had finally put it to sleep. Albeit my method of putting it to sleep by using brute force to give it a serious concussion was a bit one-sided; it was still an option. I wouldn't doubt that the giant monstrosity has a thick skull from, and I'm sure you could guess a few reasons as to how and why.'

'Now back to the fight!' "That's it...keep getting tired..." 'Looking down I continued to watch it charge at me. Again and again, I would dodge, swerve, go low or high. You could I was playing chicken with it. Yet I was the hunter, and it was my prey. Slowly falling into my trap as I lured it around.'

'Continuing to ceaselessly chase me, aiming to kill me once and for all. At this point I knew it wasn't trying to defend its territory anymore, or whatever reason it first had when trying to kill me. Now it was just irritated and angry, enough to warrant it a reason to snuff out my light. As if I was going to allow that to happen.'

'Evading around, moving from area to area. My game of cat and mouse was proving successful. It's pace slowing down more and more, it was tuckered out. Breathing heavily as it stared at where I was floating. Kinda creepy with how sharp it's senses are.' "Seems I can finally end this." 'I gripped my halberd tightly, slowly position myself in the air to get in a good hit.'

'Narrowing my eye's, I looked towards the spot I hit its head. Every previous swing of my halberd was meant for one spot, and that was the middle of its armored head. My effort's had turned out effective. Obvious to me, seeing as I had been the one delivering the blows.'

'Wearing down each of my attacks to one point was tough. As I had to constantly wait and wait just for a right moment to strike. Now it was going to be easy, because my opponent was running on fumes. It may not be heavily injured, but I could tell it was both dizzy and exhausted. I never wanted to hurt it to badly or taming it wouldn't have worked. It could have died if I had injured it too profusely.'

'The end goal was to capture, not kill. So that's why it was taking so long to get this done. But now I could be done and over with it.' "Alright, here I come!" 'Bringing my halberd to bear I rocketed forward, the wind whistling around me as I launched towards its head.'

'In just a matter of a few seconds, I already within range of it's head. This fight allowed me to hone my skills in flying, so it pushed me to improve my control with my wings. Like a wake-up call, one that was telling you to improve or something bad might just happen.' "Say nighty-night, because IT'S LIGHTS OUT FOR YOU!" 'And I brought it down, slamming my blade down hard with a heavy swing. Grunting in effort as I put all my weight behind the blow.'

'I pushed all my force into it. Sliding the creature back as the attack blasted us both away. The ground giving way as I crashed into the hard surface, rolling and coming to a stop. Same could be said for my target, being sent flying onto it's back from such a hard collision, everything in its path being crushed under its heavy frame.'

'Laying there I looked up the ceiling of the cave.' "Welp, that happened." 'Didn't expect to get sent flying, especially from my own attack. But at least it worked!'

'Sitting up I looked to see the results. And what I saw pleased me greatly.' "Finally." 'I sighed in relief, glad to see what I was seeing. The giant worm was out cold. Just flat on its stomach. I could tell it was breathing, with how loud the damn thing was.'

'Slowly I stood up, patting down my armor as I dusted myself off. Then I looked to my hand, realizing my halberd was gone. Must've become lodged into the creature's head.' "That just won't do at all." 'Extending my wings I launched into the air. Slowly making my way to the top of its head.'

'After a few seconds I landed onto the top of it's head. Walking over to where I struck my weapon. And my assumption was correct. My weapon was definitely sitting right there, blade lodged into its scales.' "That's one nasty looking wound." 'Walking over I grabbed the handle, yanking it out.' 

'I mused to myself, examining the blood. I looked back to where it was lodged, a good deal of blood gushing from the area I struck.' "Heh, that was fun." 'Chuckling I hefted the halberd onto my shoulder.' "Now, how do I get this thing to wake up?" 'It lost, and if it has a brain, it'll realize that it won't be able to survive another fight with me.'

'Clearing my throat, I took off my helmet, holding the helmet under my armpit. With that I jumped off its head, flying around to see if I could find some sort of ear canal. It only took a few seconds before I found something, a decently sized hole. Not it's nostril, thank God for that. I didn't want to have an image of a giant booger stuck in my head, blegh!' 

