
Having Fun In The Anime World

Amatu- Novic- Beginner writer here! (A/N: I made this just to put my ideas in a story. Plus this my first time writing a fan-fic story. I'm just writing for leisure.) Disclaimer: The other character in the story is not mine. It's from there rightful owner. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mark save two kids before he die and meet the only god he believed and ever believed in. God given him the chance for a second life. At first reluctant but in the end he got his second chance in the world of anime!

ArcTachibana · Anime und Comics
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35 Chs

Second chance!

"Come on now young soul, yes that's me."



"Ahm... Are you not going to ask about the second chance that I told you"

"No I don't want that."


"Living is such a hassle. Since high school I already wanted to die like this, anyways."

"Even if I give you a powerful system?"

Mark pause a bit but he says "Nope!"

"I'll even give you a powerful body that doesn't get sick at all and you can customize the looks and parts of your body."


"No-nope!" Mark feels like he is being tested and being bewitched. "Look man, I don't want to be living again. Living sucks. Those sleepless night, can't get a good sleep, you know it's hard. I always wanted the feeling of having no worries and that I could feel like sleeping in a cloud never going to wake up. Always having those problem when I got older and older. I always wanted to be a kid again having no problems, have no care in the world. But sadly that's not how life goes."

"... I'll give you a skill that can help with that... life problem of yours. "

"And look, I'll even reincarnate you to the world of anime. And be honest, I know that you know that I know the real reason for you wanting to die, okay? After all I'm a powerful being, not even the those god you know can't even get to know me. Anyways, do you accept?"

Knowing that this perso- no, this powerful being here knows the real reason he wanted to die, Mark's accepted it but he was curious of why this being is very generous to him "I-... I accept! But why are you this generous to me, you given me many things."

"Well believe it or not, I'm considered a god for some reason. You might already know something since you are connected to me and literally the only god you believe in. I was the one creating all this things in this world. Of course other god did make something on there own but they will not be existing right now if I didn't created them. In short I'm the most powerful of all things and living, the creator of all of that existing!"

"Though many worship and believe me, many of them still worship other gods, and me, I don't really care much since I'm already this powerful. The only believer that have connection with me is you. And because of the heroic sacrifice you did after you die, you where supposed to be rewarded but the gods in your world doesn't like that much. Since your the only believer I got of course I'm the one whose going to reward you. And of course I'll give you this much because I'm a creator, I can create anything!"

Mark now knows and was surprised about the new found information "So that's how it is."

"Is there any other things you want to request of me?

"None" Mark answered.

"Good! Now that's out of the way, are you ready to reincarnate?"


"Okay! Goodbye now young soul or should I say, be blessed in your next life Mark."

"Wait! I don't even know your name yet!"

"Just call me old man next time, you don't have the qualification to know it yet! Haha!" the old man laughs.

While Mark was fading he smiled and muttered "Thanks old man!" then Mark was gone.

The smile on the old man's face was gone when Mark disappeared, regret can be seen in his face. Remembering what his assistant Lock said to him earlier.

"To think that the only believer I have was cursed. Sigh, he even prayed to me and he worship me so much in his life time. And yet I didn't even noticed it. Is this why many believers of mine gone to other lower gods."

"Hias I'm so sorry young soul, I couldn't be the god that you can depend on and that the real reason why I'm so generous to you is because of the regret of not helping you."

"To think he was cursed by the cursed of lonesomeness. A curse that have people naturally avoid you, friends don't talk to you, family doesn't care much of you, living on your own since early high school, the only people who cares for you dies, people you knew talks to you like your a stranger to them. Such a cruel curse for a human who needs closeness to other people. I'm even surprised he didn't break... well I guess he almost break."

"Because of this kind of environment people's emotion will start to go deeper, and deeper as it became ice cold. To think he hang on till the end of his life not committing suicide. It's maybe because of anime that he didn't go crazy."

"Well that's all that I could give him. I hope he will be happy like he used to when he was a kid. Well I should get back in making a new things again and fill up this nothingness."

The old man then disappeared.


Mark who was inside the womb of his mother.

[Hello host! I'm your personal system. About your body host, do you want to change something?]

"Yes make my body slim, make my muscles compact and lean, and make my little brother not little if you know what I mean."


[How about your face host? Do you want to change something?]

"Make it as the same as Alastor's human face. You can see it in my memory if you want."

[...Done! See if this is the desire body host wants. If it is, this body will be the teen to adult appearance of your body.]

After taking a quick look Mark said "Yes! It's perfect!"




"Ah system? How long before I get to born?"

[6 more months.]

"System show me my status."

[Yes host!]


[Name: null(former name: Mark Lesney)

Age: 4 months old

Gender: Male

Race: Human

Strength: --

Magic: 50

(Other stats locked)

Inventory: 1

Skills: 4]

Big fan of Hazbin hotel and Helluva boss. You guys should also watch it!

ArcTachibanacreators' thoughts