
Hating You, Loving You More

I often asked myself why I didn’t like to show my feelings for him. It’s been a decade to look forward to his tantalizing heart, yet a thorny heart craved to push him to the dark clouds which help me to totally forget him. Can’t imagine, I have been infatuated with his precious face and enticing eyes since high school, however, I feel afraid to reveal it for him. A million nights to cast back his seductive face, which turned my life into a beautiful star, no matter how terrible the night is. But the moment to meet him, which courageously displayed my anger at him. I could not explain why, his personality likes a lofty wind, however I was not captivated by that. Indeed, I treated him like a tiger most of the time, till he got mad at me in the University. Countless nights of thinking about him, which made me insane to cast back how crazy I am. I wanted to die just to totally forget him, nor to feel hatred to think about him. However, my heart longed to meet my dreams, can’t deny, he’s part of my dreams. One day, I trudged inside the campus where the guy hit my silver eyeglass which totally broke. Looking back, I have been taking care of it since I was a young. This is actually expensive like how I loved him, indeed I can’t buy this anywhere, except my daddy who made it before he died. I trembled in my cells while staring at him, the moment the guy ceaselessly asked for an apology to me. I wanted to accept, since I have been putting my heart for him secretly, as expensive as it is. However, I felt enraged in front of him,” sorry, sorry, sorry,” I never listened to his words anymore,” you broke my day, you could not heal it,” I could not imagine how terrible my face was. Endlessly the guy apologized to me, I said to him,” stop saying like that,” then I slapped his face many times. That time, the guy hugged me tightly, which quaked my feelings for him. Nevertheless, I walked out from the man, since I don’t want to unconsciously reveal my hidden feelings. I wanted to die and carry his love to the unexpected planet, so I made up my mind to transfer to Ateneo University, where I met the other guy, who healed my feelings to the man, whom I loved the most. However, my heart has been longing forward to meet and be heard by feelings for. Every time I looked at the mirror, I saw his tempting face, which pulled my feet to go back to the University, where I met him before. I don’t want to force myself to be loved by his enticing heart, but I wanted to reveal how I often got mad at him since high school. Would I still meet and be heard my feelings for him? Letting you know that she’s a lovely girl, indeed many men have been longing for her tantalizing heart. Her name is Kaye, who did not have a family to financially support her. With the help of her effulgent mind, it was the reason why she's about to finish her medical course in the University. In her life, there were many storms, which never ceased to slap her way. With that, she wanted to be loved to someone whom she put in her silver heart. However, she felt enraged to face him, except if the hot man faded to her eyes, indeed the moment she unexpectedly saw him in the fast-food chain where she trembled her eyes. Under the counter, she loved him more than herself, no matter what the wave was, putting her life to the zoo, where decried a peculiar man, whom she has been putting in her dreams. A ravishing guy sighted at Kaye’s actions, which made him construct an objective meaning, based on what the eyes saw at the shaking body, while he looked at her. To know more about him, his name is Denver, a handsome guy, who studied in the prestigious University where he met Kaye, whom he never understood her treatment. Every time he found some broken glasses, casted it back on the woman whom he broke the glass with, so he wanted to meet and pay the amount of that glass. Believing that it is worth one billion dollars, yet he’s willing to pay for it. Do you think Kaye would accept it?

Awriter_literary · Teenager
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8 Chs

Chapter 7 Kaye felt Denver's romantic hands

A day filled with blooming flowers after I attached my feelings for Kaye, That would have never faded, even if everything seemed like a dark moon. I could not imagine the feelings of the woman, whom I fell in love with. She has been hating me in the form of love, since then. Before the sunset might have emerged, I went to meet her in the cinema, where I was watching some romantic films, while having a second date with Kaye. 

Usually, Kaye, I rejected some invitations, but when Denver sent his messages to me," babe, let us explore the symphony of our love in the film, would you be there with me?" Then, I replied," sure, I can give thy time for you." The moment I saw it, an ending feeling, I was attached to his side.

Araiza, I got furious after knowing that Denver had left in the apartment. Looking at the sky, I saw the story which has been attached by Denver's hands. So, I wanted to visit in the film where he played the story. That would remain unforgettable to me, till I die. That time, Denver, I felt chuffed staying by my side with Kaye, who had a wonderful time with me. Though I casted back Araiza, who stood up over my arms, but after attaching my feelings for Faye, I could not delete it. 

A dark clutched them together in the cinema while watching the story," hating you, loving you." Both of them could relate to it, since Kaye hated him the most, and Denver loved her through finding a woman, so that Kaye got mad at him.

