
Having World Famous Artists As My SoulMates (Moved to a new link)

A girl with big dreams of becoming an idol has the five membered group of idols as her soul mates. With her career going smoothly and life filled with good luck, she is living a happy life. However, life decides to sprinkle some good amount of bad events for her which ends up making her hate herself. Also, her ex-boyfriend is back to take his revenge. How will she get out of this sticky situation? Will she be able to love herself and not just her soul mates?

Hanna_Park_6134 · Teenager
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10 Chs

School starts

The next day I woke up quite early. It was just six a.m. I guess the jet-lag wore off pretty quick. I couldn't go back to sleep, so I decided to just wake up. After taking a quick shower and getting changed into a simple half-sleeved blue shirt with a paw print in the middle and a pair of boyfriend jeans, I made my way to the garden I failed to tour yesterday due to fatigue.

The air outside seemed even fresher than yesterday maybe because it was a calm, chilly morning. It wasn't cold though. After inhaling some fresh air through deep breaths, I made my way to the back of the house where the garden was. The different flowers blooming there emitted such sweet fragrances, I wanted to just stay there forever. Alas, I couldn't.

The few dew drops on the flower enhanced their beauty making me want to capture it. So, without wasting a second I took out my phone and photographed them. Photography is also one of my hobbies, so I get eager to click photos if I find something worth capturing.

The sun was just rising, making the sky glow with a pinkish-orange hue. It made perfect background for pictures. I couldn't help myself and took some self-pics too. I need to upload on star-gram to satisfy my 100K followers anyways. I know, I'm famous. I mentally flipped my hair.

I noticed a swing in the garden too. I was below my balcony so I must've missed it while exploring from above the day before. I sat on the swing while talking to Alex for almost an hour. We talked about how I was doing and about the environment here. He told me how much he missed me and how life got boring for him there.

He also said he became friends with the new twin siblings who moved to my old house and how the girl twin was like me which made him miss me more. After an hour, I asked him to go to bed since it was late there and I went to have breakfast.

I spent half of the day unpacking my stuff and settling in. I cooked lunch since dad and mom were still busy unpacking. After lunch, dad took us to my grandparents' house, which was not very far, just a three minute walk away. Grandpa and grandma both were happy to see us, more me though. They loved me very much and took every chance to spoil me since I was the only child of their eldest son.

There was a girl there, who my grandparents introduced me to as their neighbor's child, Ally, who was also half American like me. We became friends real quick, which was surprising since I was an introvert. We just clicked like we had some pre-life connection. She apparently went to the school which I was supposed to join from the next day and also was in the same grade as me.

We exchanged numbers before I returned home so we could talk later and bond. After dinner, I got all my stuff for school ready so the next day I wouldn't have to stress and can wake up late. I was just about to sleep when I got a text from Ally who said she wanted to introduce me to her friend Aria or Ari for short. She added me into a group chat consisting three of us.

Just like with Ally, I became friends with Ari real quick even though we hadn't even seen each other in person. We talked and bonded till midnight. Time seemed to pass quickly while talking to them.

I was super excited to start my new life here with them. We all agreed to walk together to school tomorrow since we lived close by and they also came to an agreement about showing me around there to familiarize me with the students and help me catch up with the studies I missed.

It seems like I've always belonged here. I'm really grateful for my new friends. Whoever is watching from up there, please look out for my friends and family. I wish to be happy. With these thoughts, I drifted off to dreamland.

The next morning, I woke up exactly on time. I took a quick shower and got ready for school. The school uniform was nice but it would take time to get used to. Back home, we didn't have uniforms and the skirt is really short for my liking.

After getting ready, I had my breakfast and texted Ally and Ari that I was ready. They came to pick me up after five minutes. I bid my parents bye and left for school. I found my friends waiting for me at the gate. I greeted them.

"Hey, Ally and Ari. Good morning."

"Good morning, Maya. How come you're so cheerful this early in the morning?" replied Ally.

"Morning, Maya. It's good to finally meet you after texting for half night." Ari said chuckling a bit.

"It's good to see you too, Ari. And I'm just normal, Ally. You just find me cheerful 'cause you're still sleepy, aren't you?" I said.

"Was it that obvious? Ugh!" Ally groaned.

"Yeah, it was. Now, let's go. We don't want Maya to be late for her first day at school." Ari said more liked ordered being the mom of the group. She took this role "'cause it fits her more as she is the oldest out of the three of us." Her words exactly.

On the way, my new friends told that I was way too pretty for my own good and that I was lucky as well. I did not think of myself as pretty though. I consider my looks average and besides there are many beautiful people out there so even though others think I'm pretty, I remain humble.

In case of being lucky, I do agree with them. But, not completely since they meant I was lucky because my parents were successful and rich and I consider myself lucky because my parents are understanding and supportive.

They apologized about saying I was lucky since my parents were rich after I told them my opinion about it but Ari smacked my head in return of calling myself ugly. She really is like a mom, supportive and encouraging.

I also asked them to keep the information about my dad being the CEO of Hu entertainment a secret since I didn't want others to befriend me because of that. I had been hurt enough times because of that. They were sympathetic about that and also threatened to, quoted from Ally and Ari, break the person's nose if they so much as put a scratch on me.

I really am lucky to have friends like them, that too, in a foreign place.

The school wasn't very far from my house. Just a ten minute walk away. The school was really big though, to my surprise. The teachers and other students were really friendly and helpful. I had all my classes with Ally and Ari. The school day went very well.

Fate was really with me for this new part of my life I guess.