'Inhale, exhale, slowly I took in a good amount of air. My chest puffing up as I then...' "WAKE UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!" 'Shout at the top of my damn lungs!'

'Yelling so loudly caused a visible reaction. It's head snapping up and to the side, away from where I was.' *RRRrrrrrrrr* - *Rumble* 'Damn, that thing sure can growl. Didn't even know that it could. Even just being near it made the air shake with how low it's growl is.' 

'So seeing that it was awake I nodded in satisfaction, clearing my throat for a second time as I looked to it.' "Let's just get to the point, you lost, and I won." 'Having said such a thing caused it to flinch, almost as if it looked more wounded then it already was. Did the big lug have some sense of pride?'

'Having got its attention, I decided to state what I wanted.' "Seeing you lost, it's only fair I be...compensated in some form." 'It tilted its head, curious as to what I meant. Odd to see it so...calm, seeing it just had its scaly ass handed to it.' 

'I grabbed my helmet and activated the tattoo, which caused the helmet to vanish in a golden light. With that out of the way, I looked to the worm, smiling as I snapped my fingers.' "I want you to become my pet!" 'That caused it lean back even more, it's jaw loosening somewhat. Did...did it just try making a face at me?'

'Frowning at its reaction I glared quite intensely at it.' "Oi-oi-oi! You don't get to react like that! You should be thankful I'm even thinking of you in such a way! The only reason I said I wanted you as a pet is because I can truly say that you are indeed quite strong, and most definitely a ferocious creature that would make many cower. So be thankful I'm even sparing you at all!"

'Reprimanding it seemed to work, lowering its head into submission as it fully placed itself to the ground.' "Good to see you understand." 'Smiling in satisfaction I snapped my fingers again, a contract appearing in a cloud of smoke, slowly floating before me.' "I need to name you, so I can get this done and over with."

'Looking up it gazed at me, almost trying to read my intentions. Might as well help satiate its curiosity.' "This paper is a soul binding contract. You will forever be bound to my will. But don't worry about me...taking advantage of that. I'm not some evil villain that'll cackle in glee and decide to make you do everything I say." 'Each word I said seemed to make it...mull over my words. Whatever this creature is, it's smarter than I what I had originally thought.'

'But I wasn't going to allow it say no.' "You don't get a choice in this. It was your fault for even attacking me." 'Reprimanding it for a second time caused it to flinch again and cower. Damn, seeing such a giant and intimidating beast cower is...kind of funny.' 

'Extending my hand out I snatched the contract out of the air, looking it over. Then I glanced back up, tilting my head to the side as I considered a good name. Seeing it couldn't sign the papers on its own, I was going to have to do it myself.' "Now, what's a good name I can call you..." 'It had to be something that made sense, something that could stick.'

'Humming I titled my head, closing my eyes in thought as I mulled over my choices. It was fast, tough and smart. It even had a good sense of smell, which I have no clue as to how. Hm, it also seems to be able to sense vibrations. With so many variables on the table, it was easy to narrow my list down.' 

'For a few seconds I just hovered in the air, silence reigning between the two of us. Though it wouldn't last long, seeing I had finally picked my name for it. A good one, a name that would definitely work. So, I opened my eyes and smiled towards it.' "I'll...call you...Hound, how's that?" 

'It tilted its head, confused. But it slowly opened its mouth, doing something I didn't think it could do...' "HOOOOOUND?" 'Oh, shit it can talk!' 

'I gawked, my jaw dropping as I stared flabbergasted at it. Then, I shut my mouth shut. Gritting my teeth as I heatedly glared at it., then I let my anger loose.' "You.....CAN TALK!? What the hell! Why didn't you say something! Why attack me like some sort of rabid animal!"

'That caused it to flinch again, looking away in what seemed to be embarrassment...and shame?' "WORDS...HARD." 'It said, slowly turning to me. It almost appeared downcast; a tad bit sad...?'

'Sighing in frustration I ran a hand down my face, grumbling to myself as I looked to all the destruction. Then I turned back, my gaze softening.' "Well, at least you put up a good fight. I'll commend you for that." 

