
Having World Famous Artists As My SoulMates (Moved to a new link)

A girl with big dreams of becoming an idol has the five membered group of idols as her soul mates. With her career going smoothly and life filled with good luck, she is living a happy life. However, life decides to sprinkle some good amount of bad events for her which ends up making her hate herself. Also, her ex-boyfriend is back to take his revenge. How will she get out of this sticky situation? Will she be able to love herself and not just her soul mates?

Hanna_Park_6134 · Teenager
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10 Chs

New City

Time flies. That's true, I guess. I feel like it was just yesterday when I became friends with Alex. Now look, we're already teens and a couple might I add. I feel really sad though. We just got together a day ago and now I'm leaving him and the place I've grown up in.

To say that I won't miss this place will be a lie. I've been here since as long as I can remember. I know so many people here. All of my friends and relatives, from my mom's side, are here. And I am close to them. Unlike most people who feel annoyed with their relatives, I don't. I love them very much, my uncles and aunts are like my parents and cousins are like the siblings I've never had.

After talking with Alex yesterday, we both agreed to contact each other every day. Even though the time difference will be a problem, we'll pull through. Now, I'm at the airport with my parents ready to leave to a new country that I know nothing about. Sigh.

Okay, I'm being dramatic. I do know some things about South Korea. Language won't be a problem since I've been learning some Korean through my dad and also the language classes for obvious reasons. I mean my dad's Korean and so are half of my relatives and my precious grandparents. I need to communicate with them somehow and learning new languages also happens to be one of my hobbies.

"Flight number 766 to South Korea is ready for departure. All the passengers of the flight, please proceed to gate 16."

That's the cue to my new life, which I didn't know, would be surprisingly interesting to say the least.

After a 17 hour long flight, me and my parents finally arrived to Seoul, South Korea. It was early evening there so, dad said that we would go to our new home first, freshen up, eat dinner and rest. And tomorrow we would unpack and also walk around a bit to familiarize ourselves with the society we would now be a part of.

The drive to our new home left me awed at the bustling and lively city. The surroundings were so beautiful that my jaw was hanging throughout the whole journey. I slept through the whole flight since it was night time when we departed from there, hence resulting in my active nature.

It took barely thirty minutes from the airport to reach our home. The house was a pretty big house considering it's only two storied. Our old house was also two storied but it was smaller than this one. This one could be called a mansion, actually. Like a typical mansion, this one had a huge gate which was opened by a guard, I guess, after identifying that it was my dad, mom and I in the car.

When we entered through the gate, there was a fountain in front of the house with water flowing through it. Dad asked the driver to park the car after we got out. The air there was different from the air back home. It seemed fresher and mixed with the scent of rain. Looks like it had rained a while ago.

"C'mon. Let's head inside." Dad called.

The inside of the house was also beautiful like the exterior. It had pristine marble flooring which looked like it was recently cleaned or more like polished and the ceiling rose way high up. That's why house looks like a mansion! Wow!

There was the living room on the left side and a door which lead to what looked like a emergency washroom on the right side. I said 'emergency' 'cause it literally on the right side of the main door, so it must be there for use if someone's leaving in a hurry and suddenly has to pee or take a dump.

I know. Smart, right?

Moving on, there was a office/study room for dad next to it. Oh! It must be for dad to use while he's working then. Idiot! Then, there was a open kitchen next to it. The kitchen looked like every modern kitchen and it had a monochromatic theme.

Now that I think about it, the whole house has a monochromatic and modern theme. No matter, I was excited to use the kitchen though. One of my hobbies is cooking and it looks like I will enjoy cooking in this kitchen a bit too much.

The living room had grey couches, all facing the large TV ahead and a tea table in front. There was a fluffy white rug under it. I liked it.

The staircase lead to the bedrooms and a guest room. The master bedroom was for my parents. The room opposite it was the guest room. Both were on the left side.

The right side from the staircase had only one room which was mine now. To my delight and surprise, the room has a balcony attached to it. The half floor to ceiling window/ door lead to the balcony which showed a beautiful view of the garden below which had a lot of flowers with a lot of my favorite, Roses. Also, the magnificent view of Seoul.

I will tour the garden after dinner.

My room was a bit bigger than the last one I had. This room had baby blue walls with white ceiling which reminded me of the sky. There was a queen-sized bed in the middle of the room with box like side tables next to it with star and heart shaped lamps. In front of the bed was a TV. Next to it was a door that lead to the bathroom.

The bathroom was like the same bathroom I had back home with a shower space which could fit two of me, a huge bathtub and the sink with plenty of counter space to keep my skincare products.

The walk-in closet was the next half of the floor to ceiling window/door which was as huge and spacious as the balcony. I really liked this new home.

I think I'll adapt here quite well. It already has a homey feeling. I already feel like I'm just returning home from a long visit to America. Maybe it's because I was born here and we immediately moved to America.

Mom then called me to have dinner. She ordered take out it seems. It would be tiring to cook after the long flight. Due to the jet-lag, I just ate dinner and immediately went to bed. I did message Alex to inform about my safe arrival though. The new environment didn't affect me at all and I knocked out almost immediately after my body relaxed into the comfy mattress.

That, my friends, was my first day in South Korea.