
Having World Famous Artists As My SoulMates (Moved to a new link)

A girl with big dreams of becoming an idol has the five membered group of idols as her soul mates. With her career going smoothly and life filled with good luck, she is living a happy life. However, life decides to sprinkle some good amount of bad events for her which ends up making her hate herself. Also, her ex-boyfriend is back to take his revenge. How will she get out of this sticky situation? Will she be able to love herself and not just her soul mates?

Hanna_Park_6134 · Teenager
Zu wenig Bewertungen
10 Chs


I was exhausted after six hours of school. Who wouldn't be? But the thought of Alex now being my boyfriend made me smile so wide that if someone saw me, they would think I was some psychotic person. I squealed and buried my face into my pillow.

It's a pity that we would only know if we are soul mates once we turn 18. Just two more years though. I can do it!

After squealing some more, I got up and changed into comfy clothes, practically throwing my school dress onto the floor. Then I went downstairs to have dinner after completing my homework. Yeah, I am a hardworking student. But, I still have fun. I'm not just into studying, I get bored too.

When I reached downstairs, my dad was there talking to mom. That was a rare occasion. My dad never really came home. For all I knew, he was always away on business trips considering he is a CEO of one of the top companies of South Korea. Yeah, he is Korean and my mom is American. Surprise!

I never really understood though, he is the CEO, he could have taken some time off for his family but whatever. He was working for us and he loved us. He is a good dad and husband and he never failed to show us how much we mattered to him on the rare occasions we got to see him.

"Dad!" I shouted excitedly and ran to hug him. I really missed him, he was gone for 4 months this time.

"Maya, missed me?" he asked hugging me back.

"Of course, I missed you. You were gone for so long this time." I whined. He chuckled at my behavior.

"Well, we will be together from now on. We're moving to South Korea, sweetie." he said making me freeze in his arms.

"What?" I pulled back from the hug. "South Korea? Why? When?"

"This weekend. I know this is short notice since weekend is a day away but, I forgot to tell you this. I was supposed to tell you this a week ago. I'm sorry. I was just really busy that it slipped out of my mind. We are permanently moving there. Start packing your things, sweetie."

"Why are we moving there though?"

"I know that your dream is to be an idol, dear. So, I thought you could audition to become a trainee at an agency there and work for your dream." he said smiling at me.

How did he know about that? I never told my dream to anyone except my mom. My mom- wait a minute!

I looked at my mom to see her smiling at me too and when our gazes met, she nodded. Tears were gathering in my eyes due to happiness. I could finally work for my dream. I was always worried they wouldn't want me to become an idol and work for our company instead but, I was clearly wrong. I soon started crying and hugged my parents feeling thankful to have parents as supporting as them.

I had dinner while talking to my parents about South Korea and life there. More like asking dad about the place and him answering my questions. After dinner, I helped mom to wash dishes and then went to my room upstairs to start packing. I then remembered about Alex and started worrying.

How am I supposed to explain it to him? Like a normal person? By talking? Well, yeah but, what about our relationship? Will it have to end as soon as it started? We can do long distance though. I hope he agrees.

Thinking that, I called him. He picked up immediately almost as if he was waiting for me to call.

"Hey girlfriend, wassup?" I blushed hearing him called me 'girlfriend' but snapped out of it immediately.

"Alex, uh, I need to tell you something. Could we meet at the park near your house?" I asked.

"Yeah, sure. See you there!"

After ending the call, I told my mom I was leaving to meet Alex and ran out of the house. He was already there when I reached and not wanting to prolong this anymore I directly blurted the words,

"I'm moving to South Korea this weekend."