'Hound seemed to light up at that.' "FIGHT...GOOD?" 'Obviously it was a male, I wasn't even going to try and check.'

'I nod, repeating myself again.' "Even if you were smashing everything around, you were pretty amazing. I had quite a lot of fun. Oh, and uh...sorry for bringing your mom into it." 'I said, looking away as I rubbed the back of my head in embarrassment.'

'My praise caused him to smile, one that make's any smile's I've seen pale in comparison to how frightening this one is.' "HOUND GOOD!" 'He roared out in glee, his tail thumping and wagging around from side to side. Was he acting like a dang dog?!' 

'His tail was moving so fast was causing up a dust storm. Everything was shaking and crumbling around as everything trembled each time his tail slammed down onto the ground. I had to calm him down, and fast.' "HOUND! Calm down! You've got to calm down, please!" 'I shouted out, waving my arms overhead, not even caring that my halberd fell to the ground.'

'Shouting so loudly caught his attention, which he stopped and began to look around. Seeing old buildings crumbling, loose rocks falling from the walls within the cavern. Then he glanced back to his tail, seeing a giant ravine splitting the ground. Looking back, he dipped his head in apology.' "HOUND...SORRY..." 'Damn it, now that's just weird, but cute. I can't even be mad at him...'

'Sighing I looked to him, smiling.' "It's fine, just try to make sure you don't do that again, okay?" 'I asked, flying closer as I slowly began to stroke his head. His shell felt oddly smooth. Like a marble-like quality, quite nice to touch honestly.' 

'Petting a giant monster as if it were a cat, how funny.' "So, with that out of the way, how about we get this contract signed and over with." 'Pulling my hand away I flew up to where I had previously hit him with my halberd, dipping a few fingers into the wound. Had to have a sample of his blood to finalize it.'

'First, I grabbed my pen out from my shadow storage, signing his name. Then I pressed a finger near the signature, smearing his blood into the paper. All but confirming that the contract was done, which I could tell it had worked thanks to a small connection being established between me and him. Tt's hard to describe how I can tell, but let's just say I can feel when it works.'

'Glad to be done and over with it I sat down, using a spot on his head as a seat.' "Need to get my halberd back..." 'Humming I looked to the side, reaching my hand out as I recalled my halberd.'

'A flash and it was there, sitting in the grasp of my hand. So, I put it in front of me, observing it before waving my hand over it. Letting it disappear, no longer having a use for it. With that recovered I patted Hound's head a few times.' "Well, I have to go, but I'll come back and visit from time to time when can." 'Standing up I unfurled my wings, propelling myself off of him.'

'Turning around midair I waved goodbye to him.' "Cya Hound! Hope you have a speedy recovery from our bout!" 'My wave goodbye didn't get the result I expected, seeing how he looked down, almost seeming disappointed at my departure.'

'He gazed up to me, speaking out.' "MASTER...LEAVE?" 'Master? I suppose that title works.'

'I nodded; a bit disappointed that I had to leave as well.' "Sadly, I do, wish I could stay, but I have things to do. Don't worry Hound! Like I said, I'll come back and visit!" 'Reluctantly Hound nodded, turning away.'

'Seeing him so upset I had to do something. Ugh, how am I already so attached to him!?' "Hound, how about this. Every time I come to visit, meet me at the temple you saw me come out of. That way, it'll be super easy for you and me to see each other again!" 'I say, smiling widely at him.'

'Looking back, he gazed at me silently, before slowly nodding.' "WILL...WAIT...FOR MASTER...TO RETURN." 'Hm, quite obedient and loyal. Was it because I bested him? Showing my strength must have made him realize I'm the Alpha. That makes my life a bit easier, no reason to train him to obey my orders.'

'Hearing his words I nodded, his response more than enough to make sure that I got through to him.' "Good, cya Hound!" 'With that I waved goodbye for a second time, flying off as I flew back to where I originally came.'




'Silently, hound stared at my retreating form. Mulling over his new name. A name, something he never considered having. Nothing he ever needed, nor wanted. Yet it was given to him, by his new master. One who was smaller than him, yet stronger and faster. Smarter and...caring, that smile showed a warmth Hound has never felt.'