While I sat my chairs beside Denver's chair, I kept on having eye-on the weather eye on his sincerity. Denver's eyes endless watched my arms, which tempted me to forever fall in love with him. Due to cold air-conditioning, I asked him about my side," do you have a jacket?" I asked him congenially.

And then, a soft voice asked," can I borrow your jacket?" I replied to her. My hands can cover you," and then, I let her wear my jacket, whoever can wear it. A woman would be getting insane in my heart, if she couldn't have worn it again.

The moment I started wearing it, I felt Denver's tantalizing hands to me, which sweetly hugged my arms. So far, I enjoyed the time watching the movies with her. So, I let him know," the experience that I had with you, is more than heaven, I never had expected to have it with you." Then, Denver kissed my face, which impeccably gripped my heart to consider him as number one and only guy in my life.

And then, I replied after kissing her fetching face," spending my night with you is more than the stars which I have been dreaming to have. Letting you know, you are the undying star to my eyes, even if the darkness blocked my eyes, you are the only in my eyes." I hugged her over sweet hands which clutched at her saccharine body, which made me seductive to gripped by.

That night, Araiza, I felt clumsy shifting my feet entering the floor. I liked the film, it was so romantic. Like how Denver hugged me in the lovely zoo. I missed him so much, I could not pull him out, since I already put him in my memory, but how to find him? 

When I turned my eyes to the right side, I was enticed by the man who kissed the woman. But my eyes never got mistaken, a guy was Denver, a feeling shuddered to look at him. I don't have the right to prohibit him, but I could not hold onto my feelings for him. So, I approached them, filled with trembling her teeth.

Face like a tiger," hey girl, how are you related to this guy?" I asked her sternly.

The moment I hugged Denver's breast, I heard a trembling tooth which pulled out my arms to hug the guy. So, I faced her," he's my boyfriend," I said to Araiza. But a sharp hand slapped at me," stop dating him, he's the guy who produced one child for me. Would you confirm it, Denver?" I asked him.

Denver never answered Araiza's question, since he also had a little feeling for her. But he couldn't abandon Kaye's image, since he almost carried her to heaven. While Araiza pulled Kaye in Denver's arms, it was the main reason why Kaye got mad at her.

A withered voice," stop slapping my face,"  I said to her. Even if Araiza never listened to me. I often heard it from him," don't trust this guy because he already took me to the hotel. Do you want to watch this video?" And I pulled Araiza after knowing that," why are you so disrespectful? It's not my intention to do that, I did not know what you did to me that night. "Then, I carried Araiza's hands outside of this cinema.

However, a loud voice smirked to me," once you would not take your obligation to me, I'll forever harm you." Then, I slapped her face which made Araiza shut up.

Araiza, I often get hurt by his hands,  but I am not tired of waiting for his love for me. So, I let him know," don't carry me, I would continue to slap Kaye, who had a huge face," I told him.

Then, I replied to her,"Let your heart be calmed. I loved her the most, indeed the person who hurt her, she's my forever enemy." I said to Araiza while she stared madly at me.

A sharp hand gripped at his hands," do put this statement in your ears, I will destroy your relationship, once you would not go back to me."  Then, I left by his side filled with traumatic feelings.

I could not imagine how Tiger the woman was,  I felt pity for what I did to her, however I already bridged my heart with Kaye. So, I shifted my feet to the room where I left her. After knocking the door, I saw in my eyes that the woman whom I loved the most. Also, I cried instead of giving my precious kiss to her. I let her know" let my heart to grip you, baby. It's not my intention to hurt you. Honestly speaking, her video with me is true, but she's the reason why I got her virginity." I said to her faithfully.

And I looked at Denver's face which narrated sincerely what the girl did to him. I absorbed what he has been doing since then. However I couldn't imagine why I still loved him, since Araiza already took him. So, I uttered my response to him. 

"I am not a perfect woman, but letting you know, I have never been touched by anyone, though George has been pledging his love to me." I said to him while I cried.

Looking at her, I could not gripped the water in my eyes," though the girl already took me sometime. But I often loved you in my heart," then, I hugged Kaye's body, letting her know how precious my love for her was.

The moment Denver hugged my arms, I fell down the storm in my heart. But a precious feeling that I could feel from his arms. So, I attempted to pull it out, while in Denver, I carried her to the place where to wipe Kaye's tears.

That time, I let the woman know my heart was ready to bring her into the world of marriage. Letting her know that I already constructed a house and business, where to live with her. Believing that, after taking their nuptial, Araiza could not hurt Kaye anymore.

Do you think Araiza would stop to hurt her?