
Having Fun In The Anime World

Amatu- Novic- Beginner writer here! (A/N: I made this just to put my ideas in a story. Plus this my first time writing a fan-fic story. I'm just writing for leisure.) Disclaimer: The other character in the story is not mine. It's from there rightful owner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mark save two kids before he die and meet the only god he believed and ever believed in. God given him the chance for a second life. At first reluctant but in the end he got his second chance in the world of anime!

ArcTachibana · Anime und Comics
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35 Chs

Transforming Furikake Gohan

Soma starts cooking. Erina was looking at his way of cooking to guess what dish Soma will be cooking. But until now she doesn't know what dish Soma was cooking, which Rinku tease her for it.

"What now the holder of the god tongue, let me guess you don't know what Soma was cooking huh?"

"Why, do you know what his cooking?" Erina looked at Rinku and asked.

"Of course I know, but a person like you who didn't know what food does a small diner have to offer won't know." Soma smirked and giggles when Rinku said that.

"What do you know? My tongue is not worth the bottom feeder of the food world, it can't be tainted by there food." Erina said haughtily.

"Being high and mighty I see, I bet you can't even analyze my food if you taste it." Rinku stated.

"Heh... you think you really think I can't do that? It's a god tongue which can taste and analyze everything in food." Erina haughtily said.

"Well I'll let you taste my food when Soma's done cooking his. I promise you the only one that can analyze my food is your mother." Rinku said confidently.

Erina was shocked to hear what Rinku said. Her mother is also the holder of the god's tongue but her mother's state became worst because of any food is not worth her eating anymore. Now she was being given nutrients to keep her alive through apparatus.

What Rinku said was true, Erina's god's tongue is not mature or grown enough to taste his ways in his dish, only her mother who was now a picky eater and much more experience can taste it an least he level up his cooking skill more.

Erina looked Rinku weirdly since what he said was truly unbelievable to her.

"Might as well start it mine. Since looks like Soma is making his families secret menu dish. He will take him few minutes to finish." Rinku then start getting his ingredients for a egg fried rice.

It's a easy to make food, Rinku starts cooking it. Erina observe Rinku but she didn't find anything amiss with the way he cooked. He looks doing a simple egg fried rice through in through.

She asked Soma about Rinku and Soma said; "That guy? His much stronger than me or my father. Every time they compete, Rinku always win and I know that he was not giving his all at all."

Erina now was curios who this Rinku guy is.

'Why do seems to be confident to say something like that? Looking at him making egg fried rice like it's nothing which is really not that hard to make. Is this really a food that my mother would eat?' Erina thought.

Finishing the plating, Rinku then give it to Erina.

"Here try it. You can have some to Hisako. Oi Soma I made some for you too, hurry up and finished yours."

"Thanks Rinku!" Soma said.

Erina looked at the egg fried rice in front of her she didn't know if she can eat this plain looking food. Rinku's food doesn't have the flair and mystery like Soma have.

But for some reason Erina was being pulled to it and was like the food is calling her to eat it. Not thinking anymore, Erina takes a bite, which shocked her real hard.

'This- how?!! How in the world such a taste exist!? I can't... I can't tell what's in it. I feel like I'm eating rainbows.' Erina thought.

"You! How did you make this? This taste... it doesn't exist! How? Is this really your run on the mill egg fried rice?" Erina was losing it.

"Relax, the taste exist, there's a certain number of people that can do it, it's just that your not that good enough to find out anything." Rinku smiles and eats his portion. Erina was still looking at his plate full of rice.

Looking at the shocked and can not believe expression of Erina, Hisako gulps at the plate that was in front of her. When she takes the first bite, she suddenly felt she was not in this world. Her head was in the clouds.

Unknowingly to them, both of them finished there portions and the plate was clean as white.

Realizing that there's no more food, Erina stops and process what just happened right now.

'How? I really can't analyze anything at all! Is what he said really the truth?' Erina thought.

"How did you do it? I can't even tell any ingredients while tasting it but I know for a fact it's a egg fried rice." Erina looked at Rinku with curiosity.

"I'm just that talented. If your that surprised already at my cooking then, you'll get a heart attack when I got serious." Rinku said confidently without being embarrassed.

"And if your that weak at surprises then you should be ready for Soma's dish. His dish will be fun than my simple fried rice here. Even though he still weaker than his father, if given time, he will be coming to challenge me at the top eventually." Rinku made sure Soma didn't hear what he said.

Erina was surprise to see that he was confident at Soma's talent.

'Hmp, I admit that his cooking is at the pinnacle and no one can match him but to say that this guy right there can fight him in the future at the top is making no sense. All I can see is lowly cook at bottom of the food world. I'll be the one will challenge you' Erina thought while looking at Rinku.

But Rinku was thinking the other way around; 'Of course she will be shocked again, that will be her first time tasting something like that so she will be shock again I guess.'

After long time of waiting, Soma was done cooking. And the same time it gives Erina a time to relax herself but she can't stop thinking the taste.

"Yukihira's Secret Menu Number 8! Furikake Gohan (rice with dried food sprinkled on it)." Soma presented his dish.

Getting back her bearings, as she was still the holder of the god tongue. Pushing her thought at the back of her head, she was back at her judge like appearance, ready to judge. Looking at the plain food, Erina was pissed to see the plain looking food.

"Don't screw with me! What is this? This is such a waste of time." Erina was ready to leave and to learn how Rinku made his dish but Soma stop her.

"Of course it's not a normal Furikake. You haven't seen it's true form yet." Soma said.

"What I made is a "Transforming" Furikake Gohan."

"What do you mean?" Erina looks back at him and asked.

Soma takes the bowl of egg that he cooked and showed it to her, which surprised her to see that there's something hiding behind the eggs.

"Now take a look, it's true form will be seen when you put the this on top of the rice." Soma then puts the egg with the cube like gelatin on the hot rice.

The hot rice melted the gelatin like cubes which coated the egg and rice, after that a aroma of chicken that was been simmered slowly over time was wafting in the air.

Curiosity was seen in the eyes of Erina, she wants to know what will be the taste like.

"I'll give it just one bite. If you want it to be judge, hand over the dish." Erina declared.

Soma smiles in giving the bowls a last touch and giving it to Erina.

Taking a bite, Erina stops to savoring it but surprised her when she did that.

'I forgot to judge it and just tasted it...' Taking more for a second bite but she heard Soma talking.

"Eh... I thought you said you'll just take a single bite." Soma was amused.

"Do you have any complaints about that?" Erina was flashed with a hue on her cheeks.

"I was just kidding, take your time to eat." Soma smiles at her and said.

I know many of you want's to defy Erina's outlook of the culinary world. But I ain't going to right about a harsh chapter about that since her father was the one who puts it on her head. The ideas that she haves now came from him.

Though I did right someting like that but I scraped it.

ArcTachibanacreators' thoughts