'He felt conflicted, yet...warm. A warmth that felt good, yet odd. Was having a master good for him? Maybe he was supposed to always have a master. A leader, an alpha, an owner. Hound felt odd, now having a real purpose. Instead, not having to protect his territory every day, now he had a master to obey. A different reason to live his meager and dull life. If he was to have a master, then he would die for his master. Master did not say his name, but Hound does not care. Hound has only but one true task now, and that is to obey the one who defeated him.'

'At first, Hound wanted to deny being bested. Yet every time he was hit, he was always being pushed back. Hound was put into a rage; insults being used to spark his ire. Yet he fell into that trap like a newborn hatchling. His master was apologetic when finally talking with Hound, apologizing for using his brood mother as a means of fuel to his anger.'

'Hound appreciated the apology, should have said his thanks. Should have apologized for attacking. Getting hit so hard on that last attack knocked some sense into his head, a realization that he was not as superior as he believed himself to be. Master had proven that to him. Hound...would forever be thankful for such a warning. Now he could rethink his life, his reasonings to live and fight. His reasons to live and fight were now set in stone. He would fight for his master, and he would die for his master without a single moment of hesitation, this he swears.'

'So, having mulled over his thoughts. He gazed towards your direction. Silently watching, listening to the vibrations in the wind. Smelling the air as he felt your very being leave his range. He...felt odd, somewhat lonely. Was he already missing his Master's presence? Even after only having just been made a 'pet' as master had so called him, did he truly already miss his master?' "....HOUND...WAIT...."


"Ugh, my body is so sore." 'That battle took a toll on my body. Everything was hurting, aching all over. Definitely going to have some bruises in the morning. A nice warm bath would help with that! And maybe a few Advil to help with the headache. Constantly being flung around did a number on my poor brain.'

'At least I now have a pet! One that put a lot of pets to shame. One that could talk, actually fight, and obey. Beat that you dog training weirdos! Only needed to put my life on the line to get the results you guy's worked months and years to get!' "Hehe, suckers." 'Feeling proud of myself on this one.'

'Speaking of taking so long, where's the damn place I came from! The exit I came out of was nowhere in sight, even with me standing exactly where it should be.' "You've to be freaking kidding me." 'Turning around I spread my arms, glaring to the ceiling of the cave.' "VERY FUNNY! What a riot, making the way back vanish like some sort of cliche video game moment!" 'My arms fell to my side. Continuing to glare at where I was staring, before turning around and kicking a rock in frustration.'

'Out of all the things that could happen, this had to be one of them? Rotten luck lemme tell you what! ...Wait! Maybe my teleportation abilities can work now?' "Worth a shot I suppose..." 'Turning around I tried activating my powers. A few seconds passed as I stood in silence, and do you know what the result was? Absolutely no portals appearing, no shadow warping, nothing!'

'Sighing in frustration I turned around again, facing the wall that no longer had the way I came.' "Welp, guess I'll just wait here then." 'Time to settle down and wait. So, I walked over to a nearby destroyed building. Slumping down against of it's still intact walls, crossing my arms over my chest as I silently sat in thought.'

'No longer was I wearing my armor, just me and my tuxedo. It was getting a bit stuffy in it anyways. At least I got to wear it for a bit, even fight in it!' "That was still a fun fight." 'I said to myself, pulling up a sleeve as I ran a hand over a dark bruise. Wincing at the tenderness of the skin.'

'That'll teach me to be so eager for a fight. A learning experience indeed, a very painful one. Hope I don't have any broken bones I don't know about. I'm sure I'd feel it if I have any broken bones.' "Never had a broken bone before, not sure how it'll feel." 'Yep, I've never broken a bone in my life. And I've done a lot of things that should have transpired to multiple trips to the hospital. Yet only a few times have I ever actually needed to go to the hospital because I hurt myself.'

'Don't get me wrong, I was a shut-in type of guy. Hardly going out, sticking to myself. Even though I made friends at school, I never bothered to chat with them over the phone. Just staying in my room and playing video games all day. That was the life I lived, and I loved every second of it. Sometimes I would feel lonely, then I realized friends weren't something I really cared for having. Yes, I had friends, but I didn't care about long term friendships.'

'You might consider it sad, even a bit depressing. And yet it could I could never see it that way. Just an inconvenience, something that was just a waste of time and effort. Who need's friends when you can busy yourself with other stuff to occupy yourself? Such as gaming, reading, working out, thing's that could cure your boredom and sense of loneliness.'

'But now? Now I was going to make the most of this second chance. I'd constantly make friends with others, ensuring I'd continue to be friends with them for the following years to come. I wasn't changing much from my old lifestyle, but this was something that had to change. I just refuse to be a recluse, not getting out and enjoying life with people I can laugh and smile with.'

'I died alone in my last life, something that...in my final moments, made me realize how important having friends is, especially having those who care for you. There was no doubt in my mind that my funeral was probably empty, hardly a few people attending. Maybe I didn't even have a funeral. Probably sent to a morgue and having my body incinerated, the thought that my body was just disposed of in such a way was...saddening.' 

'Ashes, not being kept in an urn. Simply being tossed into a bag and thrown into the trash for disposal. Honestly, I have no clue how a dead body is disposed of, especially one that has no one that wishes to say their final goodbyes or decide on what's going to be done with it. That simple aspect prodded at my heart, realizing my corpse could have been seen as a piece of garbage, not having anyone coming to give me a proper farewell.' 

'All this depressing thought's is really not something I should be thinking over. Damn it Z, think happy thoughts! Kittens and rainbows, delicious chocolate chip cookies with a nice cold cup of milk to dip them in! Mmm~, ...chocolate...' *GerwrRrRr~~~*  'I looked down to my gut, running a hand over my belly.'

'My stomach grumbled and gurgled, hm, seems all that fighting worked up my appetite. Especially thinking about cookies didn't help with the feeling of hunger.' "Guess it's a good time to snack on something." 'Reaching out my hand I plunged it into my shadow storage, sifting around for something.'

'Time ticked by, which led to me becoming slightly annoyed. More annoyed at myself for forgetting something so important, so vital...that it could mean life or death for me.' "I forgot to put some snacks into my shadow storage..." 'Yep, no snacks, so there goes my idea on a relaxing snack break.' 

'Now I had nothing to do, not even a single game to play on my phone, or phone's as I should put it. Ehhh, feels like I'm being punished for doing absolutely nothing wrong.' "This sucks..." 'I grumbled to myself, folding my arms over my chest as I rested my head against the wall.'

'So, I begrudgingly sat in silence. Hangry and in a foul mood, my previous chipper self all but gone. Hm, at least it couldn't get any worse...right?' *Crk.....* 'My eye's snapped open, looking around in confusion

'That sounded awfully familiar, almost akin to something cracking. So, I stood up, looking around with a wary expression on my face.' "That didn't sound good, not at all..." 'Looking around I tried to find where the sound was coming from. It sounded relatively close, almost as if it was coming from where I was standing.'

'Which, such a thought made me pause in revelation, and also incurring a sense of dread. So, I slowly looked down to my feet. Seeing what I didn't want to see at all.' "Shit."

*CRRRRRK...CRAAAAAACK!* 'The ground was covered in cracks, splitting and twisting, slowly falling apart. So having realized I was in a bad spot I tried summoning out my wings. But...I was a bit too slow to react. The ground splitting open into a giant hole, causing me to plummet in. The hole to narrow to summon my wings out, unless I risk damaging them.' 

'Only thing I could do in this certain moment, was to yell out a few words to express how I felt in this sudden and unexpected situation.' "GOOOOOOOD DAAAAAAAAMN IIIIIIIIIIT~~~!" 'And with that, I plummeted down into a dark pit, unknowing to the fate that was awaiting me at the bottom. My words silently fading out as I fell deeper and deeper into the darkness that seemed to swallow me whole...'



Anways, enjoy! (And maaaaaaybe consider becoming a member on my patreon? Nobody's decided to do it yet...tis sad times for me... ;